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NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07]

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Founding Father
Product List:
Head sculptur* 1
Make up head sculpture * 1
Plastic body *1
Hand shape*8
Vest * 1
Base *1
Cigarette *1
Rose *1

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree226
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree224
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree225
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree228
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree229
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree227
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree682
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree681
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree680
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree684
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree683
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] Scree685

#newproduct #AddToys #JKBaby #child #male #movie-based


Founding Father
Is that a thing, or are they proliferating the apparent love for anything joker-related in our hobby? Nicely done, actually. But I do think Ovy can make something better with it.

I'll be back!


An arch nemesis for Wolf Boy, perhaps? Laughing

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
The unpainted head sculpt gives me a creepy Damian vibe -- these things are just freaky all around -- of course, children in general are freaky to me.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Add Toys: 15.5 cm Tall JK Baby [AD-07] C8485110


Oh my good grief, we can have figures like this but not realistic child figures , go figure!

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