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Star Trek Scotty review

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1Star Trek Scotty review Empty Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:47 pm

michael crawford

Let's hit up another sixth scale release this week, and it's one I've been really, really anticipating. I'm checking out the Star Trek Scotty from Qmx tonight, and it's a winner all around. I thought the Kirk looked good, but this one even out did him. You can find my review here:

or you can find it with the rest of the reviews at the usual:

Thanks for reading!


Star Trek Scotty review Review_scotty_10

2Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:10 pm


Founding Father
Great review, Michael. And I agree, he looks awesome. Looking forward to getting mine. Sulu should be up next, followed by Uhura (who, according to Nanjin is nearly ready to go). Nanjin Tam is the guy all Trek fans really need to thank. QMX holds the licensing rights, but he is the true mastermind behind the Trek figures, has close ties with the folks at the factory, and deals a great deal with the QC issues to make sure QMX can deliver the best Trek figures possible. There was a bit of a snafu behind the scenes for a bit, and it was looking pretty dire that we weren’t going to get any further figures, but it seems the majority of concerns have been ironed out. Nanjin has big plans for Trek — I just hope we can see even a tenth of what he’d like to put out.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Star Trek Scotty review C8485110

3Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:41 pm


Founding Father
My Scotty arrived this morning in the mail. I have nothing further to add to Michael's review -- other than it's a great time to be a fan of the Original Star Trek. I put the missing digit hand on mine, and attempted to "hide" it (much like James did) behind his tricorder -- though it's still visible if you know to look for it.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Star Trek Scotty review C8485110

4Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:03 pm


Founding Father
Looks like a great figure, and thanks for the detailed and superbly illustrated review. The one thing I wonder about is the hair sculpt -- you mentioned a more detailed paint work would bring out the stranding better, but is it just me or is the stranding a little less detailed/sharp than it could be?

I'll be back!

5Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:37 pm


Founding Father
Looking at my figure, the strand detailing in his hair is there — his camera could be washing some of it out. It is, however, one flat color — so that doesn’t really help.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Star Trek Scotty review C8485110

6Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:08 pm

michael crawford

It is less detailed than what you'll get from something like a Hot Toys sculpt.

7Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:35 pm


Founding Father
Thanks for confirming. Even so, an excellent figure.

I'll be back!

8Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:24 pm


Interesting that they correctly depicted James Doohan, who served in my branch of the military, (Royal Canadian Artillery) missing most of the middle finger of his right hand, which he lost on D-Day, I believe to a a friendly fire incident. Ubique Jimmy, wherever you are.

P.S.  That's a WWII (repro) Royal Canadian Artillery cap that serves as my profile pic.

9Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:11 pm


I never knew that, @ThePhotogsBlog !!!

10Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:12 am


Peaches wrote:I never knew that, @ThePhotogsBlog !!!  

He kept it pretty well-concealed in Start Trek.

11Star Trek Scotty review Empty Re: Star Trek Scotty review Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:28 am


Founding Father

Great figure! Here's hoping it gives Mezco the necessary push to make a One:12 one. Mind you, they still haven't done Bones yet. I need a bigger away team!


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