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NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006

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Founding Father
Release Date: Q4 2022
Opening date: August 12, 2022
Deadline for orders: August 31st
No.: TB006

Head carving and body accessories:
★1 head carving x 1
★1/6 movable body height 33cm
★Hand x 8
Dress Accessories:
★Clothing x 1 set
★Girdle x 1
★Pants x 1 piece
★Leather shoes x 1 pair
★Special effect pieces x 3
★Pedestal x 1

Head carving and body accessories:
★Highly detailed Head sculpt x 1 piece
★1 / 6 movable voxel height 33cm
★Hands x 8 pieces
Garment accessories:
★Clothing x 1 set
★Waist seal x 1piece
★Pants x 1 piece
★Leather shoes x 1 pair

★Special effects parts x 3 pieces
★Figure Stand x 1piece

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215110
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215210
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215410
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215510
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215610
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215710
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220010
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220110
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220210
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220310
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220410
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220510
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220711
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220710
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220810
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18220910
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18221010
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 18215010

#newproduct #ToysBattalion #SorcererSupreme #male #movie-based #comicbook


I love Benedict Wong, and this is a great likeness. The body is a bit too slim though (no offence Mr Wong) Or did he slim down for the latest movie? I've not seen it.


Founding Father
He’s a bigger fella, but I honestly don’t remember if he was bigger than this.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS BATTALION: 1/6 Sorcerer Supreme Action Figure #TB006 C8485110



Yes! Wong!
...I will say if some third party company announces him in 1/12 scale.


Proportions look ok to me, maybe just the sleeves, need to a be a little bit more poofy like in the movie.
This seems to be too tall at 33cm.
I wonder if this will prompt HT to make their own, like with their Disney+ Classic Loki after the SooSooToys Classic Trickster promo pics.


Looking at the full figure, I wanna say from the waist down looks very long. He looks super tall. Weird that HT still hasn't made one yet. Isn't he in like 7 movies now?



Founding Father
He does look very good, although, yes, probably too tall (so, elongated?).

I'll be back!

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