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" Quang "

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1" Quang "  Empty " Quang " Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:47 pm


Hi All , meet " Quang . "  " Quang "  is part of my Special Forces Project Delta Vietnam , ( team 1 ) .  Acting under the umbrella of MACV-SOG  . ( Military Assistance Command Vietnam - Studies and observation Group ) . The Project Delta consisted of two types of teams , reconnaissance teams and what were known as road runner teams . The teams consisted of two U.S Special Forces troops and four Vietnamese trained Special forces personnel . These small teams generally became very close friends to each other . The teams often had missions into neighbouring countries to Vietnam such as Laos and Cambodia , there missions consisted of intelligence gathering , sabotage , prisoner snatches , downed pilot rescues , amongst many other dangerous and top secret missions . The Road runner teams , wore dyed black U.S or enemy uniforms , and often operated along known enemy trails .  Quang as you can see is one member of my Road Runner team . He is equipped with an extraction harness , these could be hitched to lines dropped from Helicopters , and they could be evacuated even if a landing zone was not available , and they could be winched up out of danger even in reasonably dense jungle , to get the team out . The road runner teams often used enemy or other more obscure weapons , here an AK47 , to confuse the enemy in any ambush of fire fight .

" Quang "  1-P1100699

" Quang "  2-P1100684

" Quang "  3-P1100700

The photo below shows the Extraction Harness hooked up out of the way , whilst on the mission .

" Quang "  4-P1100686

And whilst waiting for extraction , the harness is worn strapped around the crotch , as in the following photo , the troops could actually sit in these harnesses whilst being dragged through the air by the Huey`s .

" Quang "  5-P1100693

" Quang "  6-P1100697

" Quang "  7-P1100696

" Quang "  8-P1100702

" Quang "  9-P1100709

" Quang "  10-P1100707

" Quang "  11-P1100698

2" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:42 pm


Founding Father
Very nice, fully-developed and kitted-out figure!

I'll be back!

3" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:55 pm


Good one, nice to see these guys getting some love. That harness looks great and black fits him very well, beautiful detailed photos. Also great bits of historical info.

Minus the part where you are in a war on a dangerous covert mission, that helicopter harness stuff sounds like a lot of fun.

4" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:12 pm


Many Thanks Gents , the kind words are very much appreciated .

5" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:26 am


Founding Father
Well done figure, and kitted out. Thanks for sharing.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

" Quang "  C8485110

6" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:31 pm


Thanks ALL , I am working on other members of my Team 1 , and hope they make an appearance soon .

7" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:49 am


Great looking figure chip! full of character!

8" Quang "  Empty Re: " Quang " Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:06 pm


Really great, he looks deadly.

I do this for fun, otherwise it would be my job. alien

All of my alt-history themed figures in one convenient link! BooBomb's alt history figures! " Quang "  1f60e

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