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Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand

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51hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:07 am


GubernatorFan wrote:Who knew one would learn so much about horses on an action figure forum? Thanks Christina and Sky!

Indeed... so effortlessly along the lines... edutainment Very Happy

but now I am afraid I will wonder about horses being appropriately sized when watching movies in the future alien (or whether it is ok to have a figure ride a shire rather than buying a carriage for the poor beast... )

52hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:22 pm


Founding Father
What a fun photo, Christine. I haven’t been on a horse since I was 17, but I still remember how much fun it was. We had three when I was a kid, but sadly my parents sold them, and the farm, a couple years after they tossed my trouble-making butt out of the house (yes, I deserved it, and no I don’t hate them for it).

53hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:25 pm


Heh, I think it’s inevitable once you get into a particular ‘thing’ that you’ll judge it extra harshly in media! I couldn’t tell you if a particular type of firearm or vehicle is appropriate for the country or time period but I can definitely let you know if the horse or tack is wrong! XD (there was much grumbling from a lot of my horsey friends when the new live action Mulan film came out as the horse in the poster was wearing a decidedly modern bridle that wasn’t invented until around the 19th/20th century, and certainly not ancient China! Not to mention the fact the actual breed of horse was totally wrong too but that’s another story...)

That entire riding holiday with the beach ride was a bit of a disaster tbh as the yard we stayed at had little regard for safety and put complete novices on very strong and bolshy mounts with no brakes. I’d been riding for about nine years at that point so I wasn’t inexperienced, but I felt decidedly unsafe on some of their horses. There were multiple falls by other folk; including one by my friend who we’re pretty sure now ended up with a concussion and lasting neck damage but they refused to take her to hospital to get checked out which in hindsight should have been our cue to gtfo but we were only 16 and didn’t know any better.
The one saving grace of the place was that we got to go on two beach rides at Lindesfarne and it was absolutely spectacular.

I’m quite a nervous rider and all the horses they’d put me on that week were very fresh and excitable (turned out it was primarily a hunting yard so none of the horses were what you’d normally find at a riding school!) I asked if they could give me the quietest, most unflappable horse they had...and that was Jazz. She was in her early twenties at this point and seemed really sweet and calm so I thought I’d be absolutely fine. We unloaded them on the beach and she immediately got super excited so we spent the next few hours bombing off in all directions as she just wanted to go fast and I didn’t get much say in the matter! Laughing
There were loads of us on the ride so we split into two groups and went for a gallop. I’d never had the opportunity to gallop before so I was really looking forward to it, and so was Jazz apparently as she took off before everyone else and I had the most exhilarating few seconds of just flying ahead, wind in my hair, salt on the breeze, it was magical...right up until all the bigger horses overtook us and Jazz was like ‘oh F that, I can’t be bothered now’ and dropped back to trot. Laughing The walk of shame back to the rest of the ride was so embarrassing, but at least someone managed to get a photo beforehand! Laughing

hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 3044446054_722b920f58_zCantering on the beach by Christine Sutcliffe, on Flickr

54hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:57 pm


Founding Father
I would have never guessed you were at the mercy of that sweet horse, Christine, but I'm glad it all worked out for you without anything worse than "a walk of shame." That is still a lot more riding than I've ever done. On a horse. Bulls, that's another matter. Who am I kidding, I was trying to be funny. Although apparently I have ridden on the shoulders of a general when I was a kid. Long story.

DarthStryker was a trouble maker!? Smile

Illusion, I will try to keep the historical accuracy chatter to a minimum, lest on top of ruining cinematic horses for you, we ruin "historical" dramas. The quotation marks being the operative "word." Smile

55hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:33 pm


Lynkhart -- oh goodness, yes, in the context I can see how that would be rather more scary than just a funny incident! Sorry that they were so careless with your group's health and safety, that's awful. Glad you had a few exhilarating moments, though, however brief. And that's a gorgeous photo. :')

Re: horse-related historical (in)accuracy in media -- ha, yeah, I can't help but notice it too, but at this point I just have to have try to have suspension of disbelief or I'd never be able to watch anything. Razz Same goes for the majority of costumes in 'historical' movies and shows....when it comes to the medieval period, especially, I've rarely ever seen anything get it quite right. o.O

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

56hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:45 pm


GubernatorFan wrote:...

Illusion, I will try to keep the historical accuracy chatter to a minimum, lest on top of ruining cinematic horses for you, we ruin "historical" dramas. The quotation marks being the operative "word." Smile

Laughing ... just chat along.... Laughing

biggest drama about historical dramas is probably quite often the setting, equipment, outfits...
but as I don't know much about any of that I just merrily focus on the story Very Happy

Working tomorrow for a better today.

57hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:34 am


Yeah, he's a bit small, but still a very nice looking horse. Plus, works well for a cute beachy scene or with Ezio. By the way, great job with those backgrounds and love the Romans.

58hanoverian - Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr Z Hanoverian Horse in Hand Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:45 pm


Founding Father
Illusion wrote: biggest drama about historical dramas is probably quite often the setting, equipment, outfits...
but as I don't know much about any of that I just merrily focus on the story Very Happy

That is actually a healthier attitude, and much more promising when it comes to getting the enjoyment out of entertainment.

ZombieTestSubject wrote:Yeah, he's a bit small, but still a very nice looking horse. Plus, works well for a cute beachy scene or with Ezio. By the way, great job with those backgrounds and love the Romans.

Thank you kindly. I'm happy you liked them.

I'll be back!

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