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NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets

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Founding Father
Ratio: 1/6
Item No.: YMT061A/B
Material: PVC
Cut-off time: September 28,
2021 Shipping time: Fourth quarter of 2021

Selling point: Comes with a three-color hair set can be replaced
list: head * 1 hair Set*3

headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035010
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035012
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035011
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035111
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035110
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035112
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035210
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035211
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035212
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035310
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035311
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035312
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035313
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035410
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035411
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035510
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035511
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035512
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035610
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035611
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035612
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035711
headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 23035710

#newproduct #YMToys #Haruko #female #headsculpt #interchangeablehair #accessory


Ew, no.

I mean - quite aside from the flat, plasticky look, they aren't even bothering to make the hairbands a different colour.

It might be interesting if there was an actual bald head under there, instead of just a faceplate that connects to the hair piece.


What were they thinking?  headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 1f648


Founding Father
LOL yes, I agree about the hairbands. Otherwise probably a very nice anime-ish face. But if it is just a face plate, that would complicate any potential modification.

I'll be back!


Oh boy! Mix and match plastic hair, just like Pinky Street figures had back in... 2004! Rolling Eyes

Considering that the 10cm/4 inch Pinky:st figs had oversized heads, I wonder if Pinky hair would fit on this figure? Or if hair from this new figure would fit on Pinky figs?

Is moulded plastic hair making a comeback? I'm getting an impression that a number of the newly announced complete character figures are featuring molded hair.


So... was anyone planning to make a 1/6 Wendy's?


FreakinLobster wrote:So... was anyone planning to make a 1/6 Wendy's?

D'ya wanna Frosty and fries wi' dat? Razz


Even if you do prefer moulded hair, these still look unbelievably amateurishly-produced, as though they've come straight out of a 3D printer and just been left unpainted.

davidd wrote:Is moulded plastic hair making a comeback? I'm getting an impression that a number of the newly announced complete character figures are featuring molded hair.

Well, it would be one way of getting me out of this hobby and saving me a couple of hundred pounds every month. Smile

I think YM need to take a little breather now and sit back and think about what they're doing with this variable high turnout business model of theirs. For every one good-looking head they make, there seem to be nine others that are distinctly dodgy. Take some time out and use the downtime to get those ten or so heads still on the preorder backlist actually out on the market - but even then, the only one of those I'm actually looking forward to in any sense of the word is this one:

headsculpt - NEW PRODUCT: YMToys: 1/6 Haruko beauty head carving can change hair color to send three sets 1dd81a10

And who even knows how that's going to look in-hand.


I find molded hair quite disappointing too. Plus, I'm pretty sure they don't even sell these heads for that much cheaper. Not counting the hair it's just another anime-like, child-like headsculpt from YMT.
You can complain about the SD, they are working much slower, but at least their every second or third HS is remarkable.


I'm not a fan of molded hair, as are many others here, but even by molded hair standards, this is really awful!
No shading, no colour grading, no hairband colour, and the molding itself looks too chunky and lacks detail.
Sorry YMToys, but even if this fell out of a budget Christmas cracker, I'd still feel ripped off!

Maybe focus on the late headsculpts some of us preordered months ago, instead of pressing on with these?


Founding Father
While I think you guys are right about the hair being incredibly basic, isn't this consistent with the target style? Or perhaps I am so clueless about anime that I underestimate it and consequently am less critical of this product.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:While I think you guys are right about the hair being incredibly basic, isn't this consistent with the target style?

Well, I am actually grateful to them for not being the slightest threat to my wallet. Laughing

GubernatorFan wrote:Or perhaps I am so clueless about anime that I underestimate it and consequently am less critical of this product.

I'm no expert in this genre either, but I have seen several examples (including from YMT) of more sophisticated anime-based headsculpts. Somehow even for the sophistication of this face, this hair is too toy-like..


Founding Father
Oh yes, definitely toy like. Almost Lego. And what scale is that? Smile I just meant I expected it to be super stylized, although I suppose there is a difference between that and toylike.

I'll be back!


Very odd. Normally, I give YMtoys kudos for doing interesting things with the rooted hairstyles that other companies don't attempt. But in this case, I'm not sure I really see the point. If they wanted to change hair styles, why not make a bald head and then offer wigs to go with it? That's something I WISH 1/6 scale companies would offer. While rooting hair with natural fibers is awesome and all, I don't always have the time and inclination to do that for every single figure, and it would be sooo nice to have the option of actual wigs (and/or nicer swappable hair pieces).

On top of all of that, I'm not really keen on yet another stylised face. YMToys do nice realistic faces when they want to, but their stylised designs have vastly outnumbered the realistic ones lately.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Well put, Sky.

I'll be back!


If the face actually was more anime/manga then it wouldn't be so bad. Still not to my personal taste, but at least I could understand what they were aiming for. But this?

It's the awkward clash of realistic (if admittedly stylised) face and incompatible flat 2D hair that offends.


GubernatorFan wrote:Almost Lego.

Oh, yes, LEGO is exactly what I had in mind, and especially this figure. But it's a LEGO - from the '80s...


GeeWillikers wrote:If the face actually was more anime/manga then it wouldn't be so bad. Still not to my personal taste, but at least I could understand what they were aiming for. But this?

It's the awkward clash of realistic (if admittedly stylised) face and incompatible flat 2D hair that offends.

I totally agree.


What bugs me on YMToys heads is that they tend to be a bit small for the average TBL bodies, and it must be even worse on the S42/43 ones.


Founding Father
LOL, I suppose that is true -- there is a disconnect between the super stylized hair and the fairly realistic (for anime) face. Since I don't care for anime, that last part makes it a little more appealing to me, but it does result in an awkward mismatch between face and hair. I think you guys hit the nail on the head.

Saturn, I owned Lego mini figures with that exact hairstyle. Actually I think there are some that are even closer parallels among the newer ones, but they are still hardly appropriate for sixth scale.

I'll be back!

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