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NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian

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brassco wrote:I also think it may be difficult to put the suit onto a seamless body.

Yes, one of the "Notes" on the Monkey Depot site says that the suit is difficult to install on a seamless body.


If you get this figure, you definitely should get david sized diving gear and some underwater photography device and make underwater photos of this figure.

But if you can't decide, maybe get Colonel McKenzie first and ask him for advice.


Ovy wrote:If you get this figure, you definitely should get david sized diving gear and some underwater photography device and make underwater photos of this figure.

I may need to lose a few (dozen) pounds to fit comfortably in to a diving suit, unfortunately.  Crying or Very sad

By the time Colonel MacKenzie is in stock, Expensive Diver Girl will likely be sold out! Oh, the dilemma! pale

Except... well, I should save additional comments for the Colonel MacKenzie topic. Is there a Colonel MacKenzie topic?


Arrived today:

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueen1

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueen2

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueen4a

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueen4b


Off the cuff impression: the figure looks a lot better in the promo photos than it does in-hand.

Which might explain why the company prints this disclaimer on the outside of the shipping carton:

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueen9


doh, I hope the diving equipment looks good at least, as I recall that was the most important pieces for you?



csyeung wrote:doh, I hope the diving equipment looks good at least, as I recall that was the most important pieces for you?

Within five minutes I managed to break the zipper on one of the boots. Embarassed

Just ordered another pair of boots from Monkey Depot. Add $30 to the price of the figure. Sad

The dive gear looks good. But it's all pretty fragile. And it may not fit on a TBLeague body. Ankle and wrist pegs are different, as are the body proportions.


oof, that sucks. Maybe it may fit one of the smaller tbleague bodies? I find most regular figures are about the 24a/25b size



Okay... after looking at the figure more closely... and after irreparably damaging the zipper on one of the boots (the zipper actually broke in to pieces), I have to chalk this purchase up to experience and move on.

This Core Play Deep Water Ghosts figure is, by far, my most foolish and disappointing "impulse buy" ever. In fact, it's not going too far to say that, when price to value is factored in, this is my most disappointing toy, doll, or action figure purchase in my life.

The figure does not look as good in person as it does in the promo pics. It's not terrible, but it's obviously a toy. The quality I've seen in Executive Replicas/TBLeague figures at lower prices is simply not there. The body is cheap, jointed plastic with a rubberized neck and bust. The dive suit is has a very plastic feel and sheen to it. The suit does not fit nearly as well as the obviously retouched photos suggest. Everything is fragile - the zippers, the little plastic pieces, the fiddly little straps - it all just screams "cheap."

The quality of this figure is on par with a knock-off.

There are no instructions, not even a diagram, to indicate how the multiple little accessories are meant to be assembled. Considering how fragile everything is, I'm hesitant to do much fussing around to try to figure things out, for fear of breaking something else.

There is no display stand or base, not even a simple wire stand. The figure is definitely suited only for display, not for play or posing, but there's no real way to display it. It's certainly not going to stand up very securely on those stiletto heels, with those floppy hinged plastic joints.

The bust is not nearly as smooth and sexy as in the illustrations. Forget that half-unzipped wetsuit top. The interior seams of the wetsuit are poorly finished with loose threads and rough hems, and the cleavage is not nearly as well-defined as in the promotional images.

I am somewhat tempted at this point to bin the thing - literally toss it - and chalk it up to expensive lessons learned. Or, I could try selling off some of the kit, I suppose, and maybe make back a quarter of my loss.

Instead - what's that saying about throwing good money after bad? - I ordered a replacement pair of boots from Monkey Depot. I hope the zipper doesn't break when I try to put the one boot back on the figure. Until the boots arrive, I'll put the fig back in her box.

When the boots arrive, I shall try, very carefully, when I have a lot of light, to assemble the figure to the greatest degree possible, and then try to figure out a way to display it as a reminder - a harsh reminder to avoid STUPID IMPULSE BUYS, and to NEVER trust promo photos from the smaller manufacturers. Any future "top end" figure purchases will be those on TBLeague bodies, optimally those in conjunction with Executive Replicas. I've never had quality issues with the ER/TBL figures, and they have always closely resembled the promotional photos.

I may still sell this thing off. Maybe list it on eBay for half what I paid, with highly visible disclaimers and a firm ALL SALES FINAL / NO RETURNS policy.

This disappointment is my fault, and my fault alone. I knew, going in, that I might regret this. I was right.

Oh, and no, the suit and gear will not fit a TBLeague body. I have several bodies at hand - petite ones, plump ones, anime ones, teen ones. The way the boots fit, the fragility of the costume, the style of the hand pegs, none of it is compatible, and the amount of fussing about required to even get an approximate fit would almost certainly result in tears or breakage.

My loss is your gain - avoid this fig. Of course, y'all knew that already, didn't'cha?  Razz

Okay... I'm gonna go open up another box that arrived a few days ago, one that has something of known quality in it: TBLeague S44 and S45 bodies! Cute li'l things, those 44/45s!


That's a harsh lesson. As you said, "my loss is your gain". Thank you for taking a hit for the rest of us.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


Sorry that the figure was such disappointment, davidd. I know the drill all too well, especially the part about throwing good money after bad. I can’t stand having anything broken on a figure. It drives me absolutely insane, and it got so bad with the Unholy Grail that I finally did toss it in the dumpster.

Hopefully you can get still get some good use out of the figure. One way to look at it is that you have nothing to lose at this point.

Moonbase Alpha Male

Moonbase Alpha Male
So, this figure is definitely below "C" level?

Sorry to hear so, but I totally share Shazzdan's sentiment, "Thank you for taking a hit for the rest of us." On seeing this one, I was at the point where I probably wouldn't have ordered one, but if ever somebody put one in my hand, at a store or toy show, I probably would have gone for it (but no more).

Quick tip in passing with respect to the discussion above for photography of underwater figures.  I've used a really thin, really wide water full vase to shoot through, between the camera and the figure which stays dry and unharmed on the other side.  You can drop in some plant life, or theoretically even an aquarium bubbler.  I'm sure you could just use some Photoshop effect but this feels more authentic while still avoiding water damage.

The guidance counselor was surprised: “I didn’t even know career aptitude tests had a Super-Villain category.”


Moonbase Alpha Male wrote:So, this figure is definitely below "C" level?

Razz This comment is worth more than the figure!

The .45 automatic that comes with the set is nice. "Chrome plated" with "pearl" handles.


well...I've bought figures that are also disappointing to a certain extend. That's what impulse buying can do to you. That's why forum such as this is really useful in helping us decide whether we should pull the trigger or not. There's always a lesson learnt, and that's the take away from these experiences, i think.

Faster Than Life

Faster Than Life
davidd wrote: I am somewhat tempted at this point to bin the thing - literally toss it - and chalk it up to expensive lessons learned.

My impulse would be to try recasting the gear using some higher quality materials and silicon molds (I'm actually planning on this with Westley's sword, because that similarly feels very fragile when handled, though it's not brittle enough that I'm worried about anything snapping while I'm posing him), and as for the figure...well, she seems a write-off, but her outfit could be used as a pattern, with higher quality materials.

Make a 'knock-off' that's higher quality than the original, basically.


I think a paint job would be sufficient to fix many of the items.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


Founding Father
Stryker2011 wrote:This does look cool, but my concern is the company making it. Not sure if they are using one of their own bodies, but I have two of their earlier figures that came out about 4-5 years ago, and they are seriously crap — unable to stand on their own for a jointed body (pretty much like the junk that Sideshow uses most of the time). The diving gear is the best part of this — the boots are pretty much throw-aways, as mentioned, but seeing as she has them on with the flippers makes me wonder if they can be used with just “feet”.

Not to say “I told you so”… but…


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 C8485110



1. I should have waited to order replacement boots. It occurred to me to simply wrap up the damaged boot with black electrical tape. I did so, and the repair is practically invisible, even up close. It's more than adequate as a makeshift repair for a low-grade display figure.

2. The figure looks a lot better after replacing the stock head with a YMToys YMT040A sculpt. The colour match is spot-on, too!

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueenedit2

Simply adding a black beret jazzes up the stock head sculpt:

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Sharkqueenedit1

The figure might look nominally better with these enhancements, but it's still fragile and lacking in posing potential or play value.


Founding Father
Yes on both counts!

I'll be back!


Picked up one of these a while back, but she's still in the box. Had a lot of trouble figuring out where all the diving gear went, and I didn't want to go through the trouble when the body and head are underwhelming for me, so I figured I'd wait until I figure out what I want to transplant the suit and accessories to.

To be honest, aside from those and the MP7 being kind of sucky (I pretty much swap out all modern firearms out on most figures; once you get accustomed to Easy & Simple, very little compares), I thought all of the gear and the suit itself were just fine, but I seem to be a lot less critical than most of the folks here, so my opinion probably isn't worth a whole lot.


After trying to fit the Core Play dive suit on to a number of TBLeague seamless bodies, it seems the best fit is on the S34/S35 "teen" body:

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Diverbabe2

NEW PRODUCT: Coreplay: 1/6 scale Three Sisters Of Deep Sea Water Ghosts Raider Lillian - Page 2 Diverbabe1

Here's the wetsuit on an S35 body with a YMT040 head sculpt.

I was expecting the suit to fit the S36/37 "anime" body, but the shoulders on the anime body are too narrow, so the fit is baggy at the shoulders and the sleeves are too long. The thighs are slightly too thin to fit the leg openings on the wetsuit. Overall, it just didn't look right. Close, but not quite.

Unfortunately, the S34/35 body has attached feet. The boots included with the Core Play set require peg feet. I will either have to irreparably modify the S35 body, or find some "close enough" after market tall black boots. As I have spent so much already, I'll probably shell out another twenty-five or thirty bucks for another pair of boots.


Founding Father
I hope the suit does not stain the body. It does look like a good fit, but I guess if the zipper can't go up more it is also not ideal.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:I hope the suit does not stain the body. It does look like a good fit, but I guess if the zipper can't go up more it is also not ideal.

The suit will zip up... but why would you want to? Wink

Yes, I suspect staining is a given in this case. The vinyl dive suit has a cloth lining, but it is dark colored cloth.


I'm all for Suba Diver's in 1/6th scale. From what i have seen, there does not appear to be much on offer.

Based on the photo's in the OP, i am not sold on the choice of material Coreplay used for the black material, as it fails to fit the theme of a true diver, coming off more like a stage-act / pole-dancer scuba-diver. Why would a diver want a single metal knee pad?

Some of the accessories, including the flippers and air-tank look decent enough. I might be inclined to remove the sticker from the air-tank.

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