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Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022

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Founding Father
Welcome aboard. Robert looks pretty cool like that. Nice bash.


I can totally see RDJ as a John Wick arch-rival. You should give him a sawed-off shotgun

78Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Empty Extra Tall M36A Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:09 am


Hi everyone...I'm also new here. I have been reading different topics around here for a little bit, but wanted to wait til I finally got all  my figures in before I commented. Took a minute...they are so expensive! The problem I'm having is I bought the 36A figure because the character he represents is supposed to be a bit taller than his friends...but I didn't expect him to be SOOOOO tall! He's way too tall for the others. I'm debating selling him and getting another of the shorter dudes...but I still kind of like him and if I could just find clothes that he looks right in, maybe I can keep him. I thought of using the ankle extenders to make the others not so short compared to him, but man, they suck! The biggest problem tho is that NOTHING fits him. All the pants are way too short. I don't know what to do. It's making my experience with this fall on the disappointed side. I was so excited at the idea, and spent all this money to get these 4 characters (3 male and one female)...but it's very hard with the clothes and shoes situation.

The other thing I wanted to mention and ask about (I haven't looked around too much yet, but I will look for this topic)...the head sculpts I've seen so far are all the already painted kind, with molded hair. I specifically wanted to paint my own and put more realistic hair on them, but am having loads of trouble with this hair. I wondered if anyone here has done their own hair and how did you solve the issues that brings about? (Like the glue not holding/hair falling out, and crazy looking flyaway hair that won't stay down and looks ridiculous). This is a great forum! I hope to get lots of tips! Love the photos y'all are posting! Love the guy with the guitar the most...that pic is magic!


Founding Father
Welcome aboard, chrisinbama. Right now the only clothing made for those bodies are basketball clothing, or they could be custom made.

As far as modifying a sculpted head to real hair, here are a few links:

Here’s a great site that had some excellent tips on doing this:


Thank you for the reply! I'll check those out immediately!


Founding Father
It is understandable that this would be a challenge -- as I wrote in my review of the M36 bodies, that makes the absence of any included basic clothing (underwear) by TBLeague even more annoying. You've got to keep testing things that might work. Maybe try finding some longish shorts, or pair the pants with tall boots so it doesn't show that they will hang short. Short-sleeved shirts or even "wife beaters" might take care of it on the upper end. But of course that might not be the look you're after.

They are pricey, but you might want to check out the hegemony77 offerings on Etsy -- many of them are designed for these seamless bodies (though not exclusively) and they might have something for M36. And since many of the items they offer are sporty and somewhat stretchy, they might work ok even if not specifically designed for it.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Part XII: ZC World Mens Hommes Vol 10 Airforce

I picked up a few of the ZC World Mens Hommes Vol 10 set (Airforce) and tried them on a TBLeague M33 body. For the most part, the experiment was a success, although the body is a tad bulky for the clothing and the layers add up. The white T shirt was a challenging fit (though it came off rather easily), and produced all sorts of loose tiny white fibers during the struggle. The black socks stained the lower legs -- should have just used the black ankle warmers/concealers that came with the TBLeague body itself. The cap is wearable but seems a bit oversized to me. The pants were very difficult to put on and I did not succeed in making them close (hence the untucked state of the shirt and undershirt, and not showing the silver-buckled belt). Otherwise, I think this worked out well enough; now where do I find similar navy blue pants that would fit? Smile

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Mhv10m10

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Mhv10m11

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Mhv10m12

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Mhv10m13

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Mhv10m14

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Mhv10m15

I hope this has been useful or interesting to someone. As always, what do you think?

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Hmmm. I probably would have went with a narrow shoulder, hard-plastic body, and not a TBL, in order to get the clothes to fit correctly. It’s hard to judge whether this would make an acceptable base for an Air Force uniform based on how ill-fitting it all looks at the moment. (Sorry, I know that sounds super judgmental.)


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 C8485110


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:Hmmm. I probably would have went with a narrow shoulder, hard-plastic body, and not a TBL, in order to get the clothes to fit correctly. It’s hard to judge whether this would make an acceptable base for an Air Force uniform based on how ill-fitting it all looks at the moment. (Sorry, I know that sounds super judgmental.)

Yes, I agree. I would normally go with a narrow-shouldered hard-plastic body for this outfit, but the theme of this thread is to try out clothing on TBLeague seamless bodies, hence the experiment. The M33 body is definitely too bulky (especially for the pants, less so for the jacket and shirt, but still a stretch); I wonder if M32 would fit, but haven't tried it yet (it is slimmer but still has pretty broad shoulders); I bet M31 would fit fine. Of course, except for the t-shirt look, there is no great need for using a seamless body here. In terms of actual deployment of the clothing, if I were creating a permanent character, I would indeed use a hard-plastic body; I might save the white t-shirt (which is not visible when the rest of the outfit is on) for a seamless body.

I'll be back!


nhwioz wrote:As a first contribution, I chose this topic. I hope I do not get too many slaps.

Body TBLeague M33

MK5 2.0 Tony Headplay 1/6 Scale Avengers Iron Man Tony Head sculpt Racing suit Head Carving Model Fit 12" male body Figure

Shoes and t-shirt:
A013 1/6 Male Clothes Fashionable Men's Casual Suit 2.0 Ironman TONY Costume Suit & Shoes
(The rest was too small so I had to buy something else.)

Pants and jacket:
JXTOYS-0311/6 Gentlemen's Suit Clothes Set For muscle strong body 12''
The pants I could wear relatively easy. The jacket was more difficult, it fits barely to M33 but for M35 it is too small.

1/6 scale essential gear series black the shoulder holster classic pistol with chest gun magazin hanging weapons set

So envy you can find a suit for M33, at least you made it wear it on.... Laughing Laughing although it will be really hard to pose I guess...
If you really love M33 with suits, let patience to wait for Toy Centre to release the suits especially for M33 bodies....I found they are able to preorder

GubernatorFan wrote:Part XII: ZC World Mens Hommes Vol 10 Airforce

I picked up a few of the ZC World Mens Hommes Vol 10 set (Airforce) and tried them on a TBLeague M33 body. For the most part, the experiment was a success, although the body is a tad bulky for the clothing and the layers add up. The white T shirt was a challenging fit (though it came off rather easily), and produced all sorts of loose tiny white fibers during the struggle. The black socks stained the lower legs -- should have just used the black ankle warmers/concealers that came with the TBLeague body itself. The cap is wearable but seems a bit oversized to me. The pants were very difficult to put on and I did not succeed in making them close (hence the untucked state of the shirt and undershirt, and not showing the silver-buckled belt). Otherwise, I think this worked out well enough; now where do I find similar navy blue pants that would fit? Smile

I hope this has been useful or interesting to someone. As always, what do you think?

This Navy suits looks amazing on M33, I truly afraid to buy such suits for this bulky body already....but then since the T-shirt is not visible when Punisher wearing the full set, I suggest not to wear T-shirt, so can spare some space for posing....unless you want him wear it only T-shirt


Founding Father
Thanks Lawlaw. It fits like a tight suit on a pro wrestler -- I think it works for me ok in the first photo, but not so much in the second. You are right about the t-shirt being redundant, though I wonder how much it would have really helped if I had kept it off. The bigger problem with the pants not closing didn't have anything I could have removed standing in the way.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:Thanks Lawlaw. It fits like a tight suit on a pro wrestler -- I think it works for me ok in the first photo, but not so much in the second. You are right about the t-shirt being redundant, though I wonder how much it would have really helped if I had kept it off. The bigger problem with the pants not closing didn't have anything I could have removed standing in the way.

I can see you put a lot of efforts into it....he at least looks good with standing and sitting pose, I like he still can sitting like that last picture....In face ZC, ZY,POPTOYS, and some of the "Tony Stark specialized" suits are not friendly to seamless at all, even M31, I hope there will be someone starts doing suits with a little bit "elasticity" material, really need that Laughing Laughing Laughing


Founding Father
lawlaw91 wrote:I can see you put a lot of efforts into it....he at least looks good with standing and sitting pose, I like he still can sitting like that last picture....In fact, ZC, ZY, POPTOYS, and some of the "Tony Stark specialized" suits are not friendly to seamless at all, even M31, I hope there will be someone starts doing suits with a little bit "elasticity" material, really need that Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am hoping so too. XRF, who had produced some of the clothing appearing in some of the earliest posts in this thread, are now set to release two versions of a long-sleeve plaid shirt and jeans set, so I am hoping eventually they get to suits and uniforms too. It says they are ideal for DAM and Soldier Story bodies, but their earlier releases worked very well with the seamless TBLeague ones too.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:
lawlaw91 wrote:I can see you put a lot of efforts into it....he at least looks good with standing and sitting pose, I like he still can sitting like that last picture....In fact, ZC, ZY, POPTOYS, and some of the "Tony Stark specialized" suits are not friendly to seamless at all, even M31, I hope there will be someone starts doing suits with a little bit "elasticity" material, really need that Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am hoping so too. XRF, who had produced some of the clothing appearing in some of the earliest posts in this thread, are now set to release two versions of a long-sleeve plaid shirt and jeans set, so I am hoping eventually they get to suits and uniforms too. It says they are ideal for DAM and Soldier Story bodies, but their earlier releases worked very well with the seamless TBLeague ones too.

XRF and SuperMc are tended to be making larger clothes, really got high "win" rate to bet on those for seamless..... Basketball Basketball Basketball


Founding Father
Part XIII: DID Fringe Walter Bishop clothing on TBLeague M32

I picked up a few of the items from the DID Walter Bishop set from Fringe, including the pants, striped shirt, checkered shirt, white lab coat, and shoes. I tried them out on my usual go-to, M33, and they were a very tight fit (though they did fit). So I decided to go with M32, which was generally better as a fit (although its shoulders in particular are about the same width and still pose a bit of a challenge). The checkered shirt fit better than the striped one. The lab coat worked well (it even buttons in the normal, realistic way), and the pants allowed for comfortable articulation. Of course, for clothing this covering once could just as easily use a hard-plastic open-jointed body...

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Didwbm10

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Didwbm11

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Didwbm12

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Didwbm13

What do you think?

I'll be back!


Founding Father
The jacket and shirt look good, the pants look a little big on him. Great set up for your show case.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 C8485110


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:The jacket and shirt look good, the pants look a little big on him. Great set up for your show case.

I thought so too. But again, like we've both noted before, such covering outfits could just as well be served by a more traditional hard plastic body. Which makes me wonder -- why did they make the pants so wide; it probably helped with getting them on the TBLeague bodies, but they were not meant for them.

I'll be back!


Another great find of the shirt for seamless wide shoulder!!! The only thing I don't happy with is the looks 80's and nice with dance guys but not this "doctor" or something similar professional man like him....and the books are made from paper or plastic?


Founding Father
lawlaw91 wrote:Another great find of the shirt for seamless wide shoulder!!! The only thing I don't happy with is the looks 80's and nice with dance guys but not this "doctor" or something similar professional man like him....and the books are made from paper or plastic?

The character depicted in the set is an older British gentleman (though I don't know what he plays or exactly what time period the show is set in), so perhaps he was a little behind on what we consider fashionable. I don't really know.
Some of the books are with real paper pages (the ones lying horizontally on the desk), but the standing set is a single piece of plastic (or was it wood?).

I'll be back!


Are there any M34 light blue shirts and solid blue hoodies.

I'm making a Will Smith Hancock version 1 figure where he fought his ex wife


Founding Father
Part XIV: XRF sets XM05A and XM05B

XRF just released their plaid long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans sets XM05A (red) and XM05B (blue). The clothing sets are simple, consisting of only 3 items each: a plaid long-sleeved shirt, bue jeans, and a leather-like belt. The jeans and belt are identical in the two versions of the set, only the shirts differ in base color. I tried out the sets on TBLeague's M33 (slimmer) and M34 (bulkier). Especially on M34, they were a tight fit, but as you can see work quite well, allowing for plenty of articulation. The jeans work well with boots, as shown in the last photo (using the recent ADD Toys muscle body from HERE). The detail is pretty good, and all the pockets are useful. The pants close with velcro, the shirt with buttons (I left those at the neck and left cuff unbuttoned).

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 M30xrf10

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 M30xrf11

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 M30xrf12

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 M30xrf13

I hope this is useful. What do you think?

I'll be back!


I don't care for the shirts, but those jeans and belt look great!! On all three bodies, too!
That ADD body just looks amazing. And hands in pocket! Awesome! Very Happy

I'm not 100% liking the way the jeans fold in the top front on the M33 and AD02. So I'm thinking the M34 is the winner here. Even though I really like the baggy look on the AD02...

Great buy!


Dang that AD02 body looks so good like that that!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
I might have to get the red plaid version — that entire outfit is pretty much my go-to winter clothing, though I tend to tuck my shirts in. Thanks for the review.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 C8485110


Founding Father
AerynDiana wrote:I don't care for the shirts, but those jeans and belt look great!! On all three bodies, too!
That ADD body just looks amazing. And hands in pocket! Awesome! Very Happy

I'm not 100% liking the way the jeans fold in the top front on the M33 and AD02. So I'm thinking the M34 is the winner here. Even though I really like the baggy look on the AD02...

Great buy!

Thank you. The shirts do look a little bulky, although this type of shirts sometimes are bulky indeed. The ADD body does look amazing, but the problem is that this (the look) is its only advantage -- working with it I was reminded of what a pain it is to pose it and especially get it to stand -- and these are not even action poses. The trick to hands in pockets (in case you don't know or don't realize what I've done in this instance) is to remove the actual hands, and just tuck in the pegs. I was just trying to illustrate that the pockets are functional. Some outfits do have pockets large enough for the actual hands to fit in, although that usually involves stretchier fabrics and what look like oversized pockets. The jeans fold is largely my problem. I want and expect my figures to be articulated enough to sit (the ADD body is already pretty limited there), so I purposefully pulled the pants up far enough to have a bit of a fold of material at the thigh and at the knees. I may not have pulled the pant legs down to smoothen them enough for the just standing photos. The point is, that fold need not be there, depending on how you put the jeans on your figure.

skywalkersaga wrote:Dang that AD02 body looks so good like that that!

Yes, it does, doesn't it? Again, I wish it performed as well as it looked. Or that TBLeague (without changing anything else) applies the same paint job to its bodies.

Stryker2011 wrote:I might have to get the red plaid version — that entire outfit is pretty much my go-to winter clothing, though I tend to tuck my shirts in. Thanks for the review.

Thanks and welcome. Awesome, now I know how to create a winter version of mini-you (besides Darth Stryker and Markos the Greek hoplite prototypes)! Smile If you use one of the thinner bodies (M32, M33), you might be able to tuck the shirt in. The sleeves were a pain even on the M33, by the way, though the pants went on it a lot easier than on the M34.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Haha. That would be funny. Thanks for the extra info.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 C8485110


GubernatorFan wrote:
AerynDiana wrote:I don't care for the shirts, but those jeans and belt look great!! On all three bodies, too!
That ADD body just looks amazing. And hands in pocket! Awesome! Very Happy

I'm not 100% liking the way the jeans fold in the top front on the M33 and AD02. So I'm thinking the M34 is the winner here. Even though I really like the baggy look on the AD02...

Great buy!

Thank you. The shirts do look a little bulky, although this type of shirts sometimes are bulky indeed. The ADD body does look amazing, but the problem is that this (the look) is its only advantage -- working with it I was reminded of what a pain it is to pose it and especially get it to stand -- and these are not even action poses. The trick to hands in pockets (in case you don't know or don't realize what I've done in this instance) is to remove the actual hands, and just tuck in the pegs. I was just trying to illustrate that the pockets are functional. Some outfits do have pockets large enough for the actual hands to fit in, although that usually involves stretchier fabrics and what look like oversized pockets. The jeans fold is largely my problem. I want and expect my figures to be articulated enough to sit (the ADD body is already pretty limited there), so I purposefully pulled the pants up far enough to have a bit of a fold of material at the thigh and at the knees. I may not have pulled the pant legs down to smoothen them enough for the just standing photos. The point is, that fold need not be there, depending on how you put the jeans on your figure.
Ah! Had not figured that out, but makes perfect sense. Thanks! Laughing
And good to know about the pants' fold. That makes them an even better buy. Smile


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:Haha. That would be funny. Thanks for the extra info.

AerynDiana wrote:Ah! Had not figured that out, but makes perfect sense. Thanks! Laughing
And good to know about the pants' fold. That makes them an even better buy. Smile

Happy to help!

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Part XV: Easy & Simple jeans and shoes with ADD Toys wife beater

It seems like I've been picking up denim and denim-related items for a while now, so here is another, and it ended up even more Country than some of the earlier ones. The worn/faded jeans and Speedcross shoes come from the Easy & Simple Special Mission Unit Tear 1 Operator (so does the head, but it has been de-necked); the wife beater is from ADD Toys' War Wolves (the clothed version) -- I think (or otherwise a different Logan set?); the jewelry is from DAM Gangster Kingdom Van Ness set. The shoes and clothes fit quite well on TBLeague's M33 body, although getting them on (the clothes, not the shoes, which were easy) can be a bit of a struggle. I was actually surprised that the Easy & Simple jeans not only fit, but they can zip/button (actually it is velcro, which does not have a particularly strong hold), and allow enough articulation to make the figure sit down. The jeans pockets are functional, as are the belt loops, but as you can see, there is no leather brand patch, unlike some other sixth-scale jeans we have been getting. They are pretty tight, and difficult to fit over boots. The stitching and cut look pretty good to me. And yes, the wife beater is distressed (or more bluntly, sweat-stained). All in all, I think a pretty decent set of options.

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Tblesd10

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Tblesd11

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Tblesd12

Kitbash - Clothing TBLeague / Phicen Seamless Bodies updated: Part XXX, December 2022 - Page 4 Tblesd13

What do you think?

PS Sky, you're welcome! Wink

I'll be back!

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