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NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure

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Founding Father
The Collectible Figurine special features:
-Detailed Head sculpts,each piece of head sculpt is specially hand painted
-Black and purple real fabric hair implantation
-Body with over 30points of articulations
-Approximately 26CM tall
-Semi-seamless body
-Six (6)pieces of interchangeable palms including:
-One(1)pair of fists
-One(1)pair of relaxed palms
-One(1)pair of open palms for holding sword
-One(1)Psychic Assassin set costume
-One(1)Purple colored ARMORA
-One(1)Purple shoes
-One(1)Long sword
-Two(2)Translucent purple colored effect accessories(wearable on hands)
-One(1)figure stand

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen29
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen28
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen30
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen53
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen52
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen31
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen33
SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure Screen32

#newproduct #SooSooToys #PsychicAssassin #female #movie-based #X #comicbook


Founding Father
Interesting. So soon after Toys Era's "Prescience." This does look more striking, but then again these are prototype images. SooSoo Toys does have an excellent production record, so it is promising.

I'll be back!


Nice offering, even if I start to think SooSootoys are professionals at copying recent figures from competitors, old man logan, psyloke, wolverine, flash... People from E1le1ven Toys era or asmus might get angry soon Laughing


I really like the facial expression . Could go for a nude with head for sure.

Permanent Hot Toys boycotter


hmm not sure I like the costume, oh it looks like the comic as I remember, but it just doesn't look well made to me, maybe its just the material its made out of is stiff


Founding Father
Delanie wrote:hmm not sure I like the costume, oh it looks like the comic as I remember, but it just doesn't look well made to me, maybe its just the material its made out of is stiff

It does look too thick, and ill-fitting as well. I think I'll stick with the Psylocke I have.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure C8485110


PitViper wrote:Could go for a nude with head for sure.

must.....resist......the innuendo.... Laughing


lurpdog101 wrote:
PitViper wrote:Could go for a nude with head for sure.

must.....resist......the innuendo.... Laughing

Laughing You, naughty (lurp) dog, you!
But you know, i always thought mentioning "nude" includes the headsculpt... otherwise, i'd say "body".


rollotomasi wrote:
lurpdog101 wrote:
PitViper wrote:Could go for a nude with head for sure.

must.....resist......the innuendo.... Laughing

Laughing You, naughty (lurp) dog, you!
But you know, i always thought mentioning "nude" includes the headsculpt... otherwise, i'd say "body".

Jajajajajajajajajaja... I almost choked on my morning coffee!  You guys are awesome!

I've seen both the body (with & w/o head) and "nude" used, so I tried to be specific...serves me right...LOL

Permanent Hot Toys boycotter


Oh Yeah!  This one is looking like a must buy figure and I'm liking the looks of this one way better than the TOYS ERA Prescience figure.

I've been wanting a Psylocke figure for along time now along with Classic outfit Scarlet Witch and Dark Phoenix red outfit (I missed out on on the
 Coreplay Dark Phoenix figure) for a new team.

SoosooToys - NEW PRODUCT: Soosootoys 1/6 SST009 Psychic Assassin figure 2v2J6CKfFxAChVkHosted on Fotki


I'd certainly get the head if I see one parted out (usual story!).

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