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Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated)

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Founding Father
Thanks for the extra hair product tips, skywalkersaga. I did apply some of my wife’s hair stuff (no idea what it is); some really runny, oily stuff that did little more than make the hair feel greasy. Of course, I might not have used enough, and I did it after the hair was dry — so maybe I’ll have to wet it down again and try it again.


No prob! And yeah, wetting it can help -- if you don't want to dunk the whole thing, you can always use small spray bottle and mist it.


Founding Father
Futzed some more with water and hair product (the first image is the original image):

Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Untitl10


Founding Father
Well, there you go. I think it looks good even with the ample volume -- and as I noted, hair product tends to make tibetan lamb hair clumpy, so it is best to use it diluted, unless you are specifically going for a wet look.


I like it!

*I mean I like both the Bucky redo and the blonde mini-me! The additional "futzing" was an improvement.



Founding Father
chrisinbama wrote:I like it!

*I mean I like both the Bucky redo and the blonde mini-me! The additional "futzing" was an improvement.


Thank you very much!

I'll be back!


wow it looks great Its making me wonder what other head sculps with long hair I have passed on that may have there ears hiding underneath lol as There are a few head sculpts i like and would like to add real hair but if they have long hair it just makes me think they havnt got any ears under the hair
Great job Wink
Best wishes
Steve Wink


Founding Father
stevieboy1 wrote:wow it looks great Its making me wonder what other head sculps with long hair I have passed on that may have there ears hiding underneath lol as There are a few head sculpts i like and would like to add real hair but if they have long hair it just makes me think they havnt got any ears under the hair
Great job Wink
Best wishes
Steve Wink

Thank you very much, Steve! You can find more examples in the links in the first post (Arnie and Aquaman) or the more recent Theoden (HERE). These heads were a bit easier to convert, because they came with some of the sculpted hair as affixed separate layer pieces, and at least partial (lower 2/3 or 3/4) sculpted ears. A true one-piece long-haired molded sculpt would be much harder to convert, though still possible (plastic/PVC is better than resin when it comes to that). But transplanting ears from other figures is a pain to get even approximately right. I did do it HERE.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:Thank you very much, Steve! You can find more examples in the links in the first post (Arnie and Aquaman) or the more recent Theoden (HERE). These heads were a bit easier to convert, because they came with some of the sculpted hair as affixed separate layer pieces, and at least partial (lower 2/3 or 3/4) sculpted ears. A true one-piece long-haired molded sculpt would be much harder to convert, though still possible (plastic/PVC is better than resin when it comes to that). But transplanting ears from other figures is a pain to get even approximately right. I did do it HERE.

the problem is my characters are from my game Sims 4 so ive made them up but based them on real people not famous ones though more like clothing models etc and so having to find a head that resembles them is very dificult but if i can find one its a case of them having to remove the plastic hair and then add a more real looking hair in my characters style. Ive just done my first head and it was a pain trying to cut away the plastic hair. Ive now orderd a hand dremel tool so that should make it better to remove the plastic hair.
I dont think id be anygood at doing ear transplants lol My painting skills arnt very good not when it comes to realistic hums anyways just one of them things ive never been any good at Shocked ive got two heads on order i want to do the hair on one has his ears but the plastic hair sits ontop of them so i need to carfully try and cut round the ears without damaging them too much i dont mind trying to touch them up with paint etc that shouldnt be too bad...famous last words lol affraid Laughing but its all triel and error i supose.
I will take a look at your link with the transplanted ears Wink Happy New Year Razz
Best wishes
Steve Wink


Founding Father
Instead of using a Dremel to cut away the hair: heat the head sculpt using a hair dryer and scalpel off sections a little bit at a time, reheating as you go. Once the PVC is soft, it’s much easier to remove with a sharp X-Acto blade. Using a Dremel, you run the risk of it slipping and hacking off something you want to keep, or nicking the sculpt badly.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 C8485110


Stryker2011 wrote:Instead of using a Dremel to cut away the hair: heat the head sculpt using a hair dryer and scalpel off sections a little bit at a time, reheating as you go. Once the PVC is soft, it’s much easier to remove with a sharp X-Acto blade. Using a Dremel, you run the risk of it slipping and hacking off something you want to keep, or nicking the sculpt badly.

ooooo thats why i found it so hard to cut the plastic away with my crafting knife i just cut it away as is. I will have to try that and heat it up. Thank you for the tip. Wink I still need the dremel the head has so much plastic on top and the head shape i want needs a lot of reducing so the idea is to use the knife to cut carfully round the ears and cut away to form the head shape on top then use the dremel more to sand the head smooth.
Best wishes
Steve Wink


Founding Father
Stryker beat me to it, but I do the same thing -- heat up the plastic for a minute or so, then scalp away with an X-Acto knife. Once the PVC plastic has been softened, a sharp knife can go through it almost like a stake knife through filet mignon. I would use Dremel only as a last resort, and you don't want it slipping and scarring a surface you can't repair. Actually that is what happened to the head that ended up sacrificing its ears for the transplant -- and how I learned to avoid using the Dremel on head sculpts! And you will need to slice the ears off to transplant anyway. If I was more skilled or played with it more, I think it would have worked even better, but in most photos I don't think you can even tell they are transplanted.

I'll be back!


they looked great i couldnt see were they were tansplanted. Wink I do sculpt full sized monsters such as gremlins and have made plenty a mould in the past so another idea was to sculpt over the top of say a blank head to make them look more like my characters then moulding them but i totaly suck at painting people so gave up on that idea lol Laughing Hence why im liking the adding real hair at least i can add beards and hair in the sort of style of my character and help pull it away from looking like the actor its suposed to be at least.
Best wishes
Steve Wink


Great Work ! It´s so amazing to see what You Guys did with the Hair Job


Founding Father
Ephiane wrote:Great Work ! It´s so amazing to see what You Guys did with the Hair Job

Thank you very much, Ephiane!

I'll be back!


Amazing! Sir, is it alright to ask how you safely removed the sculpted hair?

GubernatorFan wrote:Having converted a Jason Momoa Aquaman head (HERE) and an Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan head (HERE), it seemed like a natural choice to do the same to the new Bucky Barnes head sculpt by HT. The face is excellent but the hair, while very impressively sculpted, is just soft molded plastic. I object to this on principle anyway, so here we go again. For more details on the process, please consult the other threads linked above.

More photos in Post 6 below

The original head:
Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Htbuck10

I gently pried off the two-part hair sculpt and perched it on his shoulders for this photo:
Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Htbuck11

You don't need a very ample scalp if you are going to give your head sculpt an ample hair, but I decided I should fill-in the various indents with Kneadatite Blue and Yellow. I painted it very lightly with a flesh color (not even trying to match the face, since it wouldn't be visible), then began to glue on the hair in rows, starting with a line parallel to the bottom of the head sculpt at the back.
Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Htbuck12

No matter how disheveled, I left the hair in place for a while, giving the glue a chance to cure.
Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Htbuck13

Then I gently removed any loose strands, rinsed the hair with water, and gave him a haircut.
Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Htbuck14

Finally, to make the hair less puffy, I applied a solution of water and shampoo+conditioner. I may have overdone it, giving him a more compact, wet hair look, but I will worry about styling it later (or not -- I wasn't completely crazy about the original/movie look of the hair).
Superhero - Converting Sebastian Stan HT Bucky Barnes Head (updated) - Page 2 Htbuck15

Hope this is helpful or informative. What do you think?

More photos in post 6 below

#custom #kitbash #modification #bucky #barnes #wintersoldier #hottoys #ht #infinitywar #marvel #film #fiction #male #superhero #head #headsculpt #hair


Founding Father
eldeluvio wrote:Amazing! Sir, is it alright to ask how you safely removed the sculpted hair?

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. These Hot Toys sculpted hair head sculpts often employ several separate somewhat thin and soft plastic layers to achieve a better look. The pieces are glued on reasonably but not impossibly strongly. If you get a good hold of a piece (start with the outermost one that is not overlapped by any other), and pull firmly but gently, you should be able to pry it off. And then move on to the next one. Sometimes applying some heat (I prefer hair dryer, but hot water also works) to the plastic also helps, if necessary (it is a useful approach for other aspects of customization). Perhaps this other conversion would be useful as an illustration:

I hope this helps.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:
eldeluvio wrote:Amazing! Sir, is it alright to ask how you safely removed the sculpted hair?

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. These Hot Toys sculpted hair head sculpts often employ several separate somewhat thin and soft plastic layers to achieve a better look. The pieces are glued on reasonably but not impossibly strongly. If you get a good hold of a piece (start with the outermost one that is not overlapped by any other), and pull firmly but gently, you should be able to pry it off. And then move on to the next one. Sometimes applying some heat (I prefer hair dryer, but hot water also works) to the plastic also helps, if necessary (it is a useful approach for other aspects of customization). Perhaps this other conversion would be useful as an illustration:

I hope this helps.

thank you so so so much!


Founding Father
eldeluvio wrote:thank you so so so much!

You are very welcome and good luck. I hope it was helpful.

I'll be back!

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