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NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030

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Founding Father
Packing List:
The Collectible Figurine special features:
-Detailed Head sculpts, each piece of head sculpt is specially hand painted
-masked head with RED real fabric hair implantation and (3)interchangeable lower part of faces by patented
-Body with over 26points of articulations
-Approximately 26CM tall
-Eight(8)pieces of interchangeable palms including:
-One(1)pair of fists
-One(1)pair of relaxed palms
-One(1)pair of open palms for holding stick
-One(1)holing gun right hand
-One(1)holding darts left hand
-One(1) set costume
-One(1)Black and red shoes

-One(1)figure stand

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo11
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo12
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo10
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo14
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo13
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo15
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo18
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo16
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo17
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo19
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo20
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 Soosoo21

#newproduct #SooSooToys #Batlady #female #TVSeries-based #comicbook


Nice outfit, but the primary sculpt looks like Batman in a wig with lipstick. The other two are definitely better, though.


Founding Father
Xavion2004 wrote:Nice outfit, but the primary sculpt looks like Batman in a wig with lipstick.  The other two are definitely better, though.

The open mouth face plate is much better than that weird, whatever-the-hell it is, expression in the first couple of pics.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys: Batlady 1/6 Scale Action Figure SST-030 C8485110


Founding Father
I kinda like this, although I'm not familiar with the source. I agree the slightly open mouthed look seems better. Looking forward to the reveal of the unmasked head. It is a fairly simple set, but they went for a "real"-haired, tough-as-nails, fully-clothed female superhero character, and I'm happy to see that.

I'll be back!


I'm mostly concerned about how the hair will look as it's clearly photoshopped to hell in these pics.



Well all these three expression mouths are great options I think. For this specific masked character at least. I have not watched the show (heard only bad things about it, haha) , but I think the red hair is a wig connected to the cowl/costume, while the unrevealed character head has short sculpted black hair.

Manco Toys made a Ruby Rose headsculpt some time ago , which didn't look that much like the actress. Maybe we get a more expressive one now.

While I think Ruby Rose is kinda cool, I am no fan of her acting, I think she still needs some training to carry a show as a main character. Maybe she played a mute character in John Wick for a reason.


I like this and now will own two Bat Women because I ordered the first one from SWTOYS. I will be adding my touches to make her better and that will not be the only thing I change either.


I just can’t see spending that kind of money for a SooSooToys Batwoman. I’d rather spend a little more and get a VeryGoodToys Batwoman, or really go all out and get a GreatToys Batwoman.


Why is the hair completely and obviously photoshopped? 

Makes me wonder what the hair will *actually* look like.... O.o

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

Moonbase Alpha Male

Moonbase Alpha Male
I am not troubled or put off by any of the face plates, as others seem to be -- when the manufacturer is generous enough to provide 3 face plates (plus an unmasked head), you want those 3 to be significantly different, or what's the point? I think extreme expressions are a terrible idea for single headsculpts, but highly desirable in multiple sculpt situations. I do share the concerns about the hair though.

Season 2 Batwoman is a different woman with a different look, so that recasting probably took SooSoo by surprise. For myself, I never got deeply into this TV series, but for once they went with a costume that's pretty close to the comics look -- so I would view this figure as representing the comics character (with extra added bonus of a Ruby Rose headsculpt). For that purpose I prefer this to the Season 2 look.

The guidance counselor was surprised: “I didn’t even know career aptitude tests had a Super-Villain category.”


I am very interested in this "reveal soon" headsculpt. I don't suppose there will be any resemblance to Ruby.

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