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NEW PRODUCT: TBLeague: 1/6 Female Super-Flexible Seamless Body S34 & S35 (with head sculpt) & 34A & 34A (without head sculpt)

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I probably won't be getting one in a hurry (which is unusual for me I know) - aside from the concerns and likely delays over importing anything from China at the moment, it doesn't look like enough of a departure from TBL's 'norm' for me and I have other bodies in mind for projects that are first in line over these.


Stryker2011 wrote:So, who’s going to take one for the team and get one so we can see comparison pics, and know for sure how this looks? I’m still curious about the seamless foot; is it posable like the Jiaou’s? Are the toes posable like Hot Stuff? Is there more of a support in the foot rather than their initial floppy foot?
Looks like rollotomasi is! Smile

I'll wait for the first review on this one. But good catch on the Rem figure! I totally overlooked the fact that they mention a "custom" TBLeague body, which does look exactly like this one to me and is advertised to be 11.12 inches (28.50cm) tall.


I’ll certainly be waiting until it’s released before I decide on this one, for a lot of reasons already stated above, but mainly the height issue. If it’s short, I’d probably go for it, but if it’s a tall(er) one, then I’ll pass as I wouldn’t have much use for it. I’m open to taller bodies, but would prefer them to have slightly more defined muscle tone than this one.

Still waiting for my ‘ideal’ tbleague bodies, though I know it’s likely they will never materialise. :p


skywalkersaga wrote:Still waiting for my ‘ideal’ tbleague bodies, though I know it’s likely they will never materialise. :p
I think it's only a matter of time. They've been releasing new body types so frequently. Making a body that reflects real people to challenge that Hot Toys market is only a natural progression. Like a body that could be used to replace the Hot Toys WW body. That one is so beautiful, but sooo stiff and... ya know?? They gotta want to fill that gap eventually.


AerynDiana wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:Still waiting for my ‘ideal’ tbleague bodies, though I know it’s likely they will never materialise. :p
I think it's only a matter of time. They've been releasing new body types so frequently. Making a body that reflects real people to challenge that Hot Toys market is only a natural progression. Like a body that could be used to replace the Hot Toys WW body. That one is so beautiful, but sooo stiff and... ya know?? They gotta want to fill that gap eventually.

A WW body type would indeed be awesome. Would be so great to be able to do characters who are robust and athletic but not cartoonishly muscular. 

Since I am working on so many Padme figures, a Natalie Portman-esque body type would be incredible. As would anything with a smaller bust, really. The only body so far that has a small-ish bust is the s17b type, but I have vacillated over getting that one so many times for various reasons. It's one of the taller bodies, for one, which limits which characters I could do with it, and also... those pudgy wrists on it are really frustrating. Basically, if tbleague could do a seamless version of those small or medium bust PopToys Xing bodies, I'd buy dozens of them. Razz 

The thing I like best about the new ones listed above are the seemingly slimmer wrists. I just wish they could do that on all their female bodies.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


I got one ordered in suntan without the headsculpt so I'll post comparison pictures with my other phicens as soon I get her (my latest being the "buxom" I had planned for Dana Scully, but threezero's figure was so petite it did not fit lmao)


blackpool wrote:I got one ordered in suntan without the headsculpt so I'll post comparison pictures with my other phicens as soon I get her (my latest being the "buxom" I had planned for Dana Scully, but threezero's figure was so petite it did not fit lmao)

Would the ThreeZero Scully fit onto the s25b? Or is it too petite even for that one?

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


skywalkersaga wrote:
Would the ThreeZero Scully fit onto the s25b? Or is it too petite even for that one?

I don't have the S25B but I believe she's quite a standard height so I would risk myself saying it won't be petite enough, Threezero's Scully's headsculpt is really small, it's not obvious because of her massive sculpted hair, but her face is very narrow so it looks weird on both my Xing poptoys, my TBLeague buxom and S09 and S02 (at the neck mainly as the head is built to sit very high on necks and has a very small neck hole)

I quite don't understand Threezero going this "outsider" way on pegs and joints, making their figure very hard to modify or "bodyswap" and therefore making the spare parts obsolete...

The outfit is tailored very fit on the threezero's body, especially the shirt that is lovely but impossible to use on any body I own beside threezero's Daenerys (or VTS furiosa surely, but I didn't try)


blackpool wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:
Would the ThreeZero Scully fit onto the s25b? Or is it too petite even for that one?

I don't have the S25B but I believe she's quite a standard height so I would risk myself saying it won't be petite enough, Threezero's Scully's headsculpt is really small, it's not obvious because of her massive sculpted hair, but her face is very narrow so it looks weird on both my Xing poptoys, my TBLeague buxom and S09 and S02 (at the neck mainly as the head is built to sit very high on necks and has a very small neck hole)

I quite don't understand Threezero going this "outsider" way on pegs and joints, making their figure very hard to modify or "bodyswap" and therefore making the spare parts obsolete...

The outfit is tailored very fit on the threezero's body, especially the shirt that is lovely but impossible to use on any body I own beside threezero's Daenerys (or VTS furiosa surely, but I didn't try)

The s25b is way shorter than most tbleague bodies -- it's around the same height as the PopToys Xing bodies, but it has MUCH more slender shoulders even than that one. The shoulders on it are often too slender for most normal 1/6 headsculpts. For instance, I use the s25b for many of my Padme figures, but even the rather small PT001 headsculpt is a bit overly large for it. So you never know? Maybe it would have more of a chance of working?

ETA: There's also the s27b, but of course that one is extremely petite and probably not the right body shape for Scully, so I didn't think to include it.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Ooooh then the S25b might be the best option! Slender shoulder could even be useful with all the layers of clothing she's supposed to wear, plus that tight silky shirt could fit may be! (as it is Threezero's scully is as small as Daenerys, so not far from the tiny Furiosa since furiosa has flat boots and shaved head. To illustrate, in her hands the standard sig sauer pistol looks like a huge desert eagle, it's so ridiculous I had to pose her with Mulder's secondary pistol, a small walter PP)

I went for the buxom as I wanted her curvy but small compared to Mulder which is a quite tall guy but not giant either. What I hadn't noticed is her too high heels and brushing balances her global height but her naked body is soooooo petite compared to the buxom....
Anyway the result is a big fail because of the neck being too large and long, with the head being too small and sitting too high on it, not mentioning the clothes that would never fit the buxom posterior and airbags...

As for the head, it could work nicely on the S25b if it is slender since they made her face very slim (way too slim in my opinion but the 90's brushing is balancing it very well). It might need a bit of work at the neck peg, her connector isn't deep at all inside the headsculpt but the connector can be modified (even if damn well glued inside!!!)

EDIT. btw if you plan on getting Scully, go for a pale body, she is extremely pale and pinkish skin tone, quite accurate with Gillian Anderson but not fitting a suntan for sure (except those new paler suntan, or the Xing poptoys that are veeeery pale as well in their suntan version. It's still not a perfect match, a pale body would work nicer for that warm light pink tone)


Ah, yes, the pale makes sense -- I was just too lazy to type out both body type numbers, lol. 

And of course, I could be wrong about the fit... but just wanted to put it out there in case! Smile 

And 'airbags'.... lmao  Laughing

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Stryker2011 wrote:So, who’s going to take one for the team and get one so we can see comparison pics, and know for sure how this looks? I’m still curious about the seamless foot; is it posable like the Jiaou’s? Are the toes posable like Hot Stuff? Is there more of a support in the foot rather than their initial floppy foot?

I already pre-ordered both from a Chinese seller, expected to arrive in March. Ready to be compared with the 2 other "petite" sized dolls.

Heads : it will be handy to have some more heads for the petite dolls. They look very young ? That's a perk with many Asian females, they manage to look 10 years younger than they really are. I have also noticed that all these Chinese head manufacturers are better at making Asian than "western" heads. Not difficult to understand, they have living examples available by the millions.

Bikinis : I guess they are made in a kind of vinyl as they do for other figures where the clothing can be removed. Basically it is a rubber band. Unfortunately and probably also with the disadvantages of rubber bands : tears easily, becomes brittle with aging.

Feet : if they can stand on those seamless feet I prefer those above the detachable feet : no seam to hide, no different colour shade, ...


Taking a closer look at the feet (in an academic non-Tarantino manner Smile) for the first time, they look shorter and broader than older TBL models - more like those on the newest Jiaou 'European' bodies. I just can't imagine how these are going to stand up on their own, unsupported.

Not unless... the soles are some kind of harder silicone or plastic...?


GeeWillikers wrote:Taking a closer look at the feet (in an academic non-Tarantino manner Smile) for the first time, they look shorter and broader than older TBL models - more like those on the newest Jiaou 'European' bodies. I just can't imagine how these are going to stand up on their own, unsupported.

Not unless... the soles are some kind of harder silicone or plastic...?
I'm really excited for these. I still haven't pre-ordered and will wait for a review.
But I can't imagine them producing the same floppy feet again so they must be better. RIGHT???
And if they are better: I had practically buried my S06, but these hollow boots actually allowed her to stand by herself, if not in as many different poses as I'd like.
If these feet are as articulated as they seem on the photos, then maybe they'll work even better with these boots as well as other hollow shoes! And I'd be happy with that.


Yes, I'm with you on that, Diana... I could live with them being able to stand via hollow boots. Since I want my figures to be permanently dressed anyway, them being able to stand around while totally nekkid is not really an issue to me. ;p

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


GeeWillikers wrote:Taking a closer look at the feet (in an academic non-Tarantino manner Smile) for the first time, they look shorter and broader than older TBL models - more like those on the newest Jiaou 'European' bodies. I just can't imagine how these are going to stand up on their own, unsupported.

Not unless... the soles are some kind of harder silicone or plastic...?

I'll stick with the Tarantino manner when it's about feet Laughing Laughing Laughing


If I was a producer of little silicone feet, I would put strong, heavy neodymium magnets into their soles, so they would have a lot of weight down there and could stand one legged on metal surfaces, without support. Has anyone of you ever added magnets to shoes? Might be fun.


I have.
A Gen1 Jiaou was on sale for $30 so i bought it to experiment with, it had seamless feet so i had to use old hollow plastic boots from the bin.
The boots were stupidly designed as the heel were higher than the ball of the foot so the boots lean backwards.

I super-glued two magnets on the right heel and 1 on the left for a contrapposto pose.
The thin base is my son's Bakugan card (aka metal gate card), which i covered with colored paper.
I will eventually replace the card with metal plate to have a stronger hold.
I have yet to add sculpting putty to hide the magnets, but i think i'll just leave them as is since they're unnoticeable anyway.

anime body - NEW PRODUCT: TBLeague: 1/6 Female Super-Flexible Seamless Body S34 & S35 (with head sculpt) & 34A & 34A (without head sculpt) - Page 3 Magnet10


Giantoy appears to be shipping these now. Did anyone get one? I have yet to see any in-hand photos of this body type, and I was curious to see what they looked like in comparison to other Phicen bodies.


gooboo - I had a quick look and so far these were the only 'in-hand' photos I could find. No comparisons with any other tbleague bodies, but just a pic of them still in the packaging:

anime body - NEW PRODUCT: TBLeague: 1/6 Female Super-Flexible Seamless Body S34 & S35 (with head sculpt) & 34A & 34A (without head sculpt) - Page 3 93436941_148672139990621_918300780268339967_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram

Image found here.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Proportions look kinda odd, don't they?


Founding Father
ahbake wrote:Proportions look kinda odd, don't they?

Yep. Narrow shoulders, almost no hips. It’ll be interesting to see if they can stand on their own, and if the feet have some sort of flexibility, without being the floppy footed things like there earlier seamless foot bodies had.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

anime body - NEW PRODUCT: TBLeague: 1/6 Female Super-Flexible Seamless Body S34 & S35 (with head sculpt) & 34A & 34A (without head sculpt) - Page 3 C8485110


It's hard to tell for sure about the body shape and proportions as imo tbleague bodies don't always look so great when just in that neutral position inside the box. Also, the headsculpts they have made to go with this body seem really round and stylized, so it's possible the heads could be a bit oversized and thus affecting the overall impression of the body's size and proportions. A lot will depend on how tall the body actually is, and whether or not it works with a 'regular' headsculpt.


On the plus side, those head sculpts look a bit less 'controversial' than in the promos, which makes me less reluctant to buy one with a head.

Arms and wrists look a little 'off' again somehow to me - is this TBL's new 'norm' now? It's a shame we aren't seeing them out of the trays and posed a little yet though, and I'd still like to get a better look at those feet so that I can nip this growing obsession with them in the bud before it gets out of control Very Happy

On the whole (and with the caveat we only have this one pic to go by so far) this body looks much more like a simple remix of the 32/33 with integrated feet than it did in the promos. A little slimmer from the waist down, possibly. I'm not a big fan of the narrow shoulders, to be honest. Sure they needed to be narrower than TBL's old 'norm' but I think they went just a teensy bit too far. It's a very subtle matter of degrees, but it's enough to throw things off.  And while the 'pale' body variant is indeed pale, the sculpt and the hands don't appear to be (but as always, this may just be a trick of the eye and/or photographic conditions.

In a nutshell (28 edits later Very Happy ), we need to see more.


I think that blonde head looks terrible. I had to look twice to be sure I wasn't looking at a 1/12 version...
And while I was also disappointed about the lack of hips, I agree that when posed this could look alright.

GeeWillikers wrote:In a nutshell (28 edits later Very Happy ), we need to see more.
I agree.


Hello, I need help please, I'm new collecting these dolls, but I bought an M36 male doll and I don't know what clothes to buy because it has a bigger size. Thanks


Founding Father
Elbitagin12 wrote:Hello, I need help please, I'm new collecting these dolls, but I bought an M36 male doll and I don't know what clothes to buy because it has a bigger size. Thanks

Greetings, and welcome aboard. Check out this thread here, it might be able to answer your questions:


Elbitagin12 wrote:Hello, I need help please, I'm new collecting these dolls, but I bought an M36 male doll and I don't know what clothes to buy because it has a bigger size. Thanks

I'm not sure what style of clothing you are looking for, but Hegemony77 on etsy usually make basic modern clothing for the larger m36-size male bodies:

ETA: Welcome, btw! Smile

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

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