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Pacific war

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1Pacific war Empty Pacific war Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:05 am


Pacific War

Pacific war CpjuaF

Pacific war BPdAqC
Pacific war ZB5Lfg
Pacific war AkmjDG
Pacific war Qh2zYC
Pacific war 5EJXWK
Pacific war YF1y26
Pacific war 1v4GHD
Pacific war QKlegE
Pacific war 8ZGA5T
Pacific war 23PBD4

Pacific war DahHsx
Pacific war OHgSLE
Pacific war I41Msp
Pacific war H37uJL
Pacific war A3Yv1D
Pacific war Ezp8KW Pacific war UFTPEH
Pacific war 6A9K0p
Pacific war XaehDS
Pacific war L20rSP

Pacific war IxkApb
Pacific war TnqLNW
Pacific war Nx4fIq
Pacific war QaZmul
Pacific war Qw7k2g
Pacific war 1s0zCd
Pacific war 7o83y5
Pacific war I5CIEM
Pacific war 9DnmEu
Pacific war XV20Al

Pacific war 49EMtw
Pacific war 3UvLaW
Pacific war FbOSNx Pacific war DRpXhb
Pacific war NURgld
Pacific war C2LM4u
Pacific war YTcm3u
Pacific war CFvOrt
Pacific war Rdh4HX
Pacific war KCF5Mz

Pacific war LXtCk8
Pacific war AmQMP9
Pacific war OadRW4
Pacific war ImX8Bn
Pacific war XnTvEp
Pacific war 2icwyE
Pacific war TkMhTK
Pacific war DLZ2a6
Pacific war P93AuO
Pacific war 3utEwB

Pacific war UwcdnH
Pacific war Kd0qIT
Pacific war ZRpbSA
Pacific war HnHMx8
Pacific war 7ktrKJ
Pacific war 9Q4JBN
Pacific war YjSngB
Pacific war ZvEiy4
Pacific war 0enTfP
Pacific war TFQWzT

Pacific war NzDfGm
Pacific war ZopyNH
Pacific war Kwei2V
Pacific war EQZ5f8
Pacific war J9uQMP
Pacific war KoeP5U
Pacific war Xik2O8
Pacific war UPfLEh
Pacific war FrLcNo
Pacific war 9H60pW

Pacific war 5U3smx
Pacific war Yg2HcI
Pacific war NTaRHo
Pacific war MvJgWr
Pacific war ML3iqw
Pacific war 7lzxIR
Pacific war MehtEx
Pacific war WqTFW2
Pacific war MvKbNC
Pacific war FayYIE

Pacific war HrtFCX
Pacific war KwoB7H
Pacific war 9yQJur
Pacific war YhvAlP
Pacific war Byd5wM
Pacific war LDRUs5
Pacific war EAoZLg
Pacific war VoUVZG
Pacific war XobRzi
Pacific war Y0giz6

Pacific war OZojmH
Pacific war TiNpqu
Pacific war RULx6n
Pacific war 36WCKo
Pacific war T06FA3
Pacific war MPjL5h
Pacific war BP7xTj
Pacific war 75OfSr
Pacific war BjcYSX
Pacific war TO0cbn

Pacific war PbahGe
Pacific war IwOlj4

2Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:37 am


Damn, there's some mighty incredible work there!

3Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:54 am


it's my pleasure to share you the story of my 1/6 scale figures !

4Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:03 pm


Founding Father
Welcome aboard. This is some truly remarkable work. So much detail. Really well done.

PS, I moved it to the appropriate section.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Pacific war C8485110

5Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:33 pm


Fantastic Pictures with amazing Facial Expressions !

Welcome Axispress !

Pacific war Downlo10

6Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:22 am


Founding Father
Beautiful, if gory, work. The detail, depth, poses, props, and even special effects are all stunning!

I'll be back!

7Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:14 am


wow, this is one hell of a photostory, so well done! excellent work!

8Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:33 am


Very impressive. The diorama and figures are cool and the photography is dynamic.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal

9Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:58 am


Wow, absolutely amazing diorama, poses, photography, and figures! Felt like I was ‘watching’ a war movie — they all feel like real characters, and I especially enjoy all the ‘special effects’. Smile

Thanks so much for sharing!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

10Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:20 am


Some superb models here, and shown off to their best by some excellent photography.

Very nice indeed, I like these a lot.


I can't see the trees for the Forest
Pacific war Yv5cCVM

11Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:59 am


wow this is veeeery impressive, thanks a lot for sharing! Epic posing on these battle scenes, and great choices of heads for the amrican units, that Bruce Willis works wonder!

12Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:48 am


Superb work!

13Pacific war Empty Re: Pacific war Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:27 pm


Very intense stuff, I like how they are all still human, nobody feels like the one and only bad/good guy.

But that big, bald, beared, bare chested hero soldier seems a bit out of place, although he looks great!

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