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NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal)

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Founding Father
MUST WORKSHOP New 1/6 European Boutique Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) Material
: PVC Size :
12 Inch Only the head sculpt of the battle armor in the picture Deadline: 2022.8.8 Estimated shipping date: Q4 2022 MUST WORKSHOP new 1/6 European Male Head Sculpture (Battle damage/normal) Material: PVC Size: 1/6 Model: Battle Damage A-001, Normal B-001 Note: Can match MK85 armor Note2: this product does not contain the battle armor in the picture, only the head carving

movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544212
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544312
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544411
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544512
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544612
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544712
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544713
movie-based - NEW PRODUCT: MUST WORKSHOP: 1/6 Male Head Sculpture (Battle Damaged/Normal) 15544812

#newproduct #MustWorkshop #Male #headsculpt #movie-based #comicbook


Founding Father
It's actually very good. But yes, I went, "Another one!?"

I'll be back!

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