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NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit

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1CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit Empty NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:56 pm


Founding Father
TDTOYS new product: 1/6 coat suit
No.: T001 is applicable to most narrow shoulder ferrite on the market
1. Overcoat *1
2. Suit * 1
3. Shirt * 1
4. Vest *1
5. Pants * 1
6. Tie * 1
7. Hat *1
8. A pair of leather shoes
Note: This item doesn't include body, head or accessories

CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15044713
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15045613
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15050411
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15051611
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15052913
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15053710
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15054410
CoatSuit - NEW PRODUCT: TDTOYS: 1/6 coat suit suit 15055810

#newproduct #TDToys #CoatSuit #male #clothing #accessory


Founding Father
Pretty cool. Not the most novel of things, but the overcoat and the cap are going to be rarer than the other pieces of clothing. Considering the challenges of making soft headgear look in scale and yet be functional, they seem to have done pretty well with the cap.

I'll be back!

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