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NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33

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Founding Father
PRESENT TOYS will launch a new product 1:6 Collection Doll Series - Mad Warrior .
Specification Description:
Product name: Mad Warrior
Model: PT-sp 33
Size ratio: 1/6

Parts List:
Simulation head sculpt *1
Movable body *1
Hand type *5
Double-barreled shotgun *1
Dagger *1
Wrench *1
Key chain *1
Binoculars *1
Metal outer leg armor *1
Character platform *1
Dark undershirt *1
Leather jacket *1 (cowhide material, imitating oxidation and easy care)
Leather trousers *1 (cowhide material, imitation oxidation and easy care)
Belt*1 (cowhide material, imitating oxidation and easy care)
Shoulder strap*1 (cowhide material, imitating oxidation and easy care)
Leather boots *1 (cowhide material, imitating oxidation and easy to take care of)

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131110
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131310
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131410
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131510
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131610
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131611
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131612
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131710
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131810
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: Present Toys: 1/6 "Mad Warrior" Collection Doll #PT-sp33 18131910

#newproduct #PresentToys #MadWarrior #male #Sci-Fi #movie-based


Founding Father
Real leather is great (and the assurances of easy care even better LOL). Nice to see alternatives out there. I'm not enough of a diehard fan to order both, but I preferred the head sculpt on the other one. It would have behooved them to give us closer looks at the accessories, although it looks like a good selection. But... no dog?

I'll be back!


I guess the grey-ish hair put him in mad max 3 rather, as far as i remember he didnt have a canine companion in that movie. But 3 being my least favored my memory isnt that complete.i agree on the other set having a better head sculpt.
If the set is still available when i get back into the fallout setting it'll definately worth for parts


Real leather so much better than the other version ... the face is not very realistic, but it would be easier to find a resembling head sculpture rather than a complete leather set. I've always wanted to have "Mad Max" in action figure, so maybe I'll take this opportunity. Smile


Nice Liam Neeson sculpt 😄


Founding Father
Liam Neeson? Hmm, now that you mention it... maybe?

I'll be back!


Expected release in March... Smile

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