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NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003)

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Founding Father
Product number: GT-BD003

The overall height of the body is about 31.5 cm

Product configuration sheet:
Game Toys independently developed a two-dimensional proportion male body x 1 GTBD-003 (Note: the back is opened)
Hands x 6 (holding hands x 2, relaxing hands x 2, modeling hands x 2)
Feet x 2

(Note: The headlines, wings shown in the pictures are not included)

Gametoys - NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003) 11660
Gametoys - NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003) 2978
Gametoys - NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003) 3658
Gametoys - NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003) 4597
Gametoys - NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003) 10220210

#newproduct #GameToys #Sephiroth #Body #male #accessory


I have been wanting this body for a while, but the ones that came out a year or two ago disappeared really fast and I sadly missed out.  The only ones that were left were pale grey/white version that was parted out from a different set, and it didn't come with feet or hands.

That being said, it's a little annoying that they haven't done a version without the wing plug (and likewise annoying it only has one plug, not exactly the most versatile option). However, I'd only be using this for clothed figures anyway, so might be ok.

I just really like the design of this body, it's very reminiscent of certain male BJD dolls. The tall, long-limbed elegant look is my kryptonite and I can think of several characters I could make with it. The closest seamless male bodies are probably the super tall tbleague m36 and the slimmer Jiaou 10(?) series that was recently re-released, the latter of which which I recently was able to track down. The hands on this seem a lot nicer than the ones on the Jiaou, though.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
I have one of the earlier bodies, sky. The problem with these, is they are VERY tall — much taller than a normal body (aside from maybe the Basketball players).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Gametoys - NEW PRODUCT: Gametoys: 1/6 Sephiroth Body (GT-BD003) C8485110


I don't mind the very tall aspect -- my intention is to use one for a particular First Age Tolkien character, and the exaggerated height would in fact be in its favour. But I appreciate the warning, especially since that will make it more difficult to clothe.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
It looks pretty good, but I would be worried about excessive height. On the other hand, it is not quite as lanky in type as M36, and it is a reminder that TBLeague needs to revisit M33 with slightly greater height sans stupid hard plastic extenders.

I'll be back!

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