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BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl

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BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51871364655_b227a5db44_b
Cover by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51869777982_b8c71ec93f_b
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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870818533_d834142d4b_b
Page_02 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51871052154_5e54f258a9_b
Page_03 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870734116_d24cc3e734_b
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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51871048009_99499e2f56_b
Page_06 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870808693_02d4c8d211_b
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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870723821_31981d8fe9_b
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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870722721_28cdab9a5c_b
Page_23 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51869778597_83740661df_b
Page_24 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870820223_213885c2dc_b
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Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51870819953_4f603c99d6_b
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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Page_27 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

BAMComix Presents - Hidden in the shadows -Chapter 52- Confrence Brawl 51869758642_49ae8148c4_b
Page_28 by
Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr

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Gary Menten, on Flickr


Well, that seems like some inter agency rivalry going on. I do wonder what Tibias is up to and why he does not believe the reports. What game is he playing? Is he after the Katanga Stash himself? Is he corrupt? Is he working for the enemy all along?


It’s rapidly emerging that only Redbox trusts Tibias and only Tibias trusts Redbox.


This was brilliantly plotted and scripted! So many threads from the previous fifty-plus chapters woven together, only to unravel in to further mysteries! Yet there is a consistency - of characterization, of character interactions, and of plot lines already introduced. Absolutely superb story crafting!

The photography was top notch in every panel. Like Bond-Fleming, I couldn't help but be distracted by the tightly tied crop tops and form-fitting tank tops - with excellent lighting and sharp focus to enhance every alluring curve and crevice!

Outstanding work! Possibly my favorite installment in the series thus far!

For those who may not be aware, several references in this episode harken back to characters and storylines created by MiskatonicNick on Flickr.


Founding Father
Nicely done, even if a bit "chatty" for action man/Bond/etc-inspired action. Smile Nice to see the upgraded/healed Demetri deployed.

I'll be back!

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