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NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe)

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Founding Father
Here's a couple pics.

LordoftheRings - NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe) - Page 2 _dsc3446
LordoftheRings - NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe) - Page 2 _dsc3445
LordoftheRings - NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe) - Page 2 _dsc3444
LordoftheRings - NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe) - Page 2 _dsc3447


Very nice!!


Founding Father
Nice attentive, yet pensive pose.


GubernatorFan wrote:Nice attentive, yet pensive pose.
Nice descriptor. We need to use "pensive" in conversations more often.


Founding Father
Thanks, fellas. I was trying to get her bent forward a bit more to make that “pensive” look more obvious - though the word hadn’t crossed my mind at the time, but that was exactly the look I wanted, but the limited ab crunch of the body, and the layers of the dress hold her back a bit. I haven’t tried too hard to move her forward more.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

LordoftheRings - NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe) - Page 2 C8485110


The jowls look puffy compared to Liv.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


shazzdan wrote:The jowls look puffy compared to Liv.

I noticed that too. Still though, the shape of the head looks pretty close to the prototype to me.  I think it was just hidden better between the paint and the lighting. Her cheekbones maybe need to be a little more defined.

I’d still be just fine with the figure overall if I had preordered it, though.

…and I still see Lauren Graham.  I’ll chalk it up to the many hours spent watching Gilmore Girls with the wife.


Founding Father
You’re a better man than me if you sat through the Gilmore Girls. The bits and pieces I saw were enough. Luckily the wife was fine watching all the seasons without me.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

LordoftheRings - NEW PRODUCT: Asmus Collectibles:1/6 scale Lord of the Rings: ARWEN (in death frock) (standard & deluxe) - Page 2 C8485110


For what it's worth, I also see the lady from Gilmore Girls in the sculpt. I had a university professor who looked just like her, so it could also double as her mini-me. Not that I can't see some Liv in there, too, just that from some angles it works better than others.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

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