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Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review)

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1Sovereign - Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) Empty Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:07 am



Pros: Very beautiful Mezco Batman design, the costume seems to be made of durable material, body is very well articulated, there's a ton of wonderful accessories to play with, the headsculpts are really detailed and unique.

Cons: Non-wired cape so you'll have to use the weird clips that comes with the stand if you want to pose the cape, ab-crunch and ankle rockers don't have much range, one head mysteriously has short bat-ears.

Full Review Here Smile

Sovereign - Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) 02-tray

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Sovereign - Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) 09-brucehead

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#Mezco #Sovereign #Knight #Batman #Review

Toys Are Wonderful! - Fun with toys, dolls and all sorts of things!


Founding Father
Really cool shots. That last one is particularly effective and atmospheric.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Sovereign - Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) C8485110


Thanks haha Very Happy

Toys Are Wonderful! - Fun with toys, dolls and all sorts of things!


Founding Father
Thanks for the review. Looks like a great set, not to mention very nicely presented. For what it is worth, some of the images were not loading for me on your site.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
GubernatorFan wrote:For what it is worth, some of the images were not loading for me on your site.

Yeah, I had that issue, also.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Sovereign - Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) C8485110


Ah yes, the site's having problems tonight, sometimes they'll load, but if you refresh, suddenly they're gone and vice versa haha oh well good night Smile

Toys Are Wonderful! - Fun with toys, dolls and all sorts of things!

7Sovereign - Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) Empty Re: Mezco Sovereign Knight Batman (Review) Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:30 pm


Despite the 'cons', it looks really nice in your photos, especially paired with the Superman. Thanks for the review!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

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