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From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude

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    I haven't posted in some time, matter of fact I don't remember the last time I did but I've been active working on some of my dystopic figures and building a new backdrop. As a matter of fact I recently finished one of my new ones but I'm hoping to photograph him with the new backdrop. For now I wanted to share something I had made some time ago, back a year or two I got bitten by the fantasy figure bug and I made a total of three, one rifleman and then there was this one and later on knock off gargamel. Well I never finished any of those two with the exception of this, my fantasy viking hoplite sea raider fantasy man.

Even though I never finished this guy I remember having a good time putting him together, specially weathering his metal parts and putting his armor together. Speaking about armors I based his on the linothorax mostly because I found it easy to make back then. Well I personally do not plan on finishing him sadly, I'm not that good when it comes to putting together fantasy figures and I'm more centered around my dystopic/sci-fi type of guys so I'll be cannibalizing it for useful parts and storing the more fantasy bits away until a day where I figure out a way to do a fantasy figure proper.
From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  5evNHZh
From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  V7IMun9
From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  KUThXw7
From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  WPi6nWx

Back when I made this guy I sculpted his beard, it was the first sculpted on beard I've done. I also made his buckler like shield out of some sticks, faux leather and lego parts. The purple leather is the hide of a "bount dog" (paper towels) and I must say it's still one of my favorite things I've made.  Well I don't have much to share now other than this unfinished guy. Hopefully I'll show some more of those dystopic guys with my new backdrop. For now I hope you all have a nice week and stay safe out there.

I do this for fun, otherwise it would be my job. alien

All of my alt-history themed figures in one convenient link! BooBomb's alt history figures! From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  1f60e


Founding Father
Very nice figure. I'd say don't take it apart (do you really need to?) -- except maybe the pants, which look a bit more modern to me.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Not a bad looking figure. I’m with the Guv, I wouldn’t take him apart, myself — at some point you may want to return to him when you get some inspiration.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  C8485110


Interesting looking figure .


Very nice indeed! great detailing!


Indeed very nice figure!

From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  2v2J6CKfFxAChVkHosted on Fotki


Thanks for sharing (I esp. appreciate a glimpse at other folk's workdesk Very Happy )

Would be a shame to take him apart. He does not look half finished. Maybe you can use him one day in a weird SciFi set up?

Working tomorrow for a better today.


GubernatorFan wrote:Very nice figure. I'd say don't take it apart (do you really need to?) -- except maybe the pants, which look a bit more modern to me.
Thanks Gubernator, I've already taken his pants off and stored him away. It was easier than I thought.

Stryker2011 wrote:Not a bad looking figure. I’m with the Guv, I wouldn’t take him apart, myself — at some point you may want to return to him when you get some inspiration.
Thanks Stryker, I'm not sure If I'll return to him but if one day you see something about fantasy from me then you know I changed my mind.
Chip wrote:Interesting looking figure .
Thanks Chip.

BAMComix wrote:Very nice indeed! great detailing!
Thanks BAMComix.

BAD WOLF-787 wrote:Indeed very nice figure!
Thanks BAD WOLF.

Illusion wrote:Thanks for sharing (I esp. appreciate a glimpse at other folk's workdesk Very Happy )

Would be a shame to take him apart. He does not look half finished. Maybe you can use him one day in a weird SciFi set up?
Thanks Illusion. I've taken a few shots from this desk, it's usually just as messy including my window which works as a mini shelf.

I already took his pants off which is what I was after, stored him away until I either re-imagine him or continue working on him.

I do this for fun, otherwise it would be my job. alien

All of my alt-history themed figures in one convenient link! BooBomb's alt history figures! From the work desk: Unfinished fantasy dude  1f60e

Gizems nice Kittens

Gizems nice Kittens
It's a lot of work to do it all yourself. We admire it.
Unfortunately, our caretaker is too clumsy with his fingers, otherwise he could sew or knit something for us.


So many wonderful little details! Dystopia is a wonderful setting that is hard to resist though. I understand. Smile


What if Roman Empire didn't fall? This guy. Roman Middle Age Warrior figure Very Happy

Thanks for showing

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Founding Father
Valiarde wrote:What if Roman Empire didn't fall? This guy. Roman Middle Age Warrior figure Very Happy

Well... the Roman Empire did survive into the Middle Ages, at Constantinople. And this guy does look a little "Byzantine."

I'll be back!


Nice, he might have had a bright future, but sometimes you have to cut your losses. Hope he is recycled in an ethical for something evil and dystopic.

He could also be one of the mysterious 'sea peoples' of the antique.

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