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NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure

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Founding Father

- Head sculpt
- Figure body
- Shirt
- Pants
- Scarf
- Gun holster
- Waist belt
- Pistol
- Truncheon
- Boots

swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1910
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1911
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1912
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1913
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1914
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1915
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1916
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1917
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a1918
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a2010
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a2011
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a2012
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a2013
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a2014
swtoys - NEW PRODUCT: Swtoys FS017 1/6 Scale Birkin action figure 7o2a2015

#newproduct #SWToys #Birkin #female #???


Founding Father
Very nice! I have no idea who this is supposed to be and from what, but it is nice to see something like that -- attractive but more normal and realistic than so many other offerings.

I'll be back!


Oh, I dig her too.  Simple set, but I like the head sculpt too.

Maybe Uncharted or Resident Evil? Just guessing.


The shirt, shoulder holster, pistol and scarf look good.

Permanent Hot Toys boycotter

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