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The adventures of Dr Jones

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1IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 04, 2018 4:05 pm


Just sharing these past works with one of my fav figure, I think it was my first hot toys in fact... Anyway, the headsculpt was a lot criticized, it could be better for sure, but with the right angle there is something of harrison Ford, definitely... I tried to recreate various moments of that iconic trilogy, hope you'll like!

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#diorama #indianajones #film #male #harrisonford

2IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 04, 2018 4:10 pm


Founding Father
Nice. Some really great forced perspective shots. I really like your recreation of the classroom. Well done.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones C8485110

3IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 04, 2018 5:32 pm


Great pics! I love the perspective on all of these too. These classroom pics look so good, and that fight scene is a blast! Made me want to go re-watch all 3 movies.


4IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 04, 2018 6:20 pm


Man, that looks like all kinds of fun.

Damn well done, too. I really enjoyed those. Thank you, sir.

5IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 04, 2018 6:46 pm


I love this film, and this captures it perfectly.  Thanks for posting.

In July I am going to "an afternoon with Robert Watts" who was an Executive Producer on Raiders, as well as all 3 of the original Star Wars movies.  Should be a great afternoon.


I can't see the trees for the Forest
IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Yv5cCVM

6IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 04, 2018 11:41 pm


Founding Father
Beautiful customs and photography. What specific iteration of Indiana Jones is this? I had one (from Sideshow?) that I gave to a friend after getting the HT Deluxe years ago, but haven't really done too much with either one. But I realize there have been a several versions from several companies.

I'll be back!

7IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Sat May 05, 2018 3:44 pm


Founding Father


That sculpt does looks better when he's in Prof mode. Interesting choice of Stone Cold to stand in for Pat Roach. Nobody I know of did a decent sculpt that looks like that character though.


8IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 18, 2018 12:17 pm


Stryker2011 wrote:Nice. Some really great forced perspective shots. I really like your recreation of the classroom. Well done.

Thanks a lot! doing the blackboard was a lot of fun, back to school feeling, I had to buy some chalk lol

ReverendSpooky wrote:Great pics!  I love the perspective on all of these too.  These classroom pics look so good, and that fight scene is a blast!  Made me want to go re-watch all 3 movies.

Thanks mate! that classroom shooting is a bit of a mix between the two classroom scenes that occurs in raiders of the lost ark (only writing "facts" on the blackboard), and the one in the last crusade with the tomb layout n his hesitation moment spelling "neolithic"...

dadrab wrote:Man, that looks like all kinds of fun.
Damn well done, too. I really enjoyed those. Thank you, sir.

Thanks! I'm glad you always mention the fun aspect of my lil "sessions" cause it's really the core, I might not always get good result in final images, but when I unbox my figures, the only purpose is having fun, sandbox style lol

scalawag wrote:I love this film, and this captures it perfectly.  Thanks for posting.

In July I am going to "an afternoon with Robert Watts" who was an Executive Producer on Raiders, as well as all 3 of the original Star Wars movies.  Should be a great afternoon.


Thanks a lot! I hope you'll give us some feedback about this insane afternoon you're gonna have! Starwars and indiana jones are such pillars of our popculture! give us some news about it please!

GubernatorFan wrote:Beautiful customs and photography. What specific iteration of Indiana Jones is this? I had one (from Sideshow?) that I gave to a friend after getting the HT Deluxe years ago, but haven't really done too much with either one. But I realize there have been a several versions from several companies.

Thanks bro! it's the hot toys DX version, coming with the egyptian alternative outfit. The likeness is not good under all angles but it's definitely not as bad as what I read on the web about it, people rely way too much on crappy pictures. The PERS system for the eyes is an awesome feature that offers a lot of potential of posing and expressions, I wish hot toys gets back to it for all their figures...

Rogerbee wrote:

That sculpt does looks better when he's in Prof mode. Interesting choice of Stone Cold to stand in for Pat Roach. Nobody I know of did a decent sculpt that looks like that character though.


Thanks! In fact I think the casted shadow from his hat doesn't help getting a sparkle of life in his eyes except with specific lighting and poses, which makes him much more interesting once the hat is off. I still regret that I didn't buy the "treasure hunter" headsculpt which was a very solid alternative, what is missing on hot toys headsculpt is the signature grin of Harrison Ford, which they finally captured on their han solo disguised in stormtrooper.

I would love to have a pat roach headsculpt, just as "andre the giant" and a few wrestlers from the past... Phicen could easily provide that with their naked bodies like Kaustik once did...

Lil update, most of you guys have seen these shots already, but to carry on with dr Jones adventures... Some classic sequences from "The Last Crusade"

Lord Mac Donald and his charming assistant are here to see the tapestries!

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Don't call me Junior!

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IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Jonesampjones_14

Son, the floor is on fire. And the chair...

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IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Jonesampjones_17


9IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 18, 2018 12:22 pm


Founding Father
Oh man! These are great. Love all the effects. And that last one, with the lower light giving the impression of them being lit by the flames is perfect. Really well done set up. Lord MacDonald and his lovely assistant are very cool, too. She's charming, indeed. I honestly don't remember seeing these before. Excellent work.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones C8485110

10IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 18, 2018 12:33 pm


Founding Father
Love the update. Last Crusade is my favorite Indiana Jones movie (although I do like all three -- I'm not counting Crystal Skull as canon). And you do photograph that DX head sculpt a lot better than I do.

I'll be back!

11IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 18, 2018 3:21 pm


Founding Father
Very nice! It's odd how the DX works with everything except the fedora. My Henry also went through a lot of incarnations before I settled on the best recipe.


12IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 18, 2018 3:57 pm


Man these are so damn good.

13IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Fri May 18, 2018 6:30 pm


blackpool wrote:the only purpose is having fun, sandbox style lol

It's really funny you mention a sandbox. I reckon I'm not the only one with some very early memories recalling playing in a sandbox. Sand in my clothes, in my hair (when I still had it)...sand everywhere and it was always genuine fun.

Hell, I even had fun playing in a sandbox with my kids. What a Face

When the hobby slips past fun and moves to obsession, it's time to move on.

14IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 4:40 pm


Stryker2011 wrote:Oh man! These are great. Love all the effects. And that last one, with the lower light giving the impression of them being lit by the flames is perfect. Really well done set up. Lord MacDonald and his lovely assistant are very cool, too. She's charming, indeed. I honestly don't remember seeing these before. Excellent work.

Thanks a lot mate! I had so much fun building that "diorama" (it's more a movie set than a real diorama tho)

GubernatorFan wrote:Love the update. Last Crusade is my favorite Indiana Jones movie (although I do like all three -- I'm not counting Crystal Skull as canon). And you do photograph that DX head sculpt a lot better than I do.

Thanks GF! I couldn't choose between the last crusade and the raiders of the lost ark, but agreed they are my favorites (and no way I count the crystal skull thing as canon)
About shooting that indy I really started enjoying him with ascending light, otherwise the shadow of his hat kills the life in his eyes, with the PERS system it's quite a shame...

Rogerbee wrote:Very nice! It's odd how the DX works with everything except the fedora. My Henry also went through a lot of incarnations before I settled on the best recipe.

Totally agreed! When I first tried other caps and hats on him he was much more recognizable than with the iconic fedora... weird!

PickleMunkey wrote:Man these are so damn good.

Thanks a lot my friend!

dadrab wrote: It's really funny you mention a sandbox. I reckon I'm not the only one with some very early memories recalling playing in a sandbox. Sand in my clothes, in my hair (when I still had it)...sand everywhere and it was always genuine fun.

Hell, I even had fun playing in a sandbox with my kids. What a Face

When the hobby slips past fun and moves to obsession, it's time to move on.

Haha, just like my memories, I had no proper sand box but my dad used to buy some construction sand in large bags and he provided me a mountain of sand in our backyard to dig tunnels for my lil gijoes... I spent countless hours at that lol

A couple more shots you already have seen but I had forgotten to post them here, I'm not as happy with the digital edit as on some of my other works... Hope you'll like GF, more last crusade!

"I suddenly remembered Charlemagne!"

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Image1

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Image2

15IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 4:49 pm


Founding Father
Pretty cool shots. The first one might work better if they’re pant legs were wet.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones C8485110

16IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 5:05 pm


Founding Father
Very nice Last Crusade shot! Was this bluescreen/greenscreen plus background, or a curved printout? By the way, shouldn't it be "I just remembered my Charlemagne"?

I'll be back!

17IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 5:16 pm


Stryker2011 wrote:Pretty cool shots. The first one might work better if they’re pant legs were wet.

You're right! Damn that is one brilliant idea! thanks!

GubernatorFan wrote:Very nice Last Crusade shot! Was this bluescreen/greenscreen plus background, or a curved printout? By the way, shouldn't it be "I just remembered my Charlemagne"?

Was green/blue screen yes, but natural light though... And yeah thanks for the exact line, I confess I know these movies by heart in my native french language from my childhood, now when I try to watch them in original version I feel like I am missing something lol

18IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 5:22 pm


Great photos and customs!

You really made that DX05 sculpt work. When the Treasure Hunter sculpt came out I used the DX05 with the Arab disguise.

19IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 5:24 pm


Lucky you, when I saw it I passed, then forgot, then couldn't find it anymore, big regrets for that one, it looked really good and had that "signature" grin of harrison ford.

20IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu May 24, 2018 9:03 pm


That are some of the best background scenes and effects i´ve ever seen. Also the poses and Your photographie style !

21IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:04 pm


Excellent pictures and backgrounds!

22IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:31 pm


Please show us a good bye in austrian and ss style Laughing

23IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:48 am


Great looking figures and photos!

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones 2v2J6CKfFxAChVkHosted on Fotki

24IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:18 pm


Ephiane wrote:That are some of the best background scenes and effects i´ve ever seen. Also the poses and Your photographie style !

Wow thanks a lot for that Ephiane, I find your work so cool and I always drool on your dioramas, really honored Smile

Spyder wrote:Excellent pictures and backgrounds!

Thanks a lot Spyder!

Ephiane wrote:Please show us a good bye in austrian and ss style Laughing

Haha I'd love to give it a try, I still need to build a decent female german outfit for Miss Schneider, and I miss good headsculpts to portray Donovan and the nazi colonel...

BAD WOLF-787 wrote:Great looking figures and photos!

Thanks a lot Bad Wolf!

Here is a new edit I did last night, not sure it really fits the "look what I made" category as it mainly digital editing, but still!

Hope you'll like!

IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Jonesampjones_18

25IndianaJones - The adventures of Dr Jones Empty Re: The adventures of Dr Jones Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:50 pm


Founding Father
Whatever it is, it looks great!

I'll be back!

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