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NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure

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Founding Father
The Collectible Figurine special features:
-Detailed Head sculpts,each piece of head sculpt is specially hand painted
-Body with over 30points of articulations
-Semi-seamless body
-Approximately 26CM tall
-Eight(8)pieces of interchangeable palms including:
-One(1)pair of fists
-One(1)pair of relaxed palms
-One(1)pair of open palms for holding ninja sai
-One(1)pair of specially open palms for holding ninja sai
-One(1)Black vest
-One(1)Red sweater
-One(1)Black Jean
-One(1)Black shoes
-One(2)Ninja sai
-One(1)figure stand

**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different**

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen20
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen19
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen21
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen24
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen23
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen22
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen26
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen27
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Screen25

#newproduct #SooSooToys #LadyNinjaSai #female #CableTVbased #comicbook #Devil


While I'm glad to FINALLY see a female figure based on the Daredevil Netflix series, I'm dismayed that the likeness to the actress is so poor. The sculpted hair doesn't even register since the face itself seems so off. :/

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
That's pretty much my thoughts. Plus, this outfit isn't the one I would have preferred anyway. Without the red bandana, it's just a chick in a vest and pants -- something anyone could easily cobble together. The other problem with the likeness, is the similarity I see between this and their Olivia Munn/Psylocke -- when neither of those women look alike.

I would have preferred either of these two outfits:

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Proxy_44
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Proxy_45
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Proxy_46


He who dies with the most toys wins!

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure C8485110


Yes, the outfit they used for this figure is more like her 'casual' outfit in the show. I could have overlooked that though if the sculpt had been better. :/

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Now that you mention it, I can see how the Olivia Munn features snuck up into this one, too. Smile Since I am completely unaware of what and who this is supposed to be, I wasn't particularly bothered by it -- at least until I saw Stryker's photos. The movable ponytail helps a little bit, but the sculpted hair still ends up looking like a chunk of plastic... As I just wrote elsewhere, SooSoo has an excellent production record, but even at the design stage, they may have slipped up a bit here.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:Now that you mention it, I can see how the Olivia Munn features snuck up into this one, too. Smile Since I am completely unaware of what and who this is supposed to be, I wasn't particularly bothered by it -- at least until I saw Stryker's photos. The movable ponytail helps a little bit, but the sculpted hair still ends up looking like a chunk of plastic... As I just wrote elsewhere, SooSoo has an excellent production record, but even at the design stage, they may have slipped up a bit here.
 She is supposed to be Elektra from the Netflix Daredevil, but yeah, they didn't really capture her very well in this case, I'm afraid...

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


I'm not familiar with the show this figure's based on, but I do like it, albeit for the nude figure with head and hands only.

Permanent Hot Toys boycotter


Stryker2011 wrote:That's pretty much my thoughts. Plus, this outfit isn't the one I would have preferred anyway. Without the red bandana, it's just a chick in a vest and pants -- something anyone could easily cobble together. The other problem with the likeness, is the similarity I see between this and their Olivia Munn/Psylocke -- when neither of those women look alike.

I would have preferred either of these two outfits:

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Proxy_44
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Proxy_45
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys SST014 1/6 scale Lady Ninja Sai figure Proxy_46

Too bad about the poor likeness... i really like Elodie Yung.
The first two pics are Elodie as Jinx in G.I. Joe: Retaliation... she definitely got cast as Elektra because of that role.
She looks perfect in red!


Thanks for pointing out about the red outfit -- I didn't remember it from the show, but thought it was maybe from the Defenders or something, as I haven't seen that....only seen Daredevil. 

I don't personally have a problem with the outfit on this figure.... even if it's not iconic to the comic book version of her, I immediately recognized it from the show. But I do think the sculpt is just not a good representation of the actress at all.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

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