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Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review

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Founding Father
Well, this particular look is from the second movie, Conan the Destroyer. There are few scenes of him wearing it like this, but here is one:


Thanks, GF! Obviously I get that this set is not necessarily 'screen accurate' in certain many respects, but I was nonetheless curious about the scabbard/strap thing as I could not recall it, so I'm glad to know it does at least appear somewhere. ;p


There is no right way to wear a sword on your back because nobody did it historically. A back scabbard is only practical for a sword that is shorter than your arm. If it is any longer than that, it is impossible to draw. Single-handed swords were carried at the side. Two-handed swords were carried in the hands, like a spear or polearm.


shazzdan wrote:There is no right way to wear a sword on your back because nobody did it historically. A back scabbard is only practical for a sword that is shorter than your arm. If it is any longer than that, it is impossible to draw. Single-handed swords were carried at the side. Two-handed swords were carried in the hands, like a spear or polearm.

I am well aware of that, but still wanted to be 'authentic' to the film/character, since it's a gift for a fan. Wink


Founding Father
skywalkersaga wrote:Thanks, GF! Obviously I get that this set is not necessarily 'screen accurate' in certain many respects, but I was nonetheless curious about the scabbard/strap thing as I could not recall it, so I'm glad to know it does at least appear somewhere. ;p

You're very welcome! Happy to help!

I'll be back!


So it turns out that my M32 doesn't seem to have any sword grip hands either, lol. He comes with a pair of Bruce Lee/kung fu shorts, but no swordfighting for him, I guess. Razz  But the good news is that GianToy are going to send me a replacement for the hand, so Conan will get a new hand eventually. 

In the meantime, I did manage to finally put this fellow together, though admittedly it was much more difficult to assemble than I had expected. For me, at least. ;p Neither the boots nor the head went on easy, and I had to use a hairdryer to finally get them on the M35 body. Which I also find rather large and cumbersome to handle compared to the smaller bodies I'm used to. Or maybe I just have small hands?? ;p 

Also, I discovered that the fake fur loincloth sheds worse than my wolfdogs! D: It got everywhere, and I have to 'lint-roll' the body constantly. Now I can understand the benefit of using real fur on something like this, but welp, too late.  

Overall, it's a decent set for what it is, but for something so seemingly simple, I did find it oddly stressful to put together for some reason.  confused

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Good to hear that you got it together. I've got a rabbit and a possum pelt in storage for these kind of projects but have never had a chance to try them out.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


Founding Father
Ouch... yes... M32 did come with some specialized hands at the expense of some regular ones, I had quite forgotten. In my book any special hands should come in addition to, not instead of, what we get normally.

Rabbit fur works pretty well. I didn't notice the synthetic shedding all that much when I was putting it together, but it's been awhile.

I'll be back!


So, obviously the holidays have come and gone, and I did indeed end up giving this as a gift to Mr. Skywalkersaga -- he was completely surprised and, thankfully, loved it. ;D 

I'd meant to share some pics of the finished figure, but didn't have time over Christmas, and then ended up being extremely ill for the entire month of January with a viral infection, so only getting a chance to post these now.

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 78759910

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 78777210

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 79280311

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 78862610

Repainted the sword hilt.... 

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 79223710

Yes, I know the sword is in the wrong hand, but sadly I'm still missing the correct gripping hand...  Sad

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 85097611

Weathered and/or repainted almost all the outfit and accessories... 

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 78640610

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 84321610

Yes, I coloured his nipples...  Laughing

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 85008410

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 86802810

Close up of weathering on the boots...  funny story about the boots ... one of my ever-curious wolfdogs stole one of them off the table one morning while I was working on the figure, but I got it off her in time thankfully. The fur on it is a bit worse for the wear though. Guess she wanted to 'help'. ;p  

Most of these I took immediately after putting it together, and afterwards I realized I hadn't pushed his head far enough down so he's got a bit of a giraffe neck going on in some of the pics. Don't worry, I fixed it before giving it to my husband. Razz

Couple more of the Conan hanging out with the pile of other gifts on Christmas morning. 

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 Xmas_210

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 Xmas_310

Apologies for the really boring poses and my crappy photography in general -- I didn't get much chance to take pics of this one prior to and after gifting him, and since he currently resides in my husband's rather poorly lit gaming room, these will have to do for now. ;p

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Thanks for sharing. Glad he liked the figure. Hope you’re feeling better (my parents suffered a similar January — they made the mistake of seeing my niece over X-mas, and she, her husband, and their diseased-ridden carrier monkeys — I mean, their kids — all had bad colds — which my parents got and couldn’t get rid of until just a couple days ago).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

MrToys - Conan the Barbarian Set A by Mr Toys (MT2018-02) review - Page 3 C8485110


Thanks, Stryker. And eep, that sucks, I'm glad they are finally on the mend. I guess between the fact that my husband works in a hospital, and us visiting his elderly dad in his nursing home fairly regularly, it was only inevitable I'd pick something up. But it did wipe me out for ages ... it's only been in the last week or so that I've been able to do anything without feeling exhausted within minutes and needing to constantly sit down and catch my breath. Hopefully I can get some stuff done now that I'm semi-functional again. ;p

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
I'm glad you're feeling better, too, and I think you did a very nice job on customizing Conan for your husband. It's been a while but I recognized the pieces you had modified, and am glad you ended up with an even better figure that he loved.

I'll be back!


Thanks, GF — I posted the pics mainly cause I wanted to thank you and Stryker and everyone for your help and patience with answering all my questions about the it. Is it the ‘perfect’ Conan figure? Of course not, but I suspect one can only achieve perfection via a commissioned or even more heavily customised piece, so for my budget and skill-level, this one sufficed. ;’)


You did a great job futzing him into a presentable barbarian. Hubby must have been thrilled.


Aw, cheers, Nekk-ra! Thankfully, he seems happy with his Conan buddy. :'D

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

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