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Spy Training Camp - Introduction...

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1Spy Training Camp - Introduction... Empty Spy Training Camp - Introduction... Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:01 pm


Here's the background:

At a secret location, somewhere in... Oh, sorry, can't tell you where. Can't even say in what hemisphere this secret location is.... But here, there is a spy training camp. Here trainees can learn everything they need to survive in this world.

In order to survive they need to be able to protect themselves, and those they may be assigned to, along with their cohorts.  Just as a teaser, here is one of the instructors (or is it a trainee - I am probably not allowed to say, nor can I give you their real names). She is faced with a Synthetic Human, so basically will be fighting against a super computer, and one that can move in more ways than she can. The trainees and instructors will also be fighting each other, so that their experience grows by experiencing the skills of other people, not just robots.

Spy Training Camp - Introduction... 50633965252_e11c4cb51f_bSpy Training 1-033 by Colin Foyle, on Flickr

Stay tuned for more action over the next few days/weeks....

2Spy Training Camp - Introduction... Empty Re: Spy Training Camp - Introduction... Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:23 am


It's a cool idea Colin, and a great way to start this amazing series of stories off bounce bounce

3Spy Training Camp - Introduction... Empty Re: Spy Training Camp - Introduction... Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:58 pm


BAMComix wrote:It's a cool idea Colin, and a great way to start this amazing series of stories off bounce bounce
Thanks Dal.

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