I found this Android 18 head sculpt on ebay for pre-order. It's by a company called Iminitoys which I'm not familiar with, but the likeness for the character is spot-on. It comes in both 1:6 and 1:12 scale and two different styles; one sculpt with her eyes centered, the other with her eyes looking to her left. Take a look:
Here's a link to an ebay listing for this item: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Iminitoys-1-6-1-12-M003-Android-18-Lazuli-Pale-Skin-Anime-Girl-Head-Sculpt-Model/324334814211?hash=item4b83dc8403:g:qZ4AAOSwp6ZfiBHw
Here's a link to an ebay listing for this item: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Iminitoys-1-6-1-12-M003-Android-18-Lazuli-Pale-Skin-Anime-Girl-Head-Sculpt-Model/324334814211?hash=item4b83dc8403:g:qZ4AAOSwp6ZfiBHw