I’ve posted pics of my Damtoys Marine before but have been practicing with my new camera
The Marine was my second Damtoys figure and was built straight from the box apart from new combat trousers swapped out for the tucked in design of the originals
He is a big guy with heavily muscled arms which seem a bit over the top but the figure is based on the “Animal Mother” character in Full Metal Jacket and the headsculpt does look very much like Adam Baldwin
The set is to Damtoys usual high quality and you get a lot of kit and equipment to load him down with
The Marine was my second Damtoys figure and was built straight from the box apart from new combat trousers swapped out for the tucked in design of the originals
He is a big guy with heavily muscled arms which seem a bit over the top but the figure is based on the “Animal Mother” character in Full Metal Jacket and the headsculpt does look very much like Adam Baldwin
The set is to Damtoys usual high quality and you get a lot of kit and equipment to load him down with