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NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck

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Founding Father
About 1/6 Head Sculpt:
1. This is a 1/6 scale accessory, and compatible for 1/6 figure customizing.
2. Head sculpts without neck come with connectors, which does not need to bought separately.
3. The stock pictures are provided by the supplier. Actual product might slightly vary.

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10466910
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10471410
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10484610
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10503110
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10528310
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10549410
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: SOOSOOTOYS: SSH-001 1/6 scale Peter Head Sculpt HW/O Neck 10570811

#newproduct #SooSooToys #Peter #headsculpt #male #accessory #movie-based #comicbook


Founding Father
While I'm not really a fan of head sculpts with non-removable headgear, this looks pretty neat.

I'll be back!


It does look good as in a good likeness of the actor

but it's not something i may add to my collection as to be honest the marvel stuff is way too over priced so i'm not even going there.

that having been said i dislike this version of spiderman any way

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