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Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review

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Founding Father
Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3010

NOTE: A few extra goofing around photos added to posts 11 and 15 below.


Following upon its recent releases of Luke Skywalker and the Imperial Royal Guard (see HERE) from Return of the Jedi, Hot Toys has now provided Emperor Palpatine to go with them. The galactic emperor comes in two versions, regular (MMS467) and deluxe (MMS468); it is the latter version that I am reviewing here. The difference consists of the larger box and two accessories: the emperor's throne and Luke's un-ignited lightsaber, which come exclusively with the deluxe version.

If you are a hardcore Star Wars fan, it is likely enough that the supreme antagonist of the Original Trilogy would be on your shopping list. Sideshow produced what was a very respectable version at the time, but improved standards and the superior detail and quality of Hot Toys made me break my usual rule of not upgrading and go for this; besides, I did not have Sideshow's throne, which had become rare and expensive, as well as cumbersome and brittle (polystone). So I gave my Sideshow emperor to a friend and lightened my wallet.

I am divided on the character, although he was played masterfully by Ian McDiarmid (all the more so in the otherwise fairly abysmal Prequel Trilogy, which I cannot bring myself to consider canonical). The emperor's character, importance, and even name changed over time as drafts of what became Star Wars progressed. At one time he was the puppet of corrupt politicians instead of a force user; early versions of his name included "Ford Xerxes XII" (1973), "Alexander Xerxes XII, Emperor of Decarte," "Cos Das-hit (sic!), Lord of Alderaan, Consul to the Supreme Tribunal, ruler of the Galactic Empire" (Rough Draft, May 1974), "Son Hhat, a Hhut (Hutt!), Lord of Granicus, Consul to the Supreme Tribunal, ruler of the Galactic Kingdom" (First Draft, July 1974), and was given the name Palpatine, sounding palpably Palatine or palatial or portentiously pulsating only in the first novelization of Star Wars from 1976. You can find more on his evolution into the emperor we know from the Original Trilogy (and beyond -- I will not address the Sidious or, worse, Sheev silliness) HERE.

Lucas did plenty right (at first), dropping overly obvious parallels to ancient or modern leaders, making him a mysterious mastermind, keeping the emperor out of the original film, confining him to a short conversation via hologram in the second installment (until he revisited this and pointlessly extended said conversation later), and presenting him as a relatively diminutive and understated ascetic old man in the third. But then he was also portrayed as a cartoonishly simplistic villain who demanded needless sacrifices for an artsy and ultimately unsuccessful strategy, cackled fiendishly, and thought it a good idea to win their hearts and minds by pitting father and son against each other and demanding that they fight to the death (not to mention that arguably these were, at least in a sense, his own son and grandson). How do you reconcile that with the apparent ability to take over the known universe and bring peace and prosperity with the minor exception of a determined small band of hypocritical and dogmatic terrorists? Perhaps one needs to make recourse to senility... One of the tragedies of the Star Wars saga is that its sophisticated visual appearance does not match its childish simplicity and that if fans grow up and choose to analyze it at any depth, they find it wanting; if they don't, perhaps the stylized and misleading dichotomy of the Star Wars universe has sunk in too deep. But we love it anyway and at any rate let's not diverge too far; let's focus on the product at hand.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep1710

Packaging: 4/4 stars

The emperor arrives in a large box measuring approximately 8 by 14 by 16 inches. There is a slip on cover with a frontal image of the enthroned emperor, the Star Wars logo, and the product name and number on the front, and credits on the back. Within lies the box proper, with a large see-through cover on the front and the emperor risen from his throne and about to unleash his force lighting, seemingly in the process of saying "So be it, Jedi..." on the back. Inside the box there are two plastic treys, each with its own see-through plastic lid. The top one holds the action figure, the extra hands, and the hand-held accessories, while the bottom one contains the two-part throne, action figure stand, and a couple more accessories. Nothing terribly exciting in the design and decoration of the box, but it is done perfectly well, and everything within it is perfectly safe and perfectly collector-friendly.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3310

Sculpting: 3.5/4 stars

I think Hot Toys did an excellent job reproducing one of the facial expressions of the emperor from the film. When I saw the toothy grin on the prototype advertised what seems like many years ago, I was dubious; but the product looks great. The look they chose is one of a sinister grin, looking amused, yet creepy and threatening at the same time. Do keep in mind that it is difficult to capture the quality of the sculpt with justice in photographs, and even more difficult to recreate the exact look from the screen, which has benefited from professional lighting and manipulation in post-production (most infamously the "emperor's slug(s)," though I just spotted a rectangular band of light on the face, produced either by an actual spot light or mirror or in editing); even with two poseable spot lights I was often unable to replicate the right shadows.

If there is any decline in quality from the prototype used for the promotional images, I do not know whether it is owing to a slightly softer sculpt or to a lighter wash used in the paint (I am going to assume the former, but could be wrong -- I am taking off the relevant half point here). The sculpt of the hairs on the head (which we do not see in the film) is perhaps just a little softer than it could have been, given Hot Toys' achievements in that respect. At any rate, the detail is there, and while it is difficult to give it justice in the photos (and angle and lighting play a role), this is certainly the best sixth-scale iteration of the emperor so far. If it leaves anything to be desired, that goes beyond the scope of any figure sporting a single head sculpt: the emperor made a great many different facial expressions in the film, and we get only one: the toothy grin. It would have been nice to see at least a dissatisfied expres​sion(if not a furious one) and a sarcastic mock-commiseration expression. If anything, a neutral head would have been advisable. Generally, that might be too much to ask for, but this is a deluxe product after all. Despite being a short guy who spent a lot of his time seated, the emperor did manage to look down on people (especially Luke) in a number of scenes; looking down in particular is rather difficult to convey with the present head sculpt, no matter how good it looks otherwise.

The tiny details are carried over to the hand sculpts, and the elaborate clasp on the front of the emperor's cloak, while the non-organic pieces (the lightsaber and throne) look machine-like and ever-so-slightly used. The emperor stands almost 11 inches (28 cm) tall.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2410

Paint: 4/4 stars

Hot Toys is known for its excellent quality paint application, and the present figure is no exception. There are no oversight problems here. It is possible that the promotional prototype had a more delicate wash that intensified the numerous wrinkles on the skin (but I have assumed it is a question of the sculpt above); this seems more subtle and less effective here, although the detail is still minute and impressive. I also wonder if perhaps the color chosen for the eyes is not a tad dark (but I realize it would have been very difficult to reproduce the almost glowing eyes we see in the film). As in the film, one of the eyes appears to be ever so slightly "lazy." The area around the eyes is painted a little darker, which works great for some scenes; in others, they appear to have been artificially lightened in the film's post production, and you cannot replicate that with the figure, except perhaps by editing the photos. The paint application is consistent with whatever is appropriate: glossy eyes and clasp, slightly less glossy teeth, matte metal for the throne, dull pale skin, etc. The crooked wooden cane is perhaps too shiny, although I do not know it for a fact that this is wrong.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep0410

Articulation: 3.5/4 stars

Generally speaking, the articulation of the figure is excellent. It is possible that the typical Hot Toys undersuit (padding) gets a little bit in the way, but not much. The one really disappointing thing about the articulation is the one-piece neck and head. I understand why they went this way (and there seems to be a pattern in this to their recent figures, including Luke), especially given the emperor's wrinkled neck, but it keeps the figure from replicating the character's head gestures to a more significant degree than I expected. I believe a less restrictive design might have allowed even a one-piece neck and head to work better. Apart from this the figure can perform the other movements of the character from the film.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2810

Accessories: 3/4 stars

By far and away the most impressive accessory is the throne exclusive to the deluxe version of the figure. The throne is constructed of two pieces, the base and the seat proper. The latter fits onto the former, and can rotate around its axis. For its light feature, see below. The overall look and size of the throne appears great, but unless I am missing something, either the throne is not exactly right in terms of size or proportion (is the seat too high and the ceiling too low?) or the figure is just a little too tall or inflexible to comfortably fit on it with sufficient overhead room to match the appearance in the film. If you try to have the emperor sit up to lecture Luke, he will have to either hit or clear the throne's ceiling; also, if you have him lean back into the seat (as he does in the film), it is pretty difficult to have his feet reach the floor. Nevertheless, I should stress that if there is anything off here, it is very minor; additional futzing and patience may yield even better results.

Apart from the throne, the accessories include additional hand sculpts (for a total of six), the twisted cane, Luke's un-ignited lightsaber, and two sculpted bolts of force lighting. There are also a couple of spare wrist pegs (not shown) and an instruction leaflet (likewise). Finally, there is an action figure stand with interchangeable Death Star flooring: the sculpted top of the stand and a removable sand-paper-like sheet with imprinted floor pattern at an angle; the figure stands quite well without the stand. The selection of accessories is comprehensive for the character. If there is any room for improvement, it would have been to add an extra hand sculpt or two. The ones we get on the figure in the box are the semi-relaxed/semi-closed hands that the character has while seated on the throne or walking around the throne room; the right one is also recommended to be used with the cane, but does not work very well for that purpose. There are left and right hands with fairly outstretched fingers to attach the sculpted force lighting, and there are two variably semi-closed right hands with partly extended index finger. It would have been nice to get a left pointing hand (the emperor uses that at least twice on screen) and a proper right hand to hold the cane (though one of the extended index-finger hands works better for that than the hand recommended in the instructions). The sculpted force lighting looks and works remarkably well. It attaches better to the left hand than the right, but if the light hits it (and especially in front of a darker background) it captures it and looks just right, shining and translucent at once.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3210

Light Feature: 4/4 stars

The actual light feature that comes with this product is confined to the emperor's throne. It is simple but relatively user-friendly and perfectly effective. The underside of the seat features a compartment for the insertion of two AAA batteries (not included), and a tiny switch to turn the electrical feature on and off. For once this is very easily accessible. When it is switched on, the throne's control buttons on both sides of both arm rests become illuminated in the appropriate colors. The buttons are made of colored translucent plastic and look that way even when the light is not turned on. There is also a rectangular white light on the underside of the throne's ceiling. All lights are controlled simultaneously by the single switch on the bottom.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3110

Outfit: 4/4 stars

The emperor's outfit from the film, however basic, is reproduced in exact and loving detail. It is, on the outside, simple enough: a flowing waffle cotton hooded robe with long draping sleeves. The texture is designed to replicate the look from the film, although I suspect it does not drape quite as readily in this scale. The bottom edge of the robe, the bottom edges of the sleeves, and the edges of the hood have thin wires allowing you to position them for a desired look. The inside of the hood is sown up in such a way that the head would not go too far in (with my figure, I actually wish they had left a little more room inside the hood so I can cast deeper shadows over the face). The shiny molded clasp has been discussed above and can be opened. Looking at the official Star Wars costume book (B. Alinger, Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy, San Francisco 2014: 162) I thought the clasp had been placed wrongly (rotated by 180 degrees), but a look at on-set photos revealed that Hot Toys did it right.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2910

Below the black waffle cotton cloak is a suede robe tied at the waist with a sash from the same material. Some of this was visible on screen in the film. Under that there are black pants and soft dull reddish-brown boots. Insofar as this can be verified, everything appears to be correct or appropriate.

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep0110

Fun Factor: 4/4 stars

With so many sixth-scale (or similar) action figures from (or applicable to) Return of the Jedi already out there from Hot Toys and other brands, one should have no problems having fun reenacting the film or creating new scenes and situations with the present product, all the more so because of the throne and other appropriate accessories. Here is a little reenactment sequence from the film...

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2210

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2110

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2310

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2010

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep1910

Value: 3/4 stars

Between them, Hot Toys and Lucasfilm are among the main culprits for the skyrocketing costs of sixth-scale action figures and accessories, and others have been quick to follow their lead. That said, this extensive and deluxe set is not horribly overpriced, especially by the standards they have already set. The regular version (without throne or Luke's lightsaber) retails at around $220, which is around and near the low end of other protagonist figures from this and other franchises produced by Hot Toys today. This means that if you buy the deluxe version at $315, you pay an extra $95 for the extra accessories, most notably the fully-functional light-up throne. This is certainly not exactly a bargain, but also not as horrendously expensive as it might have been, or as it might become soon enough on the secondary market. For a deluxe set by Hot Toys and licensed by Lucasfilm, the price appears fairly decent, and seemingly more so than many other recent offerings. Still, it hurts...

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep1610

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep1510

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep1310

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3410

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep1110

Things to watch out for

Darth Vader falling on his face during photography and breaking off one of the tusks on his helmet; failing to find said tusk; detaching a tusk from another ruined helmet and losing that one; having to cannibalize a third... but wait, none of that has anything to do with the product reviewed here. There really isn't much to worry about, and there aren't many small, dangerous, or easily misplaceable parts, so basic precautions should be enough. While the throne is not as brittle and delicate as polystone, I would not drop it. The hands were a bit difficult to swap, but a hair dryer should have helped and despite some impatient pulling, I still did not manage to break the wrist pegs (just in case, they included a couple of spares).

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2710

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep0810

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep0710

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep0910

Overall: 3.67/4 stars

I am very pleased with this figure, and believe it is a better representation of the character than any that has been available in the past -- certainly in this scale. Admittedly, we are stuck with one expression for a very expressive character, but that is the worst that can be said about it. The appearance and articulation are excellent and the choice of accessories extensive and appropriate. We could have used an extra hand sculpt, and a slightly more comfortable fit on the throne, but all in all these are fairly minor disadvantages. But you can draw your own conclusions from the photos and details above (and below). What do you think?

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep0510

Where to Buy:

Big Bad Toy Store $315
Or $220 (regular version)

Cotswold Collectibles $314

Timewalker Toys $220 (regular version)

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep2610

#starwars #returnofthejedi #rotj #hottoys #emperor #palpatine #review #productreview #scifi #male

I'll be back!


Founding Father

On the whole he does look really good. I do think, however, that the back of the chair looks to be too low which results in him slouching in the chair a bit. In pics I've seen, he looks to be a little more upright. Kotobukia looked to have got that bit better.



Founding Father
Very thorough review, and interesting analysis and history of the character and his evolution. (I always kind of assumed his name Palpatine was a play on Pontius Pilate/Pilatus). Now I’m really torn on this guy; as I have no interest in his Guards. Plus, I’m not really digging how he looks on his throne — and that’s really his signature look in my mind. I have $62 in Reward points, but the shipping for the Deluxe would probably be around $20-25. If I wait for free US shipping, he may have already disappeared — GAAH!! (Pounds fists against head). Why didn’t I PO this from Timewalker when I had the chance (always get free shipping)!!


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
If you don't mind him not being in scale, the Kotobukiya one does look really good.



Founding Father
Rogerbee wrote:On the whole he does look really good. I do think, however, that the back of the chair looks to be too low which results in him slouching in the chair a bit. In pics I've seen, he looks to be a little more upright. Kotobukia looked to have got that bit better.

The Kotobukiya product is 1:10 scale, so it hardly a valid point of comparison. It is very nice, but it is not as accurate -- neither in the face, nor in the position on the throne. I looked carefully at the film and stills, and he is practically lying back into the chair (which is still no excuse for not enough overhead clearance for when he sits up). Look at the angle...

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Throneroomrotj

There appears to be substantial difference between the HT throne and the Sideshow and Kotobukiya ones. They all look recognizably similar, but the actual shape differs. HT's is squatter but more film-accurate; Sideshow's and Kotobukiyas are sleeker. I actually like them better visually, but the point (for me) is to get something that looks right to its source material. And don't get me wrong, HT is not always perfect -- their Tarkin chair was a little off (the back of it was a bit too tall). (For a comparison between the HT and Sideshow thrones, see the linked review in my response to Stryker below.)

Stryker2011 wrote:Very thorough review, and interesting analysis and history of the character and his evolution. (I always kind of assumed his name Palpatine was a play on Pontius Pilate/Pilatus). Now I’m really torn on this guy; as I have no interest in his Guards. Plus, I’m not really digging how he looks on his throne — and that’s really his signature look in my mind. I have $62 in Reward points, but the shipping for the Deluxe would probably be around $20-25. If I wait for free US shipping, he may have already disappeared — GAAH!! (Pounds fists against head). Why didn’t I PO this from Timewalker when I had the chance (always get free shipping)!!

Thank you very much! I have no vested interest in urging you (or anyone) to get this, but I will note the following. For all that they "go" with him, you only ever see the royal guards "next" to the emperor when he comes down from his shuttle in the docking bay; in the throne room they are clear across half the hall from him. So you don't "need" to have them if you get the emperor. He is shown more often my himself or with Vader and/or Luke.

As for the way he looks on the throne, two things: my camera creates a perspective effect that is rather unhelpful in this instance when looking at him head on; in person it all looks a bit better; with more patience and futzing, others have succeeded in making him sit a bit more comfortably on the throne, with a tad more headroom and the feet even closer to the ground -- went on to read some more reviews after I finished mine, and HERE's one that does a sort of tutorial on this. I suspect part of the issue is caused by the hard plastic cushions on the seat, which do not give way the way they would had they been real. It also occurs to me that something else that could be done is to remove the padding from under the figure's clothing. I have done so on occasion before (on other figures), without perceptible effect and resulting in improved articulation.

If you always buy enough from Timewalker to get free shipping, that would have been ideal (but they are currently out of the deluxe version); or BBTS can get him to you for a $4 flat rate, which is almost as good.

I'll be back!


Nice!! Great review and set! I would have thought they should have included an extra hs though, the maniacal grin works well for the Force Lightning and looking down on Skywalker but a more serious or stern looking sculpt would be better for generic display imo or he tends to look too happy! LOL. I've got the SSC set which has the opposite scenario, had to get a custom grinning head and Force hands which I've still not got around to painting! Embarassed


Thanks for this in-depth review! If there were ever a 1/6 version of Skeevy Sheev I'd be getting, it'd be this one! Cause it's a) from my fave movie (and film scene) of all time, and b) the version that gets defeated by my dear Ani! ;D

I already have the RotJ Luke (well he belongs to my husband, but still), and I am (im)patiently waiting for a RotJ Vader (or rather, 'Vaderkin')... I'm still frustrated that there is a forthcoming 1/4 scale Hot Toys RotJ Vader, but not a 1/6 one?? Unless I missed something...??

Re: the Throne itself, I have NO idea how it would compare to the above version, but I did come across this a while back:🇵🇫0  

(also this:🇵🇫0 )

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
GubernatorFan wrote:
The Kotobukiya product is 1:10 scale, so it hardly a valid point of comparison. It is very nice, but it is not as accurate -- neither in the face, nor in the position on the throne. I looked carefully at the film and stills, and he is practically lying back into the chair (which is still no excuse for not enough overhead clearance for when he sits up).

There appears to be substantial difference between the HT throne and the Sideshow and Kotobukiya ones. They all look recognizably similar, but the actual shape differs. HT's is squatter but more film-accurate; Sideshow's and Kotobukiyas are sleeker. I actually like them better visually, but the point (for me) is to get something that looks right to its source material. And don't get me wrong, HT is not always perfect -- their Tarkin chair was a little off (the back of it was a bit too tall). (For a comparison between the HT and Sideshow thrones, see the linked review in my response to Stryker below.)

As for the way he looks on the throne, two things: my camera creates a perspective effect that is rather unhelpful in this instance when looking at him head on; in person it all looks a bit better; with more patience and futzing, others have succeeded in making him sit a bit more comfortably on the throne, with a tad more headroom and the feet even closer to the ground -- went on to read some more reviews after I finished mine, and HERE's one that does a sort of tutorial on this. I suspect part of the issue is caused by the hard plastic cushions on the seat, which do not give way the way they would had they been real. It also occurs to me that something else that could be done is to remove the padding from under the figure's clothing. I have done so on occasion before (on other figures), without perceptible effect and resulting in improved articulation.

If you always buy enough from Timewalker to get free shipping, that would have been ideal (but they are currently out of the deluxe version); or BBTS can get him to you for a $4 flat rate, which is almost as good.

I was only saying about the way he looked in the throne regarding the Kotobukiya one, I was unaware of the scale and didn't know it was only 1/10.

Futzing does always yield results and I'm sure they can be attained here too.



Founding Father
Thanks for the video review link, Guv. I see he can get further down in his chair if you just futz with him enough. Still unsure... I've been sort of saving up those points for when they do ROTJ Vader (hoping he has the old Anakin reveal HS included); still unsure about this guy, but he does look awesome. If I got him, he'd probably STILL be in the Jabba throne room display, as Jabba's guest (maybe that's why he has that s$%t-eating grin on his face -- ogling all the pretty dancing girls like an old perv...) Twisted Evil

The down-side to BBTS for me is they're 30 miles from my house -- I'd end up having to pay taxes, as well, as the $4.00 shipping. I might just put him in my cart at Sideshow and see what shipping would be -- if it's out of control, I might just settle for the standard edition without the throne and get him from Timewalker anyway.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
Yeah... $30.40 shipping from Sideshow!!!! (That's disgusting. Considering the Emperor without the throne is $220 at Timewalker (and I won't pay shipping). Guess if I want this guy, it'll be without the throne. Sad


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
shovelchop81 wrote:Nice!! Great review and set! I would have thought they should have included an extra hs though, the maniacal grin works well for the Force Lightning and looking down on Skywalker but a more serious or stern looking sculpt would be better for generic display imo or he tends to look too happy! LOL. I've got the SSC set which has the opposite scenario, had to get a custom grinning head and Force hands which I've still not got around to painting! Embarassed

Thank you very much, Sir Chop! And I agree completely. I now partly regret giving away the Sideshow version, as it had some of the other hands this didn't come with -- although I am not sure they would have been 100% compatible.

skywalkersaga wrote:Thanks for this in-depth review! If there were ever a 1/6 version of Skeevy Sheev I'd be getting, it'd be this one! Cause it's a) from my fave movie (and film scene) of all time, and b) the version that gets defeated by my dear Ani! ;D

I already have the RotJ Luke (well he belongs to my husband, but still), and I am (im)patiently waiting for a RotJ Vader (or rather, 'Vaderkin')... I'm still frustrated that there is a forthcoming 1/4 scale Hot Toys RotJ Vader, but not a 1/6 one?? Unless I missed something...??

Re: the Throne itself, I have NO idea how it would compare to the above version, but I did come across this a while back...

You are very welcome. Oh please don't call him Sheev! It makes me shiver... (see what I did there? Wink ). You are correct, the upcoming HT ROTJ Vader is 1/4 scale; but that doesn't mean they will resist making a 1/6 one. As for the throne and background, these are some very cool diorama pieces and I have seen their videos on youtube. That throne appears to be based on the Sideshow version. Also, even if you don't add the shipping, the custom throne costs more than twice as much as the one included in the deluxe set I reviewed.

Rogerbee wrote:I was only saying about the way he looked in the throne regarding the Kotobukiya one, I was unaware of the scale and didn't know it was only 1/10. Futzing does always yield results and I'm sure they can be attained here too.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Kotobukiya set and had been eyeing it for awhile, but then got this (and I certainly don't need both).

Stryker2011 wrote:Thanks for the video review link, Guv. I see he can get further down in his chair if you just futz with him enough. Still unsure... I've been sort of saving up those points for when they do ROTJ Vader (hoping he has the old Anakin reveal HS included); still unsure about this guy, but he does look awesome. If I got him, he'd probably STILL be in the Jabba throne room display, as Jabba's guest (maybe that's why he has that s$%t-eating grin on his face -- ogling all the pretty dancing girls like an old perv...) Twisted Evil

The down-side to BBTS for me is they're 30 miles from my house -- I'd end up having to pay taxes, as well, as the $4.00 shipping. I might just put him in my cart at Sideshow and see what shipping would be -- if it's out of control, I might just settle for the standard edition without the throne and get him from Timewalker anyway.

Welcome. Regarding BBTS, hmm... that is unfortunate in a roundabout sort of way. Would going there in person be helpful in any way?

Stryker2011 wrote:Yeah... $30.40 shipping from Sideshow!!!! (That's disgusting. Considering the Emperor without the throne is $220 at Timewalker (and I won't pay shipping). Guess if I want this guy, it'll be without the throne. Sad

I agree, the shipping costs are horrible, all the more so considering the alternative. By the way, since the throne is not polystone, it is not that heavy (nor is it overly light and cheap as you may expect). But anyway. Is this your final answer? Wink Sorry couldn't resist, especially after what I saw written elsewhere in recent posts...

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3510

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3610

I'll be back!


Founding Father
GubernatorFan wrote:

Welcome. Regarding BBTS, hmm... that is unfortunate in a roundabout sort of way. Would going there in person be helpful in any way?

They are just a warehouse; and don't accept walk-ins or in-house pickups.  Crying or Very sad

GubernatorFan wrote: I agree, the shipping costs are horrible, all the more so considering the alternative. By the way, since the throne is not polystone, it is not that heavy (nor is it overly light and cheap as you may expect). But anyway. Is this your final answer? Wink Sorry couldn't resist, especially after what I saw written elsewhere in recent posts...

Not really sure what you mean there, Guv...? Does this mean I won't be getting him - or that I get him without the throne? Is that your question...? Or should I just skip getting him and wait until ROTJ Vader with old Anakin reveal?

You know.... I'm still on the fence. Even though that shipping from Sideshow would seriously bight into my Reward points -- it would still put him around $285 with shipping; which I guess isn't terrible, but still. Sad that $30 gets eaten just by their obscene shipping (talk about another way to make money) -- I've sent things to the UK & Australia that didn't cost that much.

GubernatorFan wrote:
Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3510

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3610

Leia looks great as the new "Bad-@ss" Empress -- regardless of her clothing choice (Hey, if Dejah Thoris can walk around naked with just bits of jewelry -- and she's the Princess of Mars -- why can't Leia?)


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:Not really sure what you mean there, Guv...? Does this mean I won't be getting him - or that I get him without the throne? Is that your question...? Or should I just skip getting him and wait until ROTJ Vader with old Anakin reveal?

You know.... I'm still on the fence. Even though that shipping from Sideshow would seriously bight into my Reward points -- it would still put him around $285 with shipping; which I guess isn't terrible, but still. Sad that $30 gets eaten just by their obscene shipping (talk about another way to make money) -- I've sent things to the UK & Australia that didn't cost that much.

Leia looks great as the new "Bad-@ss" Empress -- regardless of her clothing choice (Hey, if Dejah Thoris can walk around naked with just bits of jewelry -- and she's the Princess of Mars -- why can't Leia?)

I was just being silly, as if this look at Leia might change your mind and make you go for it anyway. Again, I have no vested interest here (it's not as if I get a commission or anything -- although perhaps it is time I look into doing reviews in exchange for something...). I just hope that if you feel that you will be happy with this, and that it will work well with some of your other figures -- either as a display or for some fun -- you will not hold back and either miss out or end up paying more later. I've done that very often myself. Less so lately. Anyway, there is your HT Slave Leia (well, her face anyway). Smile As for obscene shipping costs, that seems to be the pattern with outfits that offer discounts and rewards points. Others that don't tend to be less expensive to ship with.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
GubernatorFan wrote:I was just being silly, as if this look at Leia might change your mind and make you go for it anyway. Again, I have no vested interest here (it's not as if I get a commission or anything -- although perhaps it is time I look into doing reviews in exchange for something...). I just hope that if you feel that you will be happy with this, and that it will work well with some of your other figures -- either as a display or for some fun -- you will not hold back and either miss out or end up paying more later. I've done that very often myself. Less so lately. Anyway, there is your HT Slave Leia (well, her face anyway). Smile As for obscene shipping costs, that seems to be the pattern with outfits that offer discounts and rewards points. Others that don't tend to be less expensive to ship with.

Ahh. I guess I was being a little thick.

Still debating. I really would like him with the throne; I’ve seen some thrones already offered on ScalperBay for nearly $200. Might have to go with Sideshow after all...debating debating...


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
Meanwhile, the emperor refuses to debate things over and over and plunges headlong ahead...

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3710

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3810

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review Htep3910

I'll be back!


Founding Father

If I end up spending $284 I don’t have — it’s on you.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
Just kidding..


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
But, no. Really.

It’s your fault... Mad


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
By the way, Deadpool and Cable in the Star Wars verse would be a spoof I’d pay money for.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:By the way, Deadpool and Cable in the Star Wars verse would be a spoof I’d pay money for.

LOL, well... look for Deadpool in the HT Royal Guard review. He's in there too, I promise. Smile

I'll be back!


Founding Father


Just thinking, if you got Palpatine without the throne, there's a chance, albeit small, that somewhere like Toy Anxiety may have the throne available as a separate piece. EBay sellers may part him out too.



Founding Father
Rogerbee wrote:

Just thinking, if you got Palpatine without the throne, there's a chance, albeit small, that somewhere like Toy Anxiety may have the throne available as a separate piece. EBay sellers may part him out too.


True. I never have good luck with TA, to be honest. If you’re not checking that site every 3 seconds you miss most of the good stuff. And I’ve already seen scalpers on eBay parting this out, and they want $200 for the throne by itself (for an $80 accessory) — which doesn’t make sense considering the Deluxe set is still available at retail.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Hot Toys Star Wars Emperor Palpatine (Deluxe) Review C8485110


Founding Father

Ouch, not good!



Founding Father
I saw Toy Anxiety parted out the Deluxe set, but since I had already ordered it, I did not keep an eye on the offerings. They are very aptly named if you are really on the lookout for something coming in.

I'll be back!


Founding Father

More so if you're hoping to avoid import duty, which I actually wasn't hit with last time I bought from them. They are only not good if you want one small item that falls below their minimum spend.


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