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NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant

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Founding Father
1 x Highly detailed head sculpts with helmet.
1/6 Scale figure muscular body, approximately 48 cm tall
Hands x 6 piece

Body suit
Chest armor with pauldron and Faulds
Leg armor
Greaves and boots

Other accessories:
Battle Axe
Figure Stand

DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant D49ce210
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant Cdedc910
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 4b249710
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 3cf96a10
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 0ba49d10
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant E6893f10
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 9298d110
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 7964d310
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 33667910
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 6c53f510
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 92725510
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant A5a74810
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 88637610
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant Fc576210
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 76e43910
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant 86c8c910
DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant Bab23b10

#newproduct #In-Famous #DarkServant #male #villain #movie-based #comicbook


Founding Father
That's a lot nicer than the cheap toy I bought some years ago. I think I gave it away. I wonder if they will follow it with the arguably cooler director's cut look. A closed-mouthed expression might have been better for the likeness.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
I know a lot of folks liked the Director’s Cut look better, but I honestly thought it was too much. Today’s art designers for films all seem to have forgotten the old adage “less is more”. So many of the costume designs for JL were just WAY too busy. It’s weird that I’m considering this, but I mainly want it for the body and hands — maybe using some of the costume, but I have no interest in the character as is.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant C8485110


Don't even know who the heck this is supposed to be....

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Steppenwolf, the villain from The Justice League movie (he looks VERY different in the Zach Snyder cut).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

DarkServant - NEW PRODUCT: IN-FAMOUS IF004 1/6 Dark Servant C8485110


Oh i see, thanks for explaining.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

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