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NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004

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Founding Father
Note:Body is not included.
The demo body is TBLeague PLMB2018-S26A(for patterning making and photo shooting)
Product Details:
Head Sculpt x 1
Headdress x1
Hat x1
Clothing x 1
Panties x1
Sock x 1
Shoe x 1
Tail x1
Shark x1
Scepter x 1

stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 46b3ab10
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 39290510
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 B96dc610
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 7e1a9510
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 31b17510
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 4849e310
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 134fa910
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 F2355610
stylized - NEW PRODUCT: TOYS PARK: 1/6 Shark Girl Accessories Set #TP004 B4695010

#newproduct #ToysPark #SharkGirl #accessoryset #female #stylized


no idea about the reference material but this overly cute!

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