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NEW PRODUCT: Gingerworks: GGW001 1/6 scale Tough Dad Cartoon Head Sculpt HW/O Neck

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Founding Father
Brand: 【Gingerale】of Gingerworks

Product ID: GGW001

List:Head Sculpt X 1

Estimated release date: Q4, 2021.

Prototype shown, the final product may be slightly different.Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.

headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: Gingerworks: GGW001 1/6 scale Tough Dad Cartoon Head Sculpt HW/O Neck Wechat10
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: Gingerworks: GGW001 1/6 scale Tough Dad Cartoon Head Sculpt HW/O Neck Wechat11
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: Gingerworks: GGW001 1/6 scale Tough Dad Cartoon Head Sculpt HW/O Neck Wechat12

#newproduct #Gingerworks #ToughDad #cartoonhead #stylized #male #headsculpt #movie-based #accessory


Founding Father
Very nice for a stylized head. Reminds me of the Gangster Kingdom style.

I'll be back!

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