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NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit

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Founding Father
ACPLAY 1/6 ATX043 Street Bruiser--Martial Artist A/B suit
A List:
White clothes*1
White pants*1 pair
Glove hands*4
Special accessories*1

B List:
Blue clothes*1
Blue pants*1 pair
Glove hands*4
Special accessories*1
Note: The body is not included in this suit.
The product applies to TBLeague M35 super-flexible seamless male body.

NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11182710
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11183110
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11183310
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11183610
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11184510
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11191010
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11192210
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11192610
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11193010
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11193310
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11214710
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11214910
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11215210
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11215510
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11215810
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11220110
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11220610
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11220910
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11221310
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11335710
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11342210
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11351110
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11353210
NEW PRODUCT: ACPLAY new products: 1/6 ATX043 Street Fighters practice martial arts A/B suit 11355110

#newproduct #ACPlay #StreetFighter #male #Asian #videogame #accessory


Founding Father
I like the tattered classic white outfit for kitbashing. Given it is designed for an M35 (which in some ways might be an odd choice), it would come in handy and should fit pretty much any medium or larger 1/6 male body.

I'll be back!


I may get this figure to fight Chun Li...


Something is bothering me in this set... I think the head is too big, a bit disproportional. Is it just me?
I kinda liked the Super Duck Ryu set better... and they also got a Cammy set that's pretty sick.


Item seems to be cancelled. My local distributor just sent me a notice.

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