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My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics.

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WIP thread here for both builds:
WIP For 2018 Predators' Builds.


Very brief movie synopsis:

After a predator kills his entire platoon, a soldier sends evidence of the alien home, as proof of what really happened to his men. But after a genetically enhanced predator arrives on earth in search of what was stolen, the soldier teams up with a unit of "looney" soldiers and a geneticist, in a race to save his son that he unknowingly made into the predator's next target.

The Fugitive Predator has some human DNA which might explain his desire to allow humans a 'fair fight' against the new huge genetically advanced Assassin Predators being created; he brings a 'Predator Killing armour suit' with him for humans to use. I'll be building that next. The Assassin Predator is sent to stop him and recover any technology before it falls into human hands.

For the Assassin Predator pretty much everything was scratch built or heavily modified and then modified again as new source material slowly got leaked or released; I started off with just some very limited promo shots and grainy stills from the movie of the Assassin Predator who didn't even have a name yet! Luckily the Fugitive Predator had a lot more source material available and even a 1/6 figure to start with but needed a custom body built, all the armour modified and made from scratch, new weapons, paint job, dredds etc..

Reference pics:

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. MV5BMjM5MDk2NDIxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjU5NDk3NTM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,675,1000_AL_

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. HJTTgjs

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. OCSfq52

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. QJjDdmy

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. SZnhLuc

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Ipqa9xP

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. PEe0z0q

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. CE742Hc

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. AW77Mnj

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. KqiRo8m

My finished 2018 Predators:

(Pics were slightly rushed as I was taking them in between rain storms!LOL).

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 3dTU6Lg

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 9EzLfd6

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. ZXwzclm

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Uv8kuB0

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 2GYSbiz

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Yp0c5aG

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. GhEDR0Z

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 2wtafQy

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. K5SF8Um

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 5Q3UxpK

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Iq5RC46

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Gha2RdL

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. MlyxWX8

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. M331G83

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 3dFdBTc

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. XwD4JhW

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. ZkzucAd

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. G9C9WCh

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. IEB3eAb

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. KLLMRvT

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Tbizuu2

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. EtxB7q9

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. GkNmrDW

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. PX6aBs3

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. J5TIl0K

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. XcwTGZd

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. LqY8cs8

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. UEjZdhr

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. EnGZbEt

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Lh2aB74

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Xpj33xM

(I will be changing the helmet's lenses again! Embarassed Due to my 'arty' history I occasionally like to include a subtle message, here in the dios you can see the one for the Assassin is deep in the forest with aggressive looking plants representing violence where as the Fugitive's dio has more passive plants and he is about to step onto a paved road representing a direction towards humanity).

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 2HiLZgm

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. JPHMNwZ

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. KkuLANV

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. HJ2bN3C

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. XOtm2Gs

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. TVVDlGj


My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. MJbDZxd

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. FPjy54U

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. ITdbyKe

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. IQWYkps

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. HhO7CCb

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. PZm58Sh

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. TABMAy9

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. KCbMSg2

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. ANpdQHj

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. NKlzYHa

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. N9Q99ga

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. BH8nh6K

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 7rFdA0C

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. ZXbITKK

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. QTZuySP

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 982uv1B

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Sd0ycni

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. QkoYJl4

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. Q39U6xD

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 5yzIefw

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. UiLCn7B

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. DmkstbM

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 8qHM0Yy

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. J0DbZff

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. IcMHfh0

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. DnwFzEG

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. QU4Ich5

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. S3SHijn

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. WuJlafv

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. FcHsIvY

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. KsmgvCe

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. 0p51W9i

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. ZgWBSvU


Founding Father

Really nice job on both! You look to have quite a jungle going on in Swansea, mind you ours is pretty overgrown too. Neither me or my Dad are that green fingered though.



Founding Father
Holy cow! That is impressive work, Alex. I really love the blood effects. This whole thing is monumental. Thanks for all the great photos, and the story. Really incredible builds.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. C8485110


WOW, amazing work! All those DETAILS, I love it!!

I have been following your progress on the thread, and it's very satisifying to see these finished figures together in a photo shoot.

Out of curiosity, what did you use for the foliage on those bases?? (They are also awesome btw!)

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Very impressive custom figures and so many fine photos to showcase them in! I love the way the Fugitive Predator turned out, in particular. As for the other one, you know I'm a creature of habit and haven't warmed up to their new design/appearance yet -- but your recreation of it seems to be very accurate and a masterpiece in itself. Loved the little details, including the weaponry, armor, jewelry, special effects, and the bases too.

I'll be back!


Rogerbee wrote:
Really nice job on both! You look to have quite a jungle going on in Swansea, mind you ours is pretty overgrown too. Neither me or my Dad are that green fingered though.


OI! It's not overgrown!LOL! I've just let nature take it's course and don't like flowers! Wink To be honest it doesn't really get a chance to overgrow as there's not much there and what is gets regularly(ish) pruned when I test a new sword or axe! Laughing Cheers Roger!

Stryker2011 wrote:Holy cow! That is impressive work, Alex. I really love the blood effects. This whole thing is monumental. Thanks for all the great photos, and the story. Really incredible builds.

Thanks Stryker! The effects were a fiddly job and needed neon paint/inks to get the blood colours right.

skywalkersaga wrote:WOW, amazing work! All those DETAILS, I love it!!

I have been following your progress on the thread, and it's very satisifying to see these finished figures together in a photo shoot.

Out of curiosity, what did you use for the foliage on those bases?? (They are also awesome btw!)

Thank you SWSaga! I'm glad you followed the build so you know what went into making these guys! The foliage I normally use is similar but couldn't find the damn bag (still can't) of cut up/dismantled cheap plastic tat some people use for decoration in the 1:1 world, the ones here are from a large bag of christmas decorations my neighbour was throwing out, luckily there were some fern like parts and the holly looks more like stinging nettles and Venus-flytraps! Twisted Evil I think you'll find this kind of stuff in your local Dollar/Pound store or on eBay. Aquarium and reptile pet shops are great for dio parts! Wink

GubernatorFan wrote:Very impressive custom figures and so many fine photos to showcase them in! I love the way the Fugitive Predator turned out, in particular. As for the other one, you know I'm a creature of habit and haven't warmed up to their new design/appearance yet -- but your recreation of it seems to be very accurate and a masterpiece in itself. Loved the little details, including the weaponry, armor, jewelry, special effects, and the bases too.

Cheers GF! I'm reading the novels now, just finished 'Concrete Jungle' and started 'Cold War'. Just think of the Assassin Predator for what he is: an experiment.


Founding Father
LOL! You're as green fingered as I am. I don't trust myself with indoor plants either!



Rogerbee wrote:LOL! You're as green fingered as I am. I don't trust myself with indoor plants either!


I've got 3 indoor ones I 'inherited' from my neighbour when he died, two small palm trees and aa baby bamboo plant, the palms look great next to my POTC figures and the bamboo works well with my Samurai and ninja collection! I just have to remember to water them and they give me oxygen! Wink


Founding Father

I'll be fine if I open a window. I don't do that much in Summer though, even if I open it just a tiny tad a bloody wasp will find its way in, little &*%$ers!



Founding Father
Rogerbee wrote:I'll be fine if I open a window. I don't do that much in Summer though, even if I open it just a tiny tad a bloody wasp will find its way in, little &*%$ers!

I can relate to this being annoying, but there is a simple enough solution:

I'll be back!


Founding Father




Rogerbee wrote:
I'll be fine if I open a window. I don't do that much in Summer though, even if I open it just a tiny tad a bloody wasp will find its way in, little &*%$ers!


A simple plastic bottle with sugared water works really well, we use them in Greece outside a lot, the wasps climb in but can't get out and drown drunk on the sugar, works for flies too.


Founding Father

I'd just rather they stayed outside, period!



Damn this thread's gone off topic!! Crying or Very sad Wink


Founding Father
Will strategic placement of Predator action figures deter the appearance of annoying insects in one's yard? See, back to topic. Smile

I'll be back!


Founding Father

I'm hoping that Gremlins eat wasps! LOL!



All of this could be solved if UK windows just had goddamn screens on them. Razz

But more to the point:

I thoroughly enjoyed watching your process, Shovelchop! I may not have commented, but's only cause I  am so new and was still just lurking through part of it. I thank you for sharing all of the gory details with us, it was extremely informative, and I even sought out some of your previous threads as well. Even though I can safely say I will probably never attempt to make this precise sort of custom figure, just watching it all unfold has been both educational and inspirational. When I've been getting stuck on silly details, I keep thinking "well Shovelchop built Predators from scratch, I can at the very least *try* to make this [insert whatever tiny accessory here]", lol.

Suffice it to say, I cannot help but admire your 'can-do-anything' approach -- not to mention your epic results -- and I'm already looking forward to seeing more pics of these and other future projects. Very Happy

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
skywalkersaga wrote:I thoroughly enjoyed watching your process, Shovelchop! I may not have commented, but's only cause I  am so new and was still just lurking through part of it. I thank you for sharing all of the gory details with us, it was extremely informative, and I even sought out some of your previous threads as well. Even though I can safely say I will probably never attempt to make this precise sort of custom figure, just watching it all unfold has been both educational and inspirational. When I've been getting stuck on silly details, I keep thinking "well Shovelchop built Predators from scratch, I can at the very least *try* to make this [insert whatever tiny accessory here]", lol.

Suffice it to say, I cannot help but admire your 'can-do-anything' approach -- not to mention your epic results -- and I'm already looking forward to seeing more pics of these and other future projects. Very Happy

Well put. I think it's safe to say that all of us could probably just copy and paste this comment after every one of Shovelchop81's threads, and it would cover everything that needs to be said.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. C8485110


GubernatorFan wrote:Will strategic placement of Predator action figures deter the appearance of annoying insects in one's yard? See, back to topic. Smile

Well they're on my shooting bench, looking out the window at the rain since I haven't braved trying to reach my collection of Predators as the giant glass table I rebuilt and now covered in figures is in the's going to be bloody tricky!

Rogerbee wrote:
I'm hoping that Gremlins eat wasps! LOL!


I doubt latex ones do mate.

skywalkersaga wrote:All of this could be solved if UK windows just had goddamn screens on them. Razz

But more to the point:

I thoroughly enjoyed watching your process, Shovelchop! I may not have commented, but's only cause I  am so new and was still just lurking through part of it. I thank you for sharing all of the gory details with us, it was extremely informative, and I even sought out some of your previous threads as well. Even though I can safely say I will probably never attempt to make this precise sort of custom figure, just watching it all unfold has been both educational and inspirational. When I've been getting stuck on silly details, I keep thinking "well Shovelchop built Predators from scratch, I can at the very least *try* to make this [insert whatever tiny accessory here]", lol.

Suffice it to say, I cannot help but admire your 'can-do-anything' approach -- not to mention your epic results -- and I'm already looking forward to seeing more pics of these and other future projects. Very Happy

They haven't even discovered shutters in the UK! Evil or Very Mad Laughing Or single faucet taps either...

Thank you so much for you kind words and positivity! I've been doing this for many years and have a background in product design, illustration, mechanics etc.. so a bit of an unfair advantage! Embarassed Wink I also collect a lot of parts and materials that help these builds come to life; it's amazing what your neighbours throw away! Laughing
Most of my threads are on OSW, over 10 years worth of builds, I think I have 19 pages of thread titles alone!! affraid
If you're brave enough to look, they're here (ironically I'm locked out due to new site owners not caring about tech problems):


Stryker2011 wrote:

Well put. I think it's safe to say that all of us could probably just copy and paste this comment after every one of Shovelchop81's threads, and it would cover everything that needs to be said.

LOL, thanks! I can now just imagine everyone getting lazy and copy/pasting SWsaga's kind post on every future finished thread I do! Laughing Wink


Founding Father
Yeah, I go over and occasionally answer a question or two if no one responds, but OSW is but  a vague shadow of what it used to be. So sad.

And don’t worry, I was just kidding about the copy & paste comment.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

My Finished Custom 2018 "The Predator" Fugitive & Assassin Predators Outdoor Pics. C8485110


Stryker2011 wrote:Yeah, I go over and occasionally answer a question or two if no one responds, but OSW is but  a vague shadow of what it used to be. So sad.

And don’t worry, I was just kidding about the copy & paste comment.

I know you were only kidding!! As for OSW it's just nice to have unhindered access to 10 years of my work again!


Founding Father
Amen to what SWS said, couldn't have put it better myself. Probably would if my head wasn't so full of **** all the time!

Even if I can or could go back into OSW most of my best threads were rendered useless by Photobucket, I deleted my account there to so even if that silly bug was fixed all the pics are gone. One day, however, I would like to drag out my Lucifer thread from there and copy and paste it here with re-uploaded and updated pics.



These look great in natural light! Winter has been nasty here, and I've been missing shooting outside. But in sunlight you can really see the detail on the custom assassin, and the blood effects really pop. Fantastic work as always!



Rogerbee wrote:Amen to what SWS said, couldn't have put it better myself. Probably would if my head wasn't so full of **** all the time!

Even if I can or could go back into OSW most of my best threads were rendered useless by Photobucket, I deleted my account there to so even if that silly bug was fixed all the pics are gone. One day, however, I would like to drag out my Lucifer thread from there and copy and paste it here with re-uploaded and updated pics.


Yeah I remember you telling me, bummer I hope you have them on a hard drive somewhere.

ReverendSpooky wrote:These look great in natural light!  Winter has been nasty here, and I've been missing shooting outside.  But in sunlight you can really see the detail on the custom assassin, and the blood effects really pop.  Fantastic work as always!

Thanks RS! I often forget members can't see the detail I do since it's right in my face during the build! LOL.


Founding Father

I do, it's just a pain to have to redo them all. These days I even keep the raw pics straight from the camera.


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