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NEW PRODUCT: WOLFKING Plus: 1/6 Japanese style background platform doll accessories-WK89015C

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Founding Father
Product name: and room background platform Product name: and room background platform
Product Numbers: WK89015C Product no.: WK89015C
Product parameters: length 180mm width 155mm height 385mm Product parameters: length 180mm width 155mm height 385mm
Material: ABS resin Material: ABS resin
This product consists of 2 pieces and can be disassembled

Base - NEW PRODUCT: WOLFKING Plus: 1/6 Japanese style background platform doll accessories-WK89015C 21484410
Base - NEW PRODUCT: WOLFKING Plus: 1/6 Japanese style background platform doll accessories-WK89015C 21484610
Base - NEW PRODUCT: WOLFKING Plus: 1/6 Japanese style background platform doll accessories-WK89015C 21484810
Base - NEW PRODUCT: WOLFKING Plus: 1/6 Japanese style background platform doll accessories-WK89015C 21484910
Base - NEW PRODUCT: WOLFKING Plus: 1/6 Japanese style background platform doll accessories-WK89015C 21485110

#newproduct #Wolfking #Japanese #platform #background #base #accessory


That is beautiful. Want.
Actually,... want to MAKE it. Very Happy


That's quite nice! Glad I don't really have a use for it or I'd be super tempted. Smile

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


The blood stains reduce the versatility of it.

This kind of background is pretty easy to make yourself.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


Indeed it is possible to make from scratch...sometimes one is too lazy though. Razz

In my case, the windows in the background look distinctively Asian, which is nice but doesn't really go with any of my figures.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
I like it a lot, but if I were to advise this company, or any other that might embark on making this sort of thing (especially as a standalone product), I would suggest:
A. Make the back plate (in this case the screen) versatile: the front side is soiled, the back side is clean; if you could slide it in and out of a slot running through the frame, you could switch between them, giving you two options.
B. Make it wider: it might be just right for looking straight on at a figure and that is something; but move a little off to the side, and your figure would be half against some other, unrelated background; besides making the section wider, the easiest way to counter that is to provide a second background (frame+screen, or whatever else might be appropriate) to attach to either side, giving you a corner display; better yet, reduce the base to something less elevated (perhaps basically paper thin) that you can provide at least one more of, so as to allow doubling the display side-to-side as well.
C. Make it modular: so you can arrange a whole series of these next to each other for an extended background; this might obviate most of B above, although the price might be limiting/prohibitive.

I'll be back!


Make the backing is reversible? Otherwise why would the backside be so pretty?
I would totally love to place multiple of these next to each other, but then the blood stain would be quite repetitive.

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