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NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer

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Founding Father
The Collectible Figurine special features:
-Two detailed Head sculpts,each piece of head sculpt is specially hand painted
-One(1)neutral head scuplt
-Body with over 30points of articulations
-Approximately 30CM tall
-Eight(8)pieces of interchangeable palms including:
-One(1)pair of fists
-One(1)pair of open palms holding stick
-One(1)pair of relax palms
-One(1)pair of open palms holding eyesglasses

-One(1)grey coat
-One(1)white shirt
-One(1)pair of black pants with black belt
-One(1)pair of black shoes

-One(1)red eyesglasses
-One(1)black eyesglasses
-One(1)figure stand

Release Date:3th Quarter 2019


SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 1900
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 1a13
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 1b11
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 2360
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 2a13
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 3260
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 3a15
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer 4237

#newproduct #SooSooToys #HeroLawyer #Netflix #male #Matt #comicbook


Founding Father
Ah, finally figured out who it is supposed to be -- at first it seemed familiar but I was drawing a blank, perhaps in part because I don't watch that show. And since I don't, I can't really comment. SooSoo does good work, so hopefully this is no exception.

I'll be back!


There's controversy on this one:

Nut Pizs shared a post.
11 mins

Please don’t buy this figure. He stole my file and did some tweaks on it. He think I cannot remember. I took several month to make this sculpt. There’s no reason that I cannot remember it. Soosoo Toys

Please don’t support them. I will cooperate withy colleague to make a full set of this character in the future. Thank you so much.

Kit Chen also reported that SooSoo stole one of Eleven's sculpts.


How can you steal a file?
Or perhaps he was commissioned by the company then wasn't compensated?


rollotomasi wrote:How can you steal a file?
Or perhaps he was commissioned by the company then wasn't compensated?

I don't know how they got hold of it, but Eleven claimed that SooSoo did the same with his Constantine sculpt.

Their modus operandi is following the works of creators like Eleven and releasing the product first, thereby claiming it to be their own work.

If I remember correctly, SooSoo posted that Eleven had copied their original instead.


This was the story last year:

Kit Chen

21 December 2018 ·

Get some popcorn ready! 🍿

SooSoo Toys recently posted some negative remarks about Eleven, claiming he copied their ‘Paranormal Detective’ sculpt - which of course is untrue. Eleven doesn’t like drama and usually stays quiet, but after this, I decided to tell the whole story, which has been on my mind for years.

SooSoo first contacted Eleven to develop a head sculpt for their 1st figure ‘QS.’ It was a successful project I assume, so Eleven handled production. Afterwards, SooSoo started their 2nd project ‘Figure F.’ and asked Eleven to paint it. No sculpt development - Eleven only handled painting.

Eleven told SooSoo that the F headsculpt was bad. He attempted to paint it and gave SooSoo feedback about how to revise the sculpture. Soosoo made amendments, then stopped communication once they thought the head was good enough. Eleven wasn’t aware, as he was busy, but not long after that, Eleven noticed the amended F head sculpt appeared in other places/factories. He was really pissed that his contribution to the development went uncompensated, but he just cut contact with SooSoo and did nothing afterwards.

So SooSoo not only owes an apology for this, but also sampling cost of F head sculpt. They took Eleven's effort and found a factory to copy his work just to save maybe $1 per head in production.

SooSoo’s recent accusation about the ‘Paranormal Detective’ asks why Eleven blocked him, and implies that Eleven is somehow avoiding SooSoo - but as I remember, Eleven told me SooSoo blocked him a year ago

This is just the beginning of the whole story. He is a ****ing rat and betrayer, but Eleven doesn’t care. It’s interesting that SooSoo has followed every project that Eleven begins, and I don’t believe this is coincidence.

So, according to SooSoo’s recent accusation, he assumes Eleven took his ‘Paranormal Detective’ sculpt and copied it. But now you can look back the L figures SooSoo did, released shortly after Eleven. SooSoo asked me for free head for his own collection , but of course I know it's not just for collection. SooSoo told sculptor to sculpt based on Eleven's head sculpts. They even try to save $30 keep asking stores to send him free eleven heads. Maybe this is how SooSoo claims to “develop all from $0"

SooSoo tried to approach artists/reviwer/photographers - everyone who cooperated with me/Eleven. I don't really understand why he tried so hard to follow us. Eleven never hurt him and he is the one who stole Eleven's work in the beginning.

I’ve been angry with SooSoo for a long time, but I kept my mouth shut until SooSoo’s recent accusation. I don't give a **** about them, but now I think I should tell the story, even if Eleven doesn't want to.


Founding Father
Interesting. Thanks for sharing, Asta. Sadly, this is not a unique situation in our hobby. How many sculpts, etc., have been bootlegged by Redman over the years...


He who dies with the most toys wins!

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SooSooToys: 1/6 scale Hero Lawyer C8485110


Stryker2011 wrote:Interesting. Thanks for sharing, Asta. Sadly, this is not a unique situation in our hobby. How many sculpts, etc., have been bootlegged by Redman over the years...

SooSoo have apparently crossed over into Molecule8 territory, in commissioning work/assistance without paying for it. This became a feud last year when SooSoo came out with a Facebook post claiming Eleven had taken their work. Though it backfired on them when more information was made public.


Wow, asking for a free headsculpt from retailers for his nefarious plans... what a low life cheapskate!
Karma's just around the corner.


Quite a shame since the figure looks nice, especially the headsculpt of course "cough" "cough"

I followed the first problem that appeared in instagram about the paranormal detective headsculpt, and sadly even if a majority of longtime collectors flagged Soosoo toys were injustly accusing Eleven when it was the exact opposite going on, A large number just applauded and backed up soosoo toys in their comments, some even trying to start a boycott... Really a shameless company, and they are not the only one, not so far ago molecule8 had the same kind of behavior.


Aw man, I was actually somewhat happy about seeing this one here at first. Cause I thought it was nice to encounter a version of him without the suit/mask, where you could properly see Charlie Cox's face. Alas...

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father

Of course, there are those that say that since neither is actually licensed that nobody has a case anyway. The waters around the good ship 1/6 get ever murkier it would seem....



The debacle carries on sadly, it's now Asmus toy's turn, they just published on twitter and instagram that "viper studio" had stolen their work on gandalf. Actually Asmus first hired Viper studios but things got out of hands during the development, so the partnership didn't happen in the end. Now Viper is producing a "white pilgrim" headsculpt on his own (200pcs are already on sale)... Asmus is pressing charges against Viper as the number of headsculpts produced by them is too important to be taken as "garage kit", and for intellectual property infringement since they own the license for lord of the rings.

While as a customer and a collector I am always happy to see affordable offers, I think it's a good thing that major companies step up to "clean" a little the business that is getting dirtier everyday.

And sadly I believe a lot of "custom artists" helped creating that new business trend. They all surf on the "garage kit" concept, they all infringe copyrights and licenses, and on top of that they charge outrageous prices... Having small factories doing the same was just a matter of time, and their business model is far more efficient since they don't hide behind a forged rarity to do crazy prices, on the contrary, the short runs protect them from being caught, and the fair prices make the production sell in a glimpse of eye...

@skywalkersaga I feel just like you, I wanted that figure really bad since the show first aired, and I will grab it for sure... After all nobody but hot toys has an official license to make it, so whoever soosootoys or eleven did it first, they are both illegal. (something they should all keep in mind before crying when their work gets stolen)


You make a good point, blackpool. It's understandable in Asmus' case that they would take major issue with that, because they do own the actual license. With these other situations, while it is frustrating from an artistic standpoint for the original sculptors/creators, there is not exactly much legal foot they can stand on. As you say, they are essentially 'bootlegs of bootlegs'. And I'm with you in appreciating a knock-off now and then, because often times it's the only way to get a character or certain version of a character, especially at an affordable price. But also of course I understand how easily this sort of thing can get out of hand... such as people charging ridiculous prices for unlicensed figures or kits. 

But yeah, in the case of the above figure, the only other way we'd ever get something like this is if Hot Toys put out an unmasked version of Daredevil, and I find that rather unlikely. They don't seem to be all that bothered with making figures of the [former]Netflix Marvel shows, and instead concentrate on the ever popular and oversaturated blockbuster films. For me that is frustrating, as I preferred the Netflix Marvel content, which is why I found it refreshing to see this one. If only there were a better Elektra figure or headsculpt to go along with it!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Then cheer up, just before Murdock, Soosoo toys announced the netflix elektra, quite basic, but I'll definitely grab her (plus they didn't get any complaints yet about that one)
I'm totally with you on the netflix version, it's by far my favorite version of marvel character over all the other movies, and I really enjoyed the other movies, but DD had a special taste and a high respect for strong comicbook references, often very accurate, I was sold from episode one lol.

Btw, important development in the matt murdock affair, while the original sculptor "Nutpizs" remains totally silent, some of his backers published pictures on instagram of his original work next to soosoo product, and honestly there is nothing in common in those two sculpts, just like the constantine case, it seems that it's more about bad buzz and reputation attacks than about real theft...


Aw, yeah, I feel like tv series in general have much more time to get into interesting backstory and character development stuff, not to mention little plot details. The episodic nature of television also seems to be suited to the comic book style. For me personally, I also just preferred the overall atmosphere of the netflix shows...I love that they are a more 'contained' setting, taking place in NYC/Hell's Kitchen, and with a somewhat more noir-ish vibe. As a non-comic reader, I have always struggled a bit to buy into the MCU of the films, and find the constant 'save the world' from gazillions of different existential threats a bit tiresome. I liked that the netflix shows were much more personal, and the stakes not so ridiculously high, yet still compelling. 

And ha...somehow the 'negative buzz' side of it doesn't surprise me. In this day and age of social media, it's all-too easy to destroy a person or company's reputation.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Sometimes, clueless retailers don't help, Monsters in Motion sell a lot of original and licensed stuff, but, right alongside it they also stock Redman.

Another thing that intrigues me is that artists that have done and sometimes still do unlicensed stuff are now also doing stuff for companies with licenses. Not sure how easy that sits with the license holders when some of the unlicensed heads are from movies owned by companies they have licenses with.




I know @Skywalkersaga was interested but might be already in another galaxy since the release of the new StarWars trailer...

Anyway the Lawyer is slowly being released, KGHobby should stock it in the coming week, and it's already available at Giantoys. I'm waiting for mine so I'll try to share some pics asap!

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