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NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007)

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Founding Father
Product list:
-1/6 body
-Head sculpture: 1
-Suit: 1 set
-Rubber shoes: 1 pair
-Pistol: 1
-Glove hand: 5
-Long gun: 1
-Password box: 1 piece

Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202174
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202175
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202176
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202179
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202177
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202178
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202182
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202180
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202181
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202183
Videogame-based - NEW PRODUCT: MTToys: 1/6 Hitman 47 (MTT007) 37202184

#newproduct #MasterTeamToys #Hitman47 #male #videogame-based


Not sure what this is from, but I always like to see bald male headsculpts (for customising reasons).

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


He's agent 47 from the hitman games and some movies too. Smile

Moonbase Alpha Male

Moonbase Alpha Male
Pics look way too photoshopped to give me any idea of what the figure might look like. Very pretty and artistic for sure. But I'm not even sure if we are looking at an actual figure or a render?

The guidance counselor was surprised: “I didn’t even know career aptitude tests had a Super-Villain category.”


I was never good at this game heh. I don't know how accurate it is to the game avatar but looks like a decent set if it's not too pricey.



Founding Father
I still expect to see Timothy Olyphant from the live action movie, but of course this reflects a different rendition of the character. Looks sharp, but we'll see how similar the final product.

I'll be back!


Theflyingman wrote:He's agent 47 from the hitman games and some movies too. Smile

Thanks, I'm out of touch and had never even heard of it. ;'p 

I think maybe there is a KO headsculpt of this character floating around on ebay, if I'm thinking of the right one.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


not bad as the character from the game but he's missing a couple of somethings.......his signature silver pistols (desert eagles?)


skywalkersaga wrote:
Theflyingman wrote:He's agent 47 from the hitman games and some movies too. Smile

Thanks, I'm out of touch and had never even heard of it. ;'p 

I think maybe there is a KO headsculpt of this character floating around on ebay, if I'm thinking of the right one.

Yea I got a KO headsculpt of him but it doesn't have the signature barcode behind his head, which is why my bash just looks like any other bald guy. He's a superhuman (genetically modified I think?) And he's the 47th version and the best.


Hmmm kitbashed mine some time ago, wouldn't have if i knew this was coming. Lacking proper villains, agent47 stands next to my orphaned leon from resi 2 for whenever i'm in the mood again 😀

As far as the pictures show id say its pretty spot on in terms of looks. His signature pistols would be .45acp silverballers colt 1911, though most of the time you'd use piano wire or something melee either to kill your target or distract a guard by throwing whatever is in reach or the odd silver coin.
Using firearms rarely gives a good mission rating, whereas silent assassin is usually awarded letting your hit look like an accident.

And yes agent 47 is genetically enhanced as a mixture of 4 male parents, the main antagonists of the first game.
A big "duh" moment is having 48 versions of him running around the facility, each dressed alike, no wonder dr. Orthmeyer couldnt tell his creations apart Smile

As far as accessoiries go, paying a full price instead of kitbashing a figure from scratch, id so much more would have loved the piano wire, oyabun knife, syringe and coins for decoy. And an explodable rubber duck for easter egg .

Shame most companies call it quits when releasing the protagonist of even a remotely known game when as a fan you'd appreciate a proper villain like ochoa or orthmeyer to put him on display rather than standing him lonely in a shelf.

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