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NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001

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Founding Father
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18014311

Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman 1/6 SG001 Long Song Line Li Changge Di Li Reba Hand Soldier Head Eagle and Body Accessories: ★ 1 hair transplant head carving x 1 Highly detailed Head sculpt with rooted hair ★ 1/6 movable body 1/6 Scale figure body, approximately 30cm tall ★ hand x6pcs Hands x 6 piece Clothing accessories: Costume: ★ red cape x 1 piece Red hooded cape ★ outer robe x1 piece Long tunic dress ★ white inner robe x 1 piece White shirt ★ Jacquard trousers x1 piece Pants ★ leather handmade wristband x1 pair Leather bracer ★ leather handmade waistband x1 Leather belt ★ handmade boots x1 Boots Other accessories: Other accessories: Alloy long sword with sheath metal Sword with sheath The alloy dagger is sheathed metal Dagger with sheath ★ platform x1 Figure Stand

LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18014410
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18014710
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18014910
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18015110
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18015410
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18015510
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18015810
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18020010
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18020110
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18020311
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18020511
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18020811
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18020910
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18021113
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18021310
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18021410
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18021610
LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 18021810

#newproduct #DivineCraftsman #LongSongLine #LiChangge #female #Asian #movie-based


Founding Father
I'm not familiar with the source, but the head looks lovely -- and realistic -- and the whole set appears to be excellent.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Yeah, that head is stunningly realistic and absolutely gorgeous. I'm not familiar with the source, either, as I haven't watched any Hong Kong cinema in a VERY long time -- at least, not since the early 2000s; once Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh and to a lesser extent Jackie Chan "aged out" of action movies, I sort of lost interest. It still pisses me off that no one has done a Michelle Yeoh head sculpt (I mean jeez, the woman was pretty much the number one female action star since the freaking 80s, and yet -- nothing).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 C8485110


Founding Father
They'll get there eventually, I'm sure. Or hope.

I'll be back!


The head does look really nice indeed - so does the skirt. I wouldn't use the santa cape on this one, it is much prettier without it imo (but I'm not knowing the source)


The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


I like her outfit! I do wish the cloak was a different colour (would be gorgeous if the same colour scheme as the rest of the outfit, for instance), but it's still really beautiful.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


I think this is based off a chinese TV series (Long Ballad). The actress is Dilraba Dilmurat. Several companies have done her sculpt including Verycool. I like the sculpt here, although it's a new company so hopefully the final product looks as good as prototype.

Very cool version:

LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 1-6-di10



csyeung wrote:I think this is based off a chinese TV series (Long Ballad). The actress is Dilraba Dilmurat. Several companies have done her sculpt including Verycool. I like the sculpt here, although it's a new company so hopefully the final product looks as good as prototype.

Very cool version:

LiChangge - NEW PRODUCT: Genuine authorization Divine Craftsman: 1/6 "Long Song Line" - Li Changge (Played by Di Lieba) Hand-made Movable Soldier #SG001 1-6-di10

Yea this head looks closer to the actual person, hope the end result looks good too.

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