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TB League new figures already available for Pre Order

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Japanese Female Shadow Hunter
Queen of the Hell Court

(these 2 names i translate directly from their Chinese names)

TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01ec-Sf972-JR2-Hp-HKCy-J-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Bb8-CBd2-JR2-Hsm-H5-S7-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01cc4-Iv42-JR2-Hql-Nzjc-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01j-MQk-Jb2-JR2-Houkr9l-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Ub4-Uc72-JR2-Hq-SIwe-S-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-MNSHcl2-JR2-Houji-Sd-392559417

SKARAH, THE VALKYRIE, Silver edition
Nancy the Saw girl
Alexander the Great

TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Ikv-Gzh2-JR2-Hnyr6f-H-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Pv7y-Dz2-JR2-Hou-Nl-Pc-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01m-T9-EWL2-JR2-Hp-X9-Zdq-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-UM0htm2-JR2-Hr-Pdz-Rf-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Tr7-EVz2-JR2-Hi-AG8rc-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01q-MNc-Tv2-JR2-Hpac-Ty-P-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01jd96-Pe2-JR2-Hp-FE6-QT-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01a-Heio12-JR2-Hnx-S21-I-392559417

Egyptian God Anubis
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-ECxu-XV2-JR2-Hs4-E3-N2-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01c13tz-X2-JR2-Hp-UIGv-D-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01xq-T1-TC2-JR2-Hp-Xys-IV-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Jym-G602-JR2-Hpc-ITi-L-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN015e-FF0-Z2-JR2-Hsip-GUs-392559417


I do like Anubis but I'd like to strip him of his Egyptian vibe so seems a tad wasteful


why would you want to strip him of his Egyptian vibe? He IS Egyptian


Aw, dammit, another dawn raid on my bank account.

Anubis and Hell Queen (is that a unique body or a pimped-up S20/21?) for me, and I think I prefer Silver Skarah to the original.

Nancy The Saw Girl looks like fun, though. Smile


agentghost wrote:why would you want to strip him of his Egyptian vibe? He IS Egyptian

I think Delanie means that she would prefer to use the body on its own for something else, so the outfit would be pointless to have. [Correct me if I'm wrong, Delanie!] 

For what it's worth, I like the body as well but likewise have little use for the psuedo-Egyptian outfit.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


I like Anubis. I can see that he would make a great fantasy figure if stripped of his Egyptian identity; maybe that is what Delanie wants to do with him?

The Japanese figure might be good but the face looks a bit plasticky - but that could just be the photos. Alexander looks good too. Was the kopis still in use then? I suspect he should have a longer, straighter blade for cavalry work. I don't really mind as he is a legend and the real man is hidden from us as with so many historical figures.


Founding Father
I want an Anubis figure so badly, but I wish they would have used a different body rather than the Arnold one, and the head and neck are driving me nuts -- pinhead, giraffe neck.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TB League new figures already available for Pre Order C8485110


Stryker2011 wrote:I want an Anubis figure so badly, but I wish they would have used a different body rather than the Arnold one, and the head and neck are driving me nuts -- pinhead, giraffe neck.

I feel your frustration on those aspects as well. 

And Geewillikers - without seeing that Hell Queen body on its own, it's hard to say for sure. At first I thought it was a smaller s27b type body, but it could very well be a unique one. Definitely curious about it!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


skywalkersaga wrote:And Geewillikers - without seeing that Hell Queen body on its own, it's hard to say for sure. At first I thought it was a smaller s27b type body, but it could very well be a unique one. Definitely curious about it!

Looking more closely, it could just conceivably be an S28/29... that breastplate will squish and uplift those boobs which will make them appear larger than they really are (unless it's a so far unreleased big bust version of that model). The detailing on it is certainly unique.  The Nancy figure looks like she might be a 28/29, too... certainly less muscly and more 'average' than TBL's usual body, anyway.



Agree the Nancy seems like one of the 28/29 bodies -- I think I even surmised as much in the other preview thread.

Even though I don't collect the actual tbleague figures, I am always interested to see new bodies and/or to see how pre-existing bodies look in various different contexts.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


where to pre-order?


Founding Father
agentghost wrote:where to pre-order?

That’s my question, as I haven’t found any place listing most of them yet.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TB League new figures already available for Pre Order C8485110


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:I want an Anubis figure so badly, but I wish they would have used a different body rather than the Arnold one, and the head and neck are driving me nuts -- pinhead, giraffe neck.

The Anubis set is striking, but as skywalkersaga called it, pseudo-Egyptian -- which is fine, if one doesn't care too much about historical--or in this case cultural/mythological--accuracy. I completely agree with your points of discontentment: the overly muscular body, the undersized head, the giraffe neck. Then again, it is a mythical creature that's not quite/mere human. From the point of view of Egyptian artistry and aesthetics (in which this ought to be rooted, after all), a slim body would have made more sense -- the closest to that would be M32, just possibly M33 (though that would be a little too muscular); I refuse to consider M31. Wink The head should be bigger, the neck shorter; and of course it would have been nice if the Egyptian "stuff" were made to look a little more authentically Egyptian, although I realize they are going for a comic book/Hollywood look. The details here don't look authentic, though they might just fit in Stargate-inspired fan fiction environment. Speaking of which, what is the obsession everyone seems to have with Anubis in particular, out of all Egyptian gods? And of making him a sinister character? He's a nice puppy (his name, literally)!

As for customizing, I feel sorry for anyone who tries it with this set (which is bound to be pricey). Even if you got the body parted out, note that the hands and even feet are very specific, with claws (and the feet might actually be sculpted together with the sandals). So there are other basic pieces that would have to be customized or "sourced" elsewhere. The black skin is (or looks) actually black, and that would be unrealistic if you're trying for a realistic African skin tone (incidentally, the Egyptian use of black in such instances was symbolic -- something to do with immortality, though in this case perhaps also with the conventional color of the African wolf/jackal in Egyptian art, the animal associated with Anubis; other gods get more consistently artificial colors -- e.g. Osiris green, Amun blue). One could go on, but all in all, I think this would be most rewarding to those who just like it for what it is -- a flight of fancy fantasy set.

Here's the "real" (conventional) Anubis:
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order Anubis_attending_the_mummy_of_Sennedjem

I'll be back!


Pass on Queen of the Dead. 1) Lack of accessories; 2) HS is old and ugly.

I will jump on the new Valkyrie. She is a beau

Remained undecided on the Shadow Killer, however. Very weird Japanese set. I am surprised that no one said anything about her but rip on Anubis (another stylized fantasy, Hollywood, pseudo-mythological collectible)


agentghost wrote:Pass on Queen of the Dead.  1) Lack of accessories; 2) HS is old and ugly.

I will jump on the new Valkyrie.  She is a beau

Remained undecided on the Shadow Killer, however.  Very weird Japanese set.  I am surprised that no one said anything about her but rip on Anubis (another stylized fantasy, Hollywood, pseudo-mythological collectible)

I did mention her face. Smile


Founding Father
agentghost wrote:Remained undecided on the Shadow Killer, however.  Very weird Japanese set.  I am surprised that no one said anything about her but rip on Anubis (another stylized fantasy, Hollywood, pseudo-mythological collectible)

For what it is worth, I think
(1) I comment enough, admittedly to encourage conversation on this forum and to acknowledge the contributions of others who have created stuff and/or taken the trouble to post images and information;
(2) others should comment more and more broadly (especially on customs, kitbashes, etc, not just new products) -- but it's not like I can force anyone to do that;
(3) I don't know enough about this character or about this sort of thing -- it's both nice and flawed to be sure, but
(4) I know and care more about Anubis.

I'll be back!


I'm glad none of these are grabbing my attention. This year is going to hit my wallet hard and explode with other non scale collectibles. LOL


TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-Fnl-ENu2-JR2-Hnw-A4oh-392559417
TB League new figures already available for Pre Order O1-CN01-EQi-O7b2-JR2-Horg-GMQ-392559417

Valkyrie 1/12th


agentghost wrote:Pass on Queen of the Dead.  1) Lack of accessories; 2) HS is old and ugly.

I do find the HS of this Queen quite unique...could be useful for other figures creation...


I don’t personally mind an ‘old’ looking headsculpt ... it gets boring for all the sculpts to be of eternally youthful, generic ‘beauties’. (Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.) Unless by ‘old’ you meant that the sculpt looks outdated or something ... to me it looks fine, but then I tend to measure ‘ugly’ headsculpts by, say, older Sideshow fare or the worst of Star Ace’s output. Razz

The great thing about this hobby is that we can cater to our own tastes .... and as many have noted, we can easily pass on offerings that don’t appeal. And what appeals to each of us always going to be very different. Since I’m personally less interested in the typical ‘sexy warrior lady’ tbleague figures, I was more focused on commenting on the ones that did catch my eye (however ‘ugly’ they may to some). Wink

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