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NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts)

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Founding Father
MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0032
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0034
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0033
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0036
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0037
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0035
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0038

MAXNUT KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts)

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0039
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) Img_0040

#newproduct #Maxnut #Male #headsculpt #accessory #AfricanAmerican #movie-based #comicbook


Founding Father
Very promising. I wish they would also do women.

I'll be back!


I have the one in the middle and it is a great head!
Can recommend

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Founding Father
Hey look. A company that actually made a more accurate Chadwick Boseman than HT. Nice tribute.

And I’m right there with you, Ian, we need a couple African American women dammit! Of course, then we’d run into the problem of the only available bodies are those outdated (and by today’s standards ugly) Triad bodies.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) C8485110


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:we need a couple African American women dammit! Of course, then we’d run into the problem of the only available bodies are those outdated (and by today’s standards ugly) Triad bodies.

Agreed. Well, technically, not that horrid-looking for jointed bodies, but jointed bodies after all. My bigger issue is the degree to which they were brittle and broke easily. Maybe the Alpha versions improved on that a little, I don't recall. Actually I got one of them, for the head sculpt (inspired by Ovy's custom work on it, only to discover that Ovy's head sculpt was one sold later and separately from the body).

I'll be back!


I guess "maxnut" is the new name of Nut Pizs, since they are the ones doing those headsculpts, they actually advertise the chadwick boseman on their site now. Weird to change name just when they start getting aknowledged for the quality of their creations, for example the super Jon Snow that nearly everyone used to swap the Threezero.

Go take a look Gub, they did a lovely Daenerys, and a super pretty Hela from thor Ragnarok!



I'm glad they changed it, because every time I want to put their former name in ebay, I think:

Nut Pics? Nuz Pitz? Nut Pisz?

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Valiarde wrote:I'm glad they changed it, because every time I want to put their former name in ebay, I think:

Nut Pics? Nuz Pitz? Nut Pisz?

Yeah, always thought it was an...unfortunate name, lol.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
I have that Hela head sculpt from Nut Piz; I’ve posted pics here for it somewhere.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MAXNUT KM003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt & KM001-003 1/6 Scale Male Head Sculpt (Set of 3 head sculpts) C8485110


Do you guys know if those HS's are compatible with the TBL m36 skintone? I really wanted to make some custom figs with them.


Valiarde wrote:I'm glad they changed it, because every time I want to put their former name in ebay, I think:

Nut Pics? Nuz Pitz? Nut Pisz?

Nut Pez.  Smile

These are great, but I have little use personally for specific character/actor sculpts.

I would definitely welcome more of the same (male and female) though as it would hopefully open up the market for more, er, diverse AA head sculpts, and maybe even persuade TBL to make more AA bodies (that aren't basketball players).


FreakinLobster wrote:Do you guys know if those HS's are compatible with the TBL m36 skintone? I really wanted to make some custom figs with them.

I don't know with the M36 but I painted a normal body with oil pastel sticks and it worked out pretty well (at least to my eyes).

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Founding Father
blackpool wrote:I guess "maxnut" is the new name of Nut Pizs, since they are the ones doing those headsculpts, they actually advertise the chadwick boseman on their site now. Weird to change name just when they start getting aknowledged for the quality of their creations, for example the super Jon Snow that nearly everyone used to swap the Threezero.

Go take a look Gub, they did a lovely Daenerys, and a super pretty Hela from thor Ragnarok!


I have that very Jon Snow sculpt. They do great work. And yes, their original name was remarkably unfortunate.

I'll be back!

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