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NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002

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Product Name: 1/12 Palm Treasure Series - Female Assassin "Catch Me"
Product No.:VCF-3002
Product List:
-Emulational head sculpture
-1/12 highly movable female body
-Black tight briefs with body clothes
-Black boots
-Knee Pads *2
-Waist Gun Sleeve
-leg band
-Leather Belt* 2
-Purse(Plastic parts)
-Sundries Bag
- Magazine Bag
-Triple Bag
-Multifunctional legs hanging gun sleeve
-G17 pistol
-M1911 pistol
-HK416-Red dot sight
-Holding hand *2
-Hook gun hand*2
-Natural hand *2

NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 2_580210
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 14_58410
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 18_22610


I had to post her, and I already ordered. I think she looks fantastic! 1/12 collection is definitely growing...
The previous VERYCOOL "Campus Gun Girl" isn't bad either, though I hate the concept. Rolling Eyes Pretty head. I'm more for the tough ladies, though. Laughing


Oh I saw her in 1/6 once. Some parts were translated into simplified plastic versions it seems, probably good for the price, I hope.

But 'Campus Gun Girl' sounds disturbing somehow...


She is indeed quite cute! I saw her on FB the other day and I was wondering if someone would post her here. I do like her, but I am waiting for a figure that has a style of boots I can use for a kitbash. These ones just aren't quite what I'm looking for. The footwear works fine for the figure itself, but since I don't collect this kind of genre, I can't really justify getting random figures like this unless they have massive kitbash potential for my custom projects. 

That being said, I'm curious to see how she is in-hand when you get her, AerynDiana! Smile

And lol, Ovy, I did give that title a bit of an askance look...for now I'll blame google translate. Razz

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
I have the 1/6th version of this figure. She’s pretty cool, yes.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 C8485110


I might jump on that one, there is a lot of kitbash potential combined with starwars blackseries or marvel legends...


There is indeed kitbash potential for those... I just wish she had different footwear! Sigh...

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
It is a very neat set. And for me it works better in this size than 1/6.

I'll be back!


skywalkersaga wrote:That being said, I'm curious to see how she is in-hand when you get her, AerynDiana! Smile
Definitely worthy of an unboxing video with comparison to other figures! Very Happy


AerynDiana wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:That being said, I'm curious to see how she is in-hand when you get her, AerynDiana! Smile
Definitely worthy of an unboxing video with comparison to other figures! Very Happy

Looking forward to it! Smile

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father

If they did a 1/12 version of Villa I'd maybe go for one.


Oooh, I hope they do, Roger!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Hey all! Smile

I didn't care to record the unboxing, cause that would have been quite unspectacular - she came fully geared up. But I did create myself a new photo box and tried it out! Very Happy

Cellphone pics only for now. Next time I'll definitely dig out the cam. Rolling Eyes

I really like her. Even the sculpted hair doesn't bother me that much, but I might replace the head anyway.
Good articulation! I did pull out her arm, her hand, her elbow I thought at one point, and I got really frustrated. TBL has spoiled me. But I managed to put it all back in and then got used to being a little more careful. All good. Looking forward to Villa now. Very Happy

NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Catchm10
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Catchm10
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Catchm11
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Catchm13
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Catchm12


Founding Father
I agree, she looks great (and cute, too).

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Looks pretty good; I like the poses you’ve made out of her. Thanks for sharing.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 C8485110


She looks great! Glad you got her!

I'm looking forward to Villa, too, though I only want the headsculpt for that...

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


GubernatorFan wrote:I agree, she looks great (and cute, too).
Right?? Very Happy

Stryker2011 wrote:Looks pretty good; I like the poses you’ve made out of her. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much!

skywalkersaga wrote:She looks great! Glad you got her!

I'm looking forward to Villa, too, though I only want the headsculpt for that...
I love the head sculpt, but I can actually use the rest, too, for reference. I want to get back into character illustrations, and this will definitely be useful for certain characters.


I can definitely see how the figures would be helpful for illustration purposes! Would love to see some of your results using these figures for reference. :')

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


I just noticed she's up for Pre-Order again on Giantoy, so I thought I'd bump. Smile


This was my "breakthrough figure of 2021" (if I hosted some kind of figure of the year award ceremony, that is). Of course it was released earlier but that's when I've got it in hand (most recent batch from Giantoy I believe; sold out there but still not too hard to find). Heck, I've got two of these already but more on that later.
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3111 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3110 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3112

I was trying to find a better-articulated Mezco-scaled female body and decided to give it a try. VeryCool bodies are somewhat smaller though, so I'm still looking. But the base body is great, I prefer this articulation scheme to TBLeague (it has elbow swivel, even though ab crunch is worse).
And I like Catch Me due to its "fun factor" - something that is hard to quantify. With some accessories not included with the figure:
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3211 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3210

I've also noticed that it's quite busy with all that belts, bags, magazines. Matter of taste of course but this minimalist look really made it shine for me:
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3310

So took out everything from the main belt (this also allows to move the buckle to the center) and turned the second belt into a strap for the left holster, for extra gunslinger look.

NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3311 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3313 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3312

But it's still work in progress. One thing I wish this figure had is more realistic head with rooted hair. The 1/6 version of Catch Me looks just better with white long hair. So one intermediate step is to try the Villa head:
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3412 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3410
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3411

I like the look but I have something else in mind. Waiting for yet another head to arrive and then I'll see whether it works.

Circling back to getting another Catch Me figure - I've bought her specifically for cinematic Black Widow custom (also work in progress):
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3511
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3512
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3510

To conclude, here is how Catch Me scales with Mezco:
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3314
Given that it is a female figure, I think it mostly works, at least height-wise. But proportions are slightly different. What do y'all think?


Founding Father
I agree, she looks great, especially with the more "minimalistic" choice of accessories.

I'll be back!


Forgot to show size comparison of feline figures I have:
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3516
Left to right: Soap Studio Selina Kyle (from The Dark Knight Rises), Mezco Catwoman (with unmasked head, holding Batman's batarang), and the heroine of this thread.


Oh yay! Thank you for taking the time to share these beautiful photos! I love how you're using the blurred backgrounds. And I am very much looking forward to your final BW creation!

I don't like the Catch Me sculpt much, but there are a few beautiful FireGirl sculpts out there by now, not to mention the bald monk head, which I've posted about here before. I am still planning on swapping out the body to a TBLeague, which I much prefer. Can't remember whether the shoes/hands are compatible, but I'll find out.


Blurred backgrounds are inevitable with my setup (large sensor and telephoto lens up close). I'm struggling to get wider depth of field, if anything (stopping down would trigger sharpness decrease from diffraction, and I am too lazy for focus stacking).

VeryCool hands have smaller peg holes than TBLeague hands. And are less malleable. They don't easily fit TBLeague metallic pegs, unless you ream it a little.

The other way around, though, works rather well. I actually intend to replace my Catch Me hands with TBLeague ones because her packaged hands are quite badly sculpted, especially trigger hands (curiously, Villa's hands are better).

But that's the next step. For now I am happy to report that the head I was waiting for has been delivered, and it is as I have imagined, or better:
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3533 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3532

This is Super Duck SDMINI001. Head only, I did not order the whole Nier Automata 2B kit.
Technically the head didn't fit right away, even though it is designed for TBLeague neck joint, and VeryCool heads fit them too. Oh well, transitivity and symmetry are are not applicable in real space. The hole was too small, and material is rather stiff (there is no rubber socket in there), but I was able to make it work.
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3535

The headband and eye mask were also included -
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3536 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3538 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3537

- but I don't intend to use them because I envision her as an original character deserving her own name (Naming is a dark art, but I'll most likely settle on Kate).
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3541
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3540
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3539

I still want to customize her further. TBLeague hands (as mentioned above), different kneepads, also not sure whether I'll keep these gun holsters, or opt for two symmetric ones, or just one sidearm in addition to a sniper rifle.
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3542 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3616 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3617

I've also found a more detailed HK-416 than the one packaged with her. But it can be reserved for Villa's long lost twin sister, when if they reunite.
NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3618 NEW PRODUCT: VERYCOOL 1/12 Palm Treasure Series — Female Assassin "Catch Me” VCF-3002 Cnr_3619


Looks great with that head!


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