Thought it would be simpler to just start a new thread than tack this onto the Boba Fett one, less searching this way. Been meaning to do this guy for years like so many other projects, I guess seeing HT's live action version announced got me motivated enough to start properly. The body was the first concern as it seems he's quite tall, not something I'd noticed to be honest and being a Duros his body is very lanky. I've mixed a ToyBiz/Jakks Pacific? Captain Sparrow body with a Hasbro Quigon Jin body to get the best height, lankiness and articulation (Sparrow body had no waist articulation but Quigon body has full abdomen ball joint and swivel). You can see most of the stuff I'll be using on the tray as normal except for the hoses, need to find some. The dressed version is a mock up showing you here I'm going.