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About Tattoos

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1About Tattoos Empty About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:29 am


I have these decall tattoos that I bought to use on BJDs  and other dolls.
They are quite armless in those dolls materials, specialy if the part to tattoo is sealed first.
I'd like to use them in my phicen body, and wantedto know if somebody used them already.

About Tattoos Image10

From this image, it is doable. My question is, did any body removed one after applying?
How to remove them safely pfor the TPE.

And does it stain the TPE after removal?

Thank you!

2About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:13 am


These tattoos from goldenstreet88? They look familiar.

I'm not sure if they stain bodies; I tried using them in the past on TBLeague bodies, albeit unsuccessfully.

I think they work best on hard-jointed bodies like WorldBox. The problem with using seamless bodies is that as you bend the figure, the tattoos become warped and eventually fall apart, leaving a messy residue to clean off.

About Tattoos O1cn0111

3About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:42 am


i think the tattoo needs to be sealed with some sort of clear paint to last long and to handle it without coming off.. suitable for hard bodies i suppose less flex and stretch.

There's GDToys Ghost Girl with tattoo on the semi seamless body, but it may be painted though.

ive heard ppl use acne product on tbleague seamless body to fix moles, stains etc.
Cant say it will work on other brands of seamless body

4About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:56 am


Zes wrote:These tattoos from goldenstreet88? They look familiar.

About Tattoos O1cn0111

Humm... Sorry I don't know. It was a seller in Aliexpress. As I have some tattoos at home already, I didn't buy those. Maybe they'll show up again.

5About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:01 am


madnug wrote:i think the tattoo needs to be sealed with some sort of clear paint to last long and to handle it without coming off.. suitable for hard bodies i suppose less flex and stretch.

There's GDToys Ghost Girl with tattoo on the semi seamless body, but it may be painted though.

ive heard ppl use acne product on tbleague seamless body to fix moles, stains etc.
Cant say it will work on other brands of seamless body

Thank you. If acne fluid works, maybe whitening toothpaste and sun light will too. I use it on vinyl dolls just on the spot and it works well.

Any ideas what can be used to seal a tattoo over TPE. Mr. Super Clear will probably make a mess?

6About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:19 pm


I would think Mr Super Clear would be in danger of dissolving the TPE? Well, I'd be scared to try it... ;p

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

7About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:34 pm


Me too. I use it on dolls but I'm a newbie on TPE. I wish I had stuff in TPE to make experiencies but can't risk it in my only two bodies.

8About Tattoos Empty Found some information :D Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:40 pm


So I went on a site about TPE 1/1 dolls. Those that some people love... and found this information:

Decalcomania, the ephemeral sticker tattoo

If you want to go to a higher level of realism and technicality: the ephemeral decal tattoo is a good alternative. AND Good news! This type of tattoo holds better on TPE than on human skin, it is easily washable with a simple make-up remover and is inexpensive. I think it is the best method to tattoo your TPE doll.

Many designs exist on the market: tribal, characters, inscriptions, in color or in black and white.

Decalcomnia Tattoo for sex doll

To apply the decal to the TPE of your love doll, the steps are as follows:

1. Identify an area of the body that is flat enough (not too curvy)
2. Choose a design that fits the identified area (size, shape, style)
3. Clean the identified area (warm soapy water and dry with a soft cloth)
4. Cut with a pair of scissors around the pattern to optimize the adhesion
5. Peel off the protective film of the decal tattoo
6. Place and hold the design firmly against the identified area (without movement or friction)
7. Dab with a warm, damp cloth
8. Wet the tattoo evenly until saturated with water over the entire area and beyond.
9. Press strongly with the palm of your hand on the entire tattoo for 1 minute
10. Gently peel the paper off the tattoo, starting with the corners and extremities. If the tattoo does not peel off easily, reposition, moisten and press the tattoo back into its original position.
11. Let dry for at least ten minutes to avoid any smudging, friction or deformation of the tattoo.

However, we count 3 disadvantages to this type of tattoo:

- the difficulty to apply on curvy body parts;
- the difficulty to resist friction (we advise to avoid areas covered by clothes, too much friction would damage the pattern);
- the strong shine that can be troublesome during a photo shoot. Talcum powder can make it more matt and less shiny.

Cleaning can be done with a simple make-up remover.

I like the idea of it being easier to clean with makeup remover. I only wish they wouldn't be at risk because of clothing because I really like the Tattoos I'd like to use for my characters.

9About Tattoos Empty also... Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:47 pm


On Reddit someone said about it:

But yeah, there's no real issues with using them on a doll, getting them to stick is tricky. What you have to do is wash the area where you want the tattoo with soap and water. You need it to be very tacky, very sticky. You need this or it won't stick. You will have wash a few times, remember, it needs be really tacky. It might take a few tries too.
Like, this wasn't a overnight thing, it took me several days of washing the spot, like it's gotta be real tacky. I tried to apply a sleeve tattoo....but no luck and probably not a good idea, cause of arm movement. Sometimes the tattoos don't last long, easy to come off. But that red flower tat I had on her lasted a long time, several months, and it came off when I wanted it off. At times, certain angles, certain lighting, it can look real fake. But yeah clothing can rub the tattoo off.
And to remove it, I just used baby oil

10About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:36 am


Try a small part on something rubber like eraser or sumthing... the problem is to stick it and not damaging the tattoo when it is touched moved or flex..

11About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:47 am


skywalkersaga wrote:I would think Mr Super Clear would be in danger of dissolving the TPE? Well, I'd be scared to try it... ;p

i dont mean to try it on the seamless body,
but rather explains to hv the tattoo last longer it needs to have a layer protections other wise its just gonna rub off easily on any surface.

Damtoys Gangster Kingdom series figures have some with tattoo too, but they are hard bodies as well

12About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:58 pm


I was looking for other TPE objects that I could experiment with decal tattoos and spray sealants like Mister Super Clear and found this site showing injectable medication bottle's lids as made of TPE.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

I have one such lid so my experiences won't be too long, I suppose, but I intent to put a small tattoo in it, spray with mister super clear and when it is dry, squeeze a bit to see how the tattoo holds and also if the sealant affects the TPE. I have other sealants I use on BJD but unless/until (?) I get other lids, I'll try with this one.

13About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:14 am


Ooh! Very interesting and very creative idea for reducing the risk. I'm looking forward to reading about your findings! Smile

14About Tattoos Empty About Tattoos very slightly NSFW Sun Dec 17, 2023 1:40 pm


Thank you Diana!

Madnug inspired me to try this.

So this is what I did Very Happy
I choose a small decal tattoo for the lid.
I noticed that while made of TPE the lid was harder than both My Phicen and Jiaou bodies.
So my husband suggested I use one of their extra appendages that weren't on use. He was kidding, but I was not.

About Tattoos 53402811
About Tattoos 53404010
About Tattoos 53404110About Tattoos 53404111
About Tattoos 53403710

That shine was just after one layer so I gave both pieces two more layers letting them dry between layers, sprayed at at least 45cm distance after shaking the MSC can for about two minutes every time as per the manufacturer instructions.

This were the results I got:
About Tattoos 53403910
About Tattoos 53404112
About Tattoos 53403711

In fact they look just the same, only with a less shiny tattoo.

My conclusions for this experience are MSC wasn't armful. Of course I don't know what will happen in the future but from what I see I don't have reasons to believe it will damage the bodies.

About the tattoos, better use them in the chest or other larger surfaces, instead of an elbow to avoid the tearing of the image although it returned to form when unbended.
About using the tattoos surviving clothes, I just rubbed them both in a cloth.
About Tattoos Imagem10

The one in the lid didn't budge, the one in the appendage did get ruined, although to be fair it was damaged from the bending. The TPE remains safe.

And that's it! I'm eager to give some Tattoos to my characters when they're finished.
I hope this was useful!

15About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:05 pm


That's a clever way to experiment! Thank you for sharing your results, I hope you can make it work as you want it to on your figure. : )

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

16About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:18 pm


skywalkersaga wrote:That's a clever way to experiment! Thank you for sharing your results, I hope you can make it work as you want it to on your figure. : )

Thank you!

17About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:58 pm


Founding Father
I also hope you succeed in using the tattoos on actual bodies, and show us.

I'll be back!

18About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:07 am


GubernatorFan wrote:I also hope you succeed in using the tattoos on actual bodies, and show us.

I've been trying some things in the Phicen body.

I used oil pastels to even the colour to match some different hands I bought, with arguable results.
But as I changed my mind about his head so many times already, I'm waiting for an Anakin Skywalker to arrive, and then will decide if the body stays the way it is or if I'll try a dyeing technique with makeup foundation, I saw in You Tube some days ago.

After I'm satisfied (hopefully :p ) I'll try the tattoos in the bodies.

19About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:39 am

Randam Hajile

Randam Hajile
I've got only limited experience with tattoos on seamless bodies, but decals did not work well for me on TBLeague bodies. They peeled off over time despite having cleaned the body carefully. I tried to fix them with silicon glue (which can be scrubbed off easily and does not damage the body), which somewhat worked (see picture).

About Tattoos 52445765218_67c692c0af_hMy entry for the "Action-figure-district" competition by Randam Hajile, auf Flickr

Eventually, I was unsatisfied with the results and tried Ian's method to directly paint the tattoo using Gundam Realtouch markers (please check out the seamless body staining thread). Obviously one cannot do overly complicated designs but the results were sufficient for me, and skin bending is no problem.

About Tattoos 53070362235_8aaff76bec_hCyberpunk Hacker by Randam Hajile, auf Flickr

Sorry that the pics do not highlight the tattoos better.

20About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:38 am


Randam Hajile wrote:I've got only limited experience with tattoos on seamless bodies, but decals did not work well for me on TBLeague bodies. They peeled off over time despite having cleaned the body carefully. I tried to fix them with silicon glue (which can be scrubbed off easily and does not damage the body), which somewhat worked (see picture).

My entry for the "Action-figure-district" competition by Randam Hajile, auf Flickr

Eventually, I was unsatisfied with the results and tried Ian's method to directly paint the tattoo using Gundam Realtouch markers (please check out the seamless body staining thread). Obviously one cannot do overly complicated designs but the results were sufficient for me, and skin bending is no problem.

Cyberpunk Hacker by Randam Hajile, auf Flickr

Sorry that the pics do not highlight the tattoos better.

Your character is beautiful!
I have silicone spray at home. Now I'm curious Very Happy I'll try it too.

21About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:48 am


Wow, cool Cyberpunk Jill..

It seems the tattoo is best for hard plastic bodies, for anything that can flex is just temporary, or dont touch or move the area applied

22About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:52 am


While there are no adults completed, I'd like to show you Little Cub. That I just painted.
Poor kid doesn't have clothes yet.
About Tattoos 2023-110


23About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:04 am


Wow, he's adorable! Fantastic work!

Is that a custom head? It looks great!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

24About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:49 am


Thank you Skywalker! I so glad you like my little cutie!
the head is this;

The body:

I bought the CT=!-A body but ended painting it too to match the shade I got in the head.

25About Tattoos Empty Re: About Tattoos Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:50 am


Oh that's great! You did a wonderful job bringing him to life! Smile

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

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