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(Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal

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I was looking for something unique to add to my new lamp (that I found on the street as I did the table) as a centre piece to hang over my 1/6 Iron Man and LOTR/THT figures that stood out for all the right reasons; I was going to get the HT PC game version of the Iron Spider to do this (probably still will Wink ) but decided he would still blend in too much with all the Iron Man red and gold on the table. Then I saw this guy, only one I could find for sale so perhaps a limited release? I'm not interested in the character himself (he's an alien who fights the new "Iron Manesque" Ultraman and occasionally sides with him) For info on him go here:

Personally I just love the aggressive design of the suit and how it appears to hover rather than stand (although it can do both with no issues), while being unique it also has an aesthetic style that coincidently shares attributes in design with my Iron Man collection below on one side AND with my 'The Hobbit' custom built Ring Wraiths and Sauron himself, which creates a 'bridge' between the two collections.

Quick quality and feel overview: Heavy, very heavy! (I've used braided wire fishing line to suspend him as I didn't have confidence in regular fishing line for his weight). His clever locking stand (take notes Hot Toys!) will support his weight but I'm not sure if I'd trust it on a glass table or high shelf, you wouldn't want this sharp metal infused heavy figure landing on your head and this is coming from a guy who lives surrounded by exposed live sword blades suspended all over the house, (seriously over 100!).

All the joints are great except the head won't tilt back very far unlike their version of Ultraman ( also reviewed here: Nearly every piece of armour on this figure is articulated on a hidden ball joint, all the leg segments and shoulder armour in particular, there are also opening vents for propulsion ports similar to an Iron Man or Warmachine figure just a little underwhelming in comparison, these are located on the chest, the shoulder blades and 3 on each calf armour. The electrics are very basic and simple to get at on the figure, pull off the top of the helmet and press a switch, undo the clavicle armour (clips into chest and is articulated on a small ball joint)  and pull off the chest armour and behind it is the PCB with batteries and switch, the supplied batteries literally died within a few minutes and I haven't got around to changing them, pretty much the same story with every Hot Toys figure I own too! Wink

The accessories are plentiful a great but no articulated hands which is a bummer, there are however plenty of posed ones to choose from pair of: fists, gesturing (that can also hold the smaller beams just by luck and not design I think), splayed with pegs for attaching all accessories and a single right hand with permanently attached big flat translucent blue energy beam coming out of the bottom of the palm at a weird Ultraman specific angle that limits is use in posing a lot. There are two sets of translucent red beams, small and large (thin and fat), the large ones don't like to stay on if faced downwards which has kind of ruined the pose I want him in as he now has the small ones instead; I think the peg system should have been reversed, there's obviously a reason why every other toy company on Earth plug a beam into a hole and don't do it this way. All the effects parts are L&R specific too as the pegs on the hands are 'keyed' and the shape of the effect is matched to either L or R hand including the Energy Ball attachment pieces which is why there are two but only one hole in the ball itself. The ball itself has plenty of LEDs that light it up nicely by tapping on it once you've put the batteries in which is shown in the instructions, it lasts for about 10 seconds pulsing and diming towards the end and at the beginning I think. I say I think because mine has stopped working properly, the motion activated switch is a bit dodgy on my figure, probably got some rust in the switch's contacts as I found rust on the battery contacts, I guess their supplier of electronic components is a bit dodgy too! Easily fixed I imagine but haven't got around to it yet.

Lots of pics to do the talking now, including comparisons with the HT IM MK45, the HT Ultron Prime and my customised Ultraman figure turned into Pepper Potts' Rescue/First Aid comic's armour. I'm thinking of this guy as Marvel's Black Knight as he was an enemy of IM but also an ally at times, he has the corrupted blood red sword from when he and his ancestors fell to the bloodthirsty curse of the magic sword, he also has what could pass for the Shield Of Darkness absorbing power (the energy ball in this case) and the Sword Of Light (the blue beam effect) which were used in concert with each other; the shield feeding the sword energy. He could also fly in the cartoons with a rather daft rocket sled with horse's saddle.... I like the idea of him being self propelled personally... info on The Black Knight here although I had been thinking of the cartoon version in 'Iron Man: Armoured Adventures':

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal HS3QHRg

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal L4PfIzy

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Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal HQT1gbf

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal Cmpoz34

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Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 40IllqX

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal YEQnpTj

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 40IllqX

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal Q3uSxor


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal Wwqseaq

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal J5N0fts

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal L1LdL7d

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal QAluaxQ

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal P5ESIZK

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 30Y76YD

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Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal LYR5Pp0

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal N7eVXrU

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal SCqXcgz

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal Ko1LyWy

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal RbfJ60l

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 5d1klNb

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 0ntpmu0

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal QcjKMVF

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal QujkByM

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal GzDTFTF

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal GoguDfi

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal HwLbWTy

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal UDTRIjQ

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal ZcvWBaD

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal LMduGQn

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal H37PzvS

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 2y072to

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 9JoB3aE


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal S48XMqS

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal EqwXuaj

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal MQrAD4v

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal UCU7Vwa

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal RPuc4nq


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal GqaNo9Z


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 7CBJUFn

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal TdFKtWc

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 7xsjsXJ

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal L0TaEsF

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal T9CQK8E

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal X88kKZ3

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 34FiX67


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal BLr8cBb

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal TrtxFgi


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal Dqj6LLg

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal FVOqaeG

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal WVxOLti

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal CO2piiY

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 24NyXFF


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal T1FvKTx

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal VIOBGRL

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal E0M5UHK

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal OnNlaPw


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal XY09iKt


Founding Father
Thank you for the review. Very complex piece, with so much to go for it. I'm sure that with your skill and ingenuity, you will find your way to improving any of the minor annoyances in no time. The title card of the reference video made me expect something completely different, but I can see how this goes well with the Iron Man figures.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:Thank you for the review. Very complex piece, with so much to go for it. I'm sure that with your skill and ingenuity, you will find your way to improving any of the minor annoyances in no time. The title card of the reference video made me expect something completely different, but I can see how this goes well with the Iron Man figures.

I can understand how the Black Knight video would throw you off but how on Earth did the title of the thread? lol. Okay I get it now you mean the title of the video, how they have cut it short not mentioning the Black Knight.


Founding Father
Cool looking piece and certainly right up your street! I still get emails from here, which is how I knew about the thread. I wouldn't worry about the pics, we can still see all we need to see. My forum pics are always the same size as yours.



Rogerbee wrote:Cool looking piece and certainly right up your street! I still get emails from here, which is how I knew about the thread. I wouldn't worry about the pics, we can still see all we need to see. My forum pics are always the same size as yours.


Cheers Roger! Great to see you posting on a thread of mine again like old times! Laughing  Did you have a chance to check out my new Dwarves thread? I know you've seen the two finished new ones on FB, I'm working on a third now which at the moment is involving untangling a load of thread.


Founding Father

Been there, checked and commented. I accumulate stuff now and again, but it never gets worked on. I saw an FB post featuring Geometric Star Trek vinyl kits the other week and bought up all the ones I wanted but never got round to. I'll have a decent away team when they eventually get done.

Whenever Covid does one, or it doesn't become a thing anymore, I'll make tracks. Hopefully next year we'll see things improve..........


Rogerbee wrote:
Been there, checked and commented. I accumulate stuff now and again, but it never gets worked on. I saw an FB post featuring Geometric Star Trek vinyl kits the other week and bought up all the ones I wanted but never got round to. I'll have a decent away team when they eventually get done.

Whenever Covid does one, or it doesn't become a thing anymore, I'll make tracks. Hopefully next year we'll see things improve..........

Talking of Star Trek, I recently found out this company reviewed below, might be making a Borg Queen and a Borg or two in 1/6...Presenter gets on my tits but don't they all?


Moved him further up the lamp's armature so now he's actually lit up and you can see him...doh!

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 7yufsmu


Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal L7k1Hj7

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal ZvtfGOd

Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal FdO00aH


Founding Father
Nice work. Looks like an epic battle pile up already. Smile

LOL you've discovered Danoby2! He can be a bit mellow for my taste at times, but he's generally quite good and useful. Just consider yourself lucky you did not stumble across his ASMR DID Astronauts (Michael Collins) unboxing review. That thing made me go ballistic -- just in my head, of course. Smile

Having come across this video by him, looks like he'd fit right in here:

Anyway, we've talked about EXO-6 and them picking up where QMX dropped the ball in the Star Trek franchize. Check out the New Products section.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
shovelchop81 wrote:

Talking of Star Trek, I recently found out this company reviewed below, might be making a Borg Queen and a Borg or two in 1/6...Presenter gets on my tits but don't they all?

Those figures are top notch, and he is only doing Trek. They are meticulously done and are works of art. They are under $200 too so you do get bang for your buck. That said though, my entire away team cost less than the current 2 figures retail for. I'm not a diehard Trekkie per se, but, I do like the characters and can appreciate good work when I see it. Geometric hired top talent for their kits and Nanjin has done likewise with these figures.


Very cool, very pointy looking figure, I agree with not wanting it to fall on anyone's head too. I think you could wield it as a weapon but it's still a very interesting figure with lots of details.

I do this for fun, otherwise it would be my job. alien

All of my alt-history themed figures in one convenient link! BooBomb's alt history figures! Ultraman - (Better Final Display Pics Added) Review Of 1/6 Bemular, An Armoured Enemy Of Ultraman, Big with lots of Die-Cast metal 1f60e

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