Well, as my other projects are nearly finished ('finished' custom figures, haha, good joke...!) I have to be prepared for the end. Of our civilization.
I have seen some great apocalypses here, like the Radio Kings, Pin Up patrol, Mad Max customs, and Fallout Dioramas.
Since I have drawn some post apocalyptic characters for #inktober (an art challenge in October where you have to draw one picture for one keyword every day), I wonder how to bring them to life in 6 scale.

I have some more characters in mind or in unfinished sketches, but here are the finished pictures. End product may vary a lot. You can skip all the text, look at the pics and maybe give me tips and opinions on where and how to start best, or take some time and read:

The Post Apocalypse in 'my world' was the result of a worldwide pandemic outbreak, pollution and mutation in animal- and plant life. I focus on Europe and Northern Africa here, I will leave the spiky car chases for Australia, Western US and Mexico. In this world the cars have died out along big cities, planes and smartphones. Several hundred or maybe thousand years after the outbreak, the population numbers are still very low, I am aiming for under two Million in Europe, rest of the world unknown. The survivors are mostly descendants of a few people in lucky circumstances. The dying begins three days after the infection, until then nobody had a clue that it even existed. It's contracted very easily from person to person, wiping out big cities fast. When the gravity of the disease became clear, it was already too late for most of the world.

I created a number of  loosely connected types of cultures, represented by characters. Right now I have four and a half cultures in mind, names are placeholders:
- the 'Cargo People' of the European North Coast
- the reclusive masked forest dwellers of Central European Forests
-the 'Mirror People' of the Alps
- the 'Shell people' of the European Mediterranean Coasts
- the nomads of the North African Coast

This one is one of the 'Cargo People', descendants of Quarantine survivors from the Coasts of Lissabon to St. Petersburg, as well as international Cargoship crews and Navy personell of the NATO and Russia. Their style might be an unholy mix of Carnival, Burlesque, Mobsters, Reeperbahn, Magic Mike and sailors. They love to present their wealth, are trading and sometimes pirating with their Cargo-neighbours and don't know the difference between total Kitsch and a real Diamond. The women are in power in most of the tribes for a reason I will elaborate on another time.
The character is supposed to have a lot of bright and dark red, so I might get me a Painkiller Jane, use her Head and hands and a curvy body, maybe some of those newer seamless ones. The athletic body might be used for one of the shell people. Clothes crafted from leather, and I need to get lots of watches.
Topics tagged under inktober on OneSixthFigures Dnk0qQ5

This one looks quite generic I think, like some crazy Thor desert raider. He experienced and an electric jolt from an old fence once,  thougt it might be magic and is now collecting 'lightnings'...   I might drop the concept, rather concentrating on a forest man with bark clothes or something.
Topics tagged under inktober on OneSixthFigures 79TmVwv

A factionless, crazy, peace loving avenger. It's quite rushed and based on that black shirted Alice Figure. I might drop this concept, because the guns in this world might have gone extinct too. But I might use the idea with the wings and the happy peace flower skulls.
Topics tagged under inktober on OneSixthFigures B3TSQRx

One of the shell people, descendants of Mediterranians and tourists who survived the outbreak on little boats, along with  African Climate/war Refugees who crossed the sea just in time. They are excellent swimmers, divers and hunters of giant, mutated fish and shellfish.
I probably have to get one of those phicen bodies for her. Clothing will be made of a mix of deco and real shells, leather, strings and nets. A creepy mask and a shell man with a cone shaped shell hat is planned too.
Topics tagged under inktober on OneSixthFigures 0FezQuR

No nomad or forestman as I am not happy with the sketches yet.
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