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1:64 Scale cars - the other hobby

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11:64 Scale cars - the other hobby Empty 1:64 Scale cars - the other hobby Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:45 pm


One of my other hobbies is collecting 1:64 scale cars, and making some creative photos. I'll try and share some, so once in a while.

Latest additions, both in the parking of "Mel's Diner" (from the movie American Graffiti)

Greenlight 1949 Buick Roadmaster convertible.
1:64 Scale cars - the other hobby MYw2JV5

Greenlight 1949 Mercury Eight Convertible
1:64 Scale cars - the other hobby SFpVBuf

21:64 Scale cars - the other hobby Empty Re: 1:64 Scale cars - the other hobby Tue May 21, 2024 5:32 pm


Beautiful diorama images, I wish I had such skill. I have a lot of M2 machines and some of them would look really great in diorama shots. I want to get a Buick Roadmaster from Green light, but I rarely buy diecast online these days. If I'm going to get anything that's going to be in the store. And since most stores hardly carry green light to begin with and I don't live near a hobby lobby it's kind of hard to find the cars like that.

31:64 Scale cars - the other hobby Empty Re: 1:64 Scale cars - the other hobby Wed May 22, 2024 5:51 am


It's pretty. If I'm not mistaken it's the "HO" scale, the one which is for railway modelling.

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