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Mini review - Tusken Raider

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26starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Thu Apr 19, 2018 1:28 pm


Founding Father
Rogerbee wrote:However, if an outfit is tailored to one body, getting it to fit another can be an ask.

Very true. I remember when Hot Toys put out their original (not Rogue One) stormtrooper two-pack, one of the two was purposefully shorter (perhaps in part using shorter ankle pegs, but I think there were some differences in the height of the body proper too), and on him the armor fit in a clunkier, tighter way that inhibited articulation more than the same armor on the "standard" stormtrooper. This was covered in Michael Crawford's review (I don't own this particular boxed set). So there would be a good example of what you described. Although, one might consider that this would be realistic, as generic stormtrooper armor would "hang" differently on the stormtroopers of different height.

27starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:00 pm


Founding Father
Except weren’t the Stormtroopers all supposedly clones? So wouldn’t that mean they were all exactly the same? Haha. (Despite Lucas’ assertions after the fact, I know he didn’t always have that planned, but isn’t what he said...?)

28starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:10 pm


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:Except weren’t the Stormtroopers all supposedly clones? So wouldn’t that mean they were all exactly the same? Haha. (Despite Lucas’ assertions after the fact, I know he didn’t always have that planned, but isn’t what he said...?)

Unless you insist on a(n unattested) change in recruitment between the Empire and the First Order, we now know that the stormtroopers are like janissaries (taken from their parents at a young age and indoctrinated and trained as shock troops).

29starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:53 pm


Stryker2011 wrote:To get around the height issue of my Slave Leia, I had to completely remove any stand for her. I originally didn't have the others on their original stands, but then the Jiaou Doll Leia is so tall, it looked ridiculous. Scary how Slave Leia is the same height as Hoth Leia who's standing on a 1"-thick platform.
starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 _dsc2711

Those look great mate, and the height difference between the 2 Leias is catered for nicely by the stand solution here.

I can't wait to see slave leia in Jabba's throne room when you get it, that will be so cool mate.

30starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:59 am


Founding Father
Been eyeing one of these guys on the Bay — but my God, those prices. I can’t decide if I should get a Tusken Raider, or a Scout Trooper and the Speeder Bike (the cost for the former is only about $40 less than the cost of the latter two).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 C8485110

31starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:46 pm


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:Been eyeing one of these guys on the Bay — but my God, those prices. I can’t decide if I should get a Tusken Raider, or a Scout Trooper and the Speeder Bike (the cost for the former is only about $40 less than the cost of the latter two).

I'd say Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike. You've seen Paul's. Or get the Scout Trooper and customize the old (longer) Hasbro Speeder Bike. At this point I have both (yes, Sideshow rewards got to me too...). Why not a Tusken Raider? Because by now you'd be paying an artificially inflated secondary market price for an older and less perfect figure that might be re-released in possibly improved form (Sideshow does that). Moreover, did you notice how (unlike any other Tattooine creatures from the original Star Wars film) Tusken Raiders did not appear in Jabba's palace? So the Tusken Raider won't go with your glorious Jabba (and if you wonder just how glorious it is, check out the hideous CG Jabba in the original version of the Special Edition); the Scout Trooper will go with the Speeder Bike and even with your emperor (who passes by a whole bunch of them on his arrival at the Death Star). But that's just my opinion.

The Sideshow Scout Trooper (both the original release and the current release, which seem to be identical) is an excellent figure; their Speeder Bike is stunning, even if a little on the short side; Hasbro's old one is a little on the wide side; neither is perfect (you can see the comparison between them in Paul's thread HERE). But if it is a question of money, you might be able to save some by customizing the Hasbro one (just make sure you are getting the correct older Hasbro release, not the undersized simpler toys that were available recently). A long time ago I had a thread on the old site with many photos of my customized Hasbro Speeder Bike; here are three from that set (I haven't gotten around to unboxing or photographing it and the Sideshow ones against a proper background since the move).

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Speede10

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Speede11

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Speede12

I'll be back!

32starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:04 pm


Founding Father
That's pretty amazing for a Hasbro product, Guv. How many modifications did you have to do?


He who dies with the most toys wins!

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 C8485110

33starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:28 pm


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:That's pretty amazing for a Hasbro product, Guv. How many modifications did you have to do?

Now I wish I had bothered putting up more photos (see three more below). Smile In general terms the main part of the customization was give it a more weathered look with some dry brushing of gunmetal grey (I think) paint, to imitate a multiplicity of tiny scratches and imperfections. Two parts received a more physical treatment: I glued (and painted over) tiny conical-ish rhinestones on top of the levers on the command panel in front of the seat (this made them look longer/taller and more prominent); and I filled in the missing part of the rear egines (?) with curved flat wire crescents, air-drying clay, and cylindrical crimp beads to match the on-screen look (which was better reproduced by the Sideshow bike -- Paul had a photo of them side by side from that angle too and you can see exactly what was missing on the Hasbro).

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Speede13

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Speede14

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Speede15

I'll be back!

34starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:33 pm


Founding Father
Impressive mods, my friend. I especially like the front of the bike that shows more "scraping damage". Nicely done. I never would have picked up on what you used to make the knobs on the control console. Excellent. I'm going to go back over Paul's thread -- it seems so long ago, I forgot what his impressions are.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 C8485110

35starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:43 pm


Founding Father
I finally got one of these Sideshow Tusken Raiders, and he is awesome. I'm so happy to finally have one of these in my collection. Been searching for a couple years now, but the after-market prices were ridiculously high. Then I found an eBay seller who must be clearing out some of his personal collection. A big shout out to scalawag for his advice on this particular item. The previous owner took great care of this guy, and I found no problems what-so-ever. He's very cool. If I have one con against the figure, it's that Sideshow included a typical "gun" hand, but his long rifle is anything but typical -- so there is no way to really hold that thing even remotely close to the "trigger" with that hand. Kind of makes the rifle a wasted accessory.

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 _dsc3048


He who dies with the most toys wins!

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 C8485110

36starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:20 am


He looks great, Stryker! So glad you were finally able to find one!

Too bad about the rifle, though perhaps he could sometimes switch and hold that over his head instead, lol.

37starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:44 am


Pleased to see you got one Wink

This is an awesome figure to have in a collection. I have mine on my TV stand and so see it most days and it always makes me smile.

I have never had the rifle out of the packing on mine so had not come across the odd hand situation. I am definitely a gaffi stick man lol. I have 2 of them hanging on the lounge wall Laughing Laughing Laughing

Anyway glad you sourced one at a reasonable price, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine.


I can't see the trees for the Forest
starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Yv5cCVM

38starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 Empty Re: Mini review - Tusken Raider Fri Mar 08, 2019 12:12 pm


Founding Father
scalawag wrote:Pleased to see you got one Wink

This is an awesome figure to have in a collection.  I have mine on my TV stand and so see it most days and it always makes me smile.

I have never had the rifle out of the packing on mine so had not come across the odd hand situation.  I am definitely a gaffi stick man lol.  I have 2 of them hanging on the lounge wall Laughing Laughing Laughing

Anyway glad you sourced one at a reasonable price, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine.


Yep. He's very cool, and as you said, he really does stand up well to this day. Pretty awesome figure. So glad for your help on this one, Paul. Thanks, Brother.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

starwars - Mini review - Tusken Raider - Page 2 C8485110

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