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NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6

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Maximilian armor made by TD studio (TD001)
Limited edition 200 pieces (100 for chinese market, 100 international) + 5 extra pieces in case of production errors/problems.
Available at ToysRemz and chinese sites.

Product List:
- Maximilian full set armor *1 (Brass)
- Full armored and body *1
- Head Sculpture *2 (Head Sculpt with Helmet on + normal Head Sculpt)
- Lucerne hammer *1 (solid wood + copper riveting hammer)
- Two-Handed Broadsword *1 (stainless steel blade)
Preorder Bonus:
- One-handed saber with scabbard

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 OIaFedFh

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 JdiORWAh

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 Jk4A7kah

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 3jKtbbZh

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 RwwXfi3h

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 RjTFBwsh

While I was preparing this post, it already sold out everywhere it seems. Still posting it here for completeness and discussions sake.

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Founding Father
It looks gorgeous. Can't have been cheap, with such a limited production run.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:It looks gorgeous. Can't have been cheap, with such a limited production run.

Or it was too cheap, selling out like hot cakes? Razz Was around $430, so definately a high price but not unusual for "custom" style pieces. Now they just need to come close to the promo pics - but yeah those looking excellent.
And it is not a fantasy armor for once, like most of the coomodel stuff.

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


There are a lot of little things that don't look quite right. Does anyone know what historical piece this was copied from?

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


shazzdan wrote:There are a lot of little things that don't look quite right. Does anyone know what historical piece this was copied from?

There are many similar looking maximilian armors out there. Haven't found an exact historical piece yet. Maybe it is just inspired by them.

Nuremberg museum

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 Tumblr_pnwtzgC7CC1w8g74h_1280

Maximilian armour, German 1525-1550 by W. Grosschedel;

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 B23

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6 Leger1t

NEW PRODUCT: TD Studio Maximilian Armor 1/6

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


I've got a folder with dozens of this style of armour but can't find anything that looks like the OP.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


shazzdan wrote:I've got a folder with dozens of this style of armour but can't find anything that looks like the OP.

Yeah maybe it is an own creation and a mix of existing ones. Either way, I like it.

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Founding Father
I also assumed it was eclectic, but referencing this period. The overall helmet design and fluting on the armor is characteristic.

I'll be back!


What a beauty. Also really like how organically hammered the hammer looks.

The female version is probably called Minimilian armor.

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