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[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3

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26[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 - Page 2 Empty Re: [5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 Sat May 30, 2020 6:22 pm


Love the new addition to the story, Ovy! And I agree with Rev's assessment of Malick's films... gorgeous cinematography, with storylines that aren't always that ... memorable? At least, I can't really remember all the details of what happened in something like 'The New World', but I *can* remember some of the beautiful and haunting imagery from it. 

Some people on this thread seem to have a rather dismal view of marriage, and about the dynamics of relationships between men and woman in general. Rolling Eyes That's all I'm gonna say about that.... 

Regarding Shryett and Gyrs, their dynamic seems more to do with their personalities than anything else. Wink 

I'm really curious what will happen when he wakes up.... you have us in suspense!

27[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 - Page 2 Empty Re: [5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 Sat May 30, 2020 6:27 pm


Founding Father
skywalkersaga wrote:Some people on this thread seem to have a rather dismal view of marriage, and about the dynamics of relationships between men and woman in general. Rolling Eyes That's all I'm gonna say about that.... !

Ahh, it’s all in good fun. My wife and I tease each other relentlessly like this all the time — it’s what makes us laugh every day.

28[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 - Page 2 Empty Re: [5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:51 pm


Man, that creek bed is just an ideal and picturesque backdrop for this. Well worth however far you're hiking to shoot each part of this story. Still just loving the dialogue. I think you really capture the playful connection that's endured through their long relationship, which in a post apocalyptic future, I'm sure has seen it's share of trials. All of your photos continue to look beautiful, and you really capture them wrestling to drag this stranger out of the water. Your composition is always excellent, and all of the outfits photograph really well. I'm hoping they don't regret helping him. Always looking forward to the next installment, and hopefully him waking up.

29[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 - Page 2 Empty Re: [5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:35 am


I know ... I am envious of Ovy’s locations. Wish I had places like these within hiking distance of my house. :3

I’m normally someone who doesn’t like to leave demanding or impatient comments on people’s stories/fics, lol, but in this case .... I’m dying for the next entry already, damnit! Razz

30[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 - Page 2 Empty Re: [5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:19 pm


while the figures are great in themselves, the real star though is the camerawork and storytelling. this is some good stuff to learn from, my thanks.
the settings fits the theme perfectly as well, i wish i had the guts to "go out and have fun" myself. the irony is that my backyard has the perfect look for a post apocalyptic setting, the 2x a year i mow my lawn that is Wink, withered brown grass and all. but last time i checked some neighbours cats left me some "presents" and i refuse to put my figures in their "litterbox" Smile
so yeah, kudos for having the balls to go out and "get dirty" Wink

31[5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 - Page 2 Empty Re: [5/30] Lost Wolf - Part 1-3 Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:40 pm


First of, no new update, just answering here. For the next part I have to make some kind of housing Diorama, and some items.  Diorama should be as modular as possible.
Still don't know how exactly their homes will look like, if they really only use wood/scaffolding and plants/animal hides as a roof. If they have wattle and daube walls, if these are just covered in
leaves and moss or if they use some kind of clay even.
They are nomadic, but clay walls would make everything more permanent. On the other hand, they are moving a lot and might even use other tribes old encampments. And I don't know how much it makes sense to use wheels in a rather dense forest. And how much they manipulate the forests to traverse it better or create clearings to hunt game. A lot to decide.
GubernatorFan wrote:Nice rescue. I have changed my mind on the name Shryett. At this point I'm assuming she has a shrill voice to go with her charming demeanor, so it is totally fitting. If I were her husband at some point I would have let her do whatever she wanted done herself instead of following orders... which may be why I'm not married...?
The outdoors shots in the woods work so beautifully!
Thanks a lot! Maybe it's not completely clear, but Gyrs has definitely had much more of that pipe and is still a bit lethargic, reacting a bit slow while Shryett is more focused.
If he had listened to her and had just jumped in the water and stopped the raft then, he wouldn't have had to chase the raft through the river. But he was to slow to adapt quickly enough.
And imagine her voice to be dark and raspy, a bit like an elderly lady that uses to smoke a lot.
Stryker[url=tel:2011]2011[/url] wrote:Lots of great shots and fun story in the further adventures. The blurring affects around Gyrs was really cool (was the figure actually falling? Cause it helped with the sense of movement). You found the best environment to show them in scale. Nice work.
Thanks! The blurring...well I could not stand directly in the stream when I shot from the position of the waterfall, so I had to go epic split there, with my feet in muddy leavy wet forest hummus earth on the opposing sides of the stream, while making sure none of the figures fell from their positions. Also the sun's was going down. So it was a bit stressful and I could not keep that phone stable all the time.
So the blur was a happy little accident.
I also cut away quite some fern and shamrocks and other gigantic plants to keep the illusion of scale.
skywalkersaga wrote:Love the new addition to the story, Ovy! And I agree with Rev's assessment of Malick's films... gorgeous cinematography, with storylines that aren't always that ... memorable? At least, I can't really remember all the details of what happened in something like 'The New World', but I *can* remember some of the beautiful and haunting imagery from it. 
Some people on this thread seem to have a rather dismal view of marriage, and about the dynamics of relationships between men and woman in general. That's all I'm gonna say about that.... 
Regarding Shryett and Gyrs, their dynamic seems more to do with their personalities than anything else. 
I'm really curious what will happen when he wakes up.... you have us in suspense!
Thanks a lot, ye, sorry about the suspense and the unsure time of the next chapter release.
Stryker[url=tel:2011]2011[/url] wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:Some people on this thread seem to have a rather dismal view of marriage, and about the dynamics of relationships between men and woman in general.  That's all I'm gonna say about that.... !
Ahh, it’s all in good fun. My wife and I tease each other relentlessly like this all the time — it’s what makes us laugh every day.
That's how it is supposed to come across here, teasing and loving.
ReverendSpooky wrote:Man, that creek bed is just an ideal and picturesque backdrop for this. Well worth however far you're hiking to shoot each part of this story.  Still just loving the dialogue.  I think you really capture the playful connection that's endured through their long relationship, which in a post apocalyptic future, I'm sure has seen it's share of trials.  All of your photos continue to look beautiful, and you really capture them wrestling to drag this stranger out of the water.  Your composition is always excellent, and all of the outfits photograph really well.  I'm hoping they don't regret helping him.  Always looking forward to the next installment, and hopefully him waking up.
Thanks so much sir, glad you see their dynamic of that long relationship, and that there is a feeling of a long past they had together. I was surprised how well that dragging out scene turned out, I was a bit stressed/tired at the moment.
You know, the location of the waterfall was maybe thirty meters away from the tree bridge, I didn't want to put them back in their boxes for that short distance, so I just put them in the box covers and carefully traversed the muddy ferny area hoping I don't trip, as I needed both hands to hold the box.
skywalkersaga wrote:I know ... I am envious of Ovy’s locations. Wish I had places like these within hiking distance of my house. :3
I’m normally someone who doesn’t like to leave demanding or impatient comments on people’s stories/fics, lol, but in this case .... I’m dying for the next entry already, damnit!  
Thanks a lot! Pretty sure you have something similar in your next forest, I just followed a stream for a while until I found a location that looked in scale. Actually had planned to have them sit on the shore or a rock, but that mossy tree was a great opportunity, because then they could hover over the water and feel more like they are in the action.
Tjolnir wrote:while the figures are great in themselves, the real star though is the camerawork and storytelling. this is some good stuff to learn from, my thanks.
the settings fits the theme perfectly as well, i wish i had the guts to "go out and have fun" myself. the irony is that my backyard has the perfect look for a post apocalyptic setting, the 2x a year i mow my lawn that is , withered brown grass and all. but last time i checked some neighbours cats left me some "presents" and i refuse to put my figures in their "litterbox" 
so yeah, kudos for having the balls to go out and "get dirty" 
Thanks a lot, happy if you can get some information and learning out of it. It was my first multi layered 1/6 shoot (well, the Wolf Boy on the crane was the real pioneer maybe), you couldn't plan that much but just experiment with the angles. While I already had photographed plastic figures outdoors before, it was the first time to drag a tbleauge there and even let him pose in water and dirt. The hair, leather and pelt clothing was completely wet. But nothing broken, maybe a bit 'weathered' though.
And having a post apocalyptic looking backyard...I call that convenient. Very Happy

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